A friend once again complained about her husband, then I made a decision that I soon regretted.
For some women, the very concept ofhusband of a friend“, as if by magic, arouses wild interest. So to say, it encourages you to prove to yourself that she is still capable of much. What's the challenge? Of course, frown, fall in love with yourself, lure, in order to feel how a stranger is ready to fulfill your personal whims, while his legitimate woman sits at home and suffers in conjecture. Sport, I must say, is not very noble.
However, there are those who have other people’s husbands really cause pity. Such women cannot pass by couples in which a woman, in their opinion, behaves incorrectly. They need to put in their five cents. It may sound strange, but sometimes it even works. And do you think it's okay to go into someone else's family when you think it's almost broken up?
In our small town, there are few out-of-the-box events. So word of mouth basically broadcasts all sorts of local gossip and rumors. It was always strange for me to realize that the person my neighbor told me about, for example, half an hour ago, might meet me on the way to the store. It’s like seeing a celebrity under your porch and not even looking. Aren't ordinary people making celebrities so popular?
Peels I have recently found such fame myself. Unfortunately, people in our town are still discussing my situation. But only a few people support me as a person. On the one hand, I understand why: the age close to retirement or pre-retirement does not allow a person to think with his mind. Solid patterns and antediluvian reasoning. On the other hand, too many women have been burned in relationships with busy men. That’s why they put their negative experiences on me.
But I don't pay any attention to them. The psyche needs to be protected. And no matter how it looks from the outside: only you and no one else can make your life happier. Even if you need to push another man to an important, but very difficult step. And I certainly did.
It all started with the fact that I learned from my friend a new claim to my man. She complained to me about Boris, her legal husband, while he was away. A month ago, he suddenly decided to do her a favor. I came home and with a “foolish” smile handed Alina, my friend, a present: one rose packed in a cellophane wrapper.
To me, as a lonely woman, his action did not seem strange, but Alina even began to scowl when she described it. It turned out that on the Internet, among the female community, such a gesture is sharply condemned. A single rose is considered shameful and unacceptable. And the cellophane packaging, which the sellers themselves give to men, is generally like the last nail in the coffin lid. So my friend made a scandal for her benevolent man, broke a flower and resented him for the whole day.
After that conversation, I thought about how people could live together in the same apartment and not go crazy in a month. Judge for yourself: I came to Alina on my day off. I work so I don’t care much about social media. I certainly don’t understand the latest trends. She, in turn, works from home, if the production of candles on a template can be called labor. But the losses are borne only by the pocket of Boris, her wife. And Alina takes the profits.
Then I remembered her other stories related to her family life. About how Boris bought her not the jewelry she wanted. And about how he decided to let go of his beard, and she didn't like it. And then at night, armed with a shaving machine, she cut off a long line of hair on his cheek. My beard had to be shaved off, which made my friend very amused. But Boris went for a few days very sad and shaved.
They're both under 40. Like me, actually. So what's the point of me asking my friend's husband to meet and sit down for a cup of coffee? I didn't know what would come next! All I wanted was an innocent conversation, a little moral support, and nothing else. But in practice, Boris opened up to me and admitted that he regretted his stupid decision to marry Alina. Well, they never had children.
We started dating secretly, and yes, I realize it's a lot like a regular affair. But I felt that Boris and I were drawn to each other. It's not my fault that my friend, in family terms, turned out to be a thorn.
And for a couple of weeks, it was great. I took a vacation, Boris’s working day was not standardized, so he could visit his wife when he was comfortable. And she didn't even notice that anything was going wrong. She continued to sit on the phone, watch TV shows and suffer from nonsense. I think I even found a new “vocation.” Pseudo author's jewelry from beads or some other nonsense. You order a parcel from China, string beads on a thread and rejoice in your “creativity and creativity”.
We were let down by chance. A mutual acquaintance saw Borea and I walking to the store near my house. I saw it and told Alina everything. I ended up being a witch, a break-up and the worst person on earth. Overall, I was ready for it. It was a shame that Boris did not stand up for me. He repented, returned to his wife, and told me that our communication was a mistake.
Now half the locals look at me judgmentally when they see me on the street. They say nothing, but they significantly turn away, as if it would somehow spoil my mood. Overall, nothing has changed in my life. I continue to live alone, work, and don’t listen to my ex-girlfriend’s ravings about new abuse of her man.
On the other hand, I learned that he and Boris, after all, managed to reconcile and now they can often be seen together, walking in an embrace. But before Alina did not like such walks. So they should be grateful to me. But I'm not offended. It's an experience for me, too. If a man is not ready to fight for his happiness, then I do not need it either. Living alone isn't so bad. What happens next, we’ll see. There are many more fish in the sea.

