Mackerel with vegetables.

Defrosted fish rinse thoroughly. Along the entire fin fish with a sharp knife to make an incision on both sides. Remove the backbone and all the insides, gills, small bones and black film. Rub with salt, garlic and butter (in moderation).
Peel the vegetables. Onion, eggplant, bell peppers, mushrooms, cut into cubes, carrots - grate. In a small number of any vegetable oil lightly fry vegetables (I have added a spoonful of sour cream). Salt and pepper, add spices to taste. Fill the fish sauteed vegetables. Cream cheese and cool grate and cover the entire surface of their vegetables. Stuffed fish wrap in foil and place in oven for 15 minutes, then open the foil to redden, acquired color for 5-7 minutes. Stuffed fish in the oven is ready. You can decorate and serve.