However, there are those who have other people’s husbands really cause pity. Such women cannot pass by couples in which a woman, in their opinion, behaves incorrectly. They need to put in their five cents. It may sound strange, but sometimes it even works. And do you think it's okay to go into someone else's family when you think it's almost broken up?
In our small town, there are few out-of-the-box events. So word of mouth basically broadcasts all sorts of local gossip and rumors. It was always strange for me to realize that the person my neighbor told me about, for example, half an hour ago, might meet me on the way to the store. It’s like seeing a celebrity under your porch and not even looking. Aren't ordinary people making celebrities so popular?

Peels I have recently found such fame myself. Unfortunately, people in our town are still discussing my situation. But only a few people support me as a person. On the one hand, I understand why: the age close to retirement or pre-retirement does not allow a person to think with his mind. Solid patterns and antediluvian reasoning. On the other hand, too many women have been burned in relationships with busy men. That’s why they put their negative experiences on me.
But I don't pay any attention to them. The psyche needs to be protected. And no matter how it looks from the outside: only you and no one else can make your life happier. Even if you need to push another man to an important, but very difficult step. And I certainly did.

It all started with the fact that I learned from my friend a new claim to my man. She complained to me about Boris, her legal husband, while he was away. A month ago, he suddenly decided to do her a favor. I came home and with a “foolish” smile handed Alina, my friend, a present: one rose packed in a cellophane wrapper.
To me, as a lonely woman, his action did not seem strange, but Alina even began to scowl when she described it. It turned out that on the Internet, among the female community, such a gesture is sharply condemned. A single rose is considered shameful and unacceptable. And the cellophane packaging, which the sellers themselves give to men, is generally like the last nail in the coffin lid. So my friend made a scandal for her benevolent man, broke a flower and resented him for the whole day.
After that conversation, I thought about how people could live together in the same apartment and not go crazy in a month. Judge for yourself: I came to Alina on my day off. I work so I don’t care much about social media. I certainly don’t understand the latest trends. She, in turn, works from home, if the production of candles on a template can be called labor. But the losses are borne only by the pocket of Boris, her wife. And Alina takes the profits.

Then I remembered her other stories related to her family life. About how Boris bought her not the jewelry she wanted. And about how he decided to let go of his beard, and she didn't like it. And then at night, armed with a shaving machine, she cut off a long line of hair on his cheek. My beard had to be shaved off, which made my friend very amused. But Boris went for a few days very sad and shaved.
They're both under 40. Like me, actually. So what's the point of me asking my friend's husband to meet and sit down for a cup of coffee? I didn't know what would come next! All I wanted was an innocent conversation, a little moral support, and nothing else. But in practice, Boris opened up to me and admitted that he regretted his stupid decision to marry Alina. Well, they never had children.
We started dating secretly, and yes, I realize it's a lot like a regular affair. But I felt that Boris and I were drawn to each other. It's not my fault that my friend, in family terms, turned out to be a thorn.

And for a couple of weeks, it was great. I took a vacation, Boris’s working day was not standardized, so he could visit his wife when he was comfortable. And she didn't even notice that anything was going wrong. She continued to sit on the phone, watch TV shows and suffer from nonsense. I think I even found a new “vocation.” Pseudo author's jewelry from beads or some other nonsense. You order a parcel from China, string beads on a thread and rejoice in your “creativity and creativity”.
We were let down by chance. A mutual acquaintance saw Borea and I walking to the store near my house. I saw it and told Alina everything. I ended up being a witch, a break-up and the worst person on earth. Overall, I was ready for it. It was a shame that Boris did not stand up for me. He repented, returned to his wife, and told me that our communication was a mistake.
Now half the locals look at me judgmentally when they see me on the street. They say nothing, but they significantly turn away, as if it would somehow spoil my mood. Overall, nothing has changed in my life. I continue to live alone, work, and don’t listen to my ex-girlfriend’s ravings about new abuse of her man.

On the other hand, I learned that he and Boris, after all, managed to reconcile and now they can often be seen together, walking in an embrace. But before Alina did not like such walks. So they should be grateful to me. But I'm not offended. It's an experience for me, too. If a man is not ready to fight for his happiness, then I do not need it either. Living alone isn't so bad. What happens next, we’ll see. There are many more fish in the sea.
When my daughter-in-law said my son had changed, I didn't take it seriously, but then I realized it.
The New Year’s table this year should be set wisely, so as not to offend the Dragon and earn his favor.