When I saw Natasha at a meeting of classmates, I was horrified, there was nothing left from the bright and cheerful girl.
I really like the saying that only unloved women have to make up at sunrise and watch every kilogram. And favorite They can afford anything. What a stupid thing! But everything falls into place, if you see it visually, by the example of one person. And so did my good friend, who went through an incredible transformation. This is a story about how "bad wife" She turned into a smart girl, a beauty and a real queen.
About such cases it is also said that this is the transformation of an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. But I don't think that's a fair observation. Because I know my friend has always been a beautiful swan. But for some unknown reason, I stayed in a relationship where I was always extremely guilty. And it wouldn't be surprising if it weren't for the enlightening happy ending I want to share with all the women in the world.
How a beloved woman makes a bad wife
Mayakovsky has a beautiful line: “I do not scold my wife, I will never leave her.” It was with me that she became bad, and I took her good.” If only all men thought so! In relationships, everything happens, especially in long and serious. Passion slowly fades, giving way to true love and understanding. Unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone.
Natasha always had fanBut she never abused the attention of a male. She wasn't keen on going on a lot of dates and was always looking for something serious to be sure of. I don't remember her having any affairs for a month or two. With a unique natural beauty, she also got a certain stiffness and shyness. My friends and I joked that she was too serious and boring. But, as is often the case, it was Natasha who jumped out of the marriage first.
We can say that from that moment we lost Natasha. And although we were envious of white envy at first, it became obvious that family life was clearly not good for her. Natasha's first husband, of course, was handsome. Ambitious, smart, he achieved everything himself: he bought a car, he opened a small shop, then a second. But the happiness is in their home. It never became..
Unsplash Family Life First, Natasha disappeared. All radar. She didn't go to our women's gatherings anymore, and she didn't go anywhere at all. A little later on the street she could only be found with a stroller. Of course, with the first child, all opportunities to work in the office disappeared, and those friends who were her colleagues completely disappeared. I tried to visit her whenever possible, but everything was so twisted and twisted that we could only call occasionally.
During the call, she had a tired voice. She said almost nothing about herself, listened more. And to any questions she answered that everything is fine, it is not better. A couple of years passed from call to call, and now I miraculously see her at a meeting of classmates.
How tired she was! Bruises under the eyes, very thin, even the skin as if faded and grayed. And she looked much older. Now I can only wonder how her husband let her go. It seems that on that day, Natasha’s mother came to help with the children. And now there were three children, so to meet an old friend among classmates really was a miracle.
I didn’t like her appearance and the bitterness of everything she said. It is as if the mind is far away. And it was frightening how much lifeless She looked like a friend. My intuition sounded the alarm, and next weekend I decided to visit her.
This was only the second time I visited Natasha after her marriage. And I must say that the apartment has changed a lot. After all, with three children it is difficult to maintain perfect cleanliness. While the kettle was boiling, Natasha rocked with one hand the youngest, the second collected from the table in a stack of coloring books. While my mother was in the kitchen, the middle and older child kept throwing out toys. On the stove was already burning rice porridge.
Things were as follows: while the husband is at work, Natasha is on the farm. Clean, wash, cook, but most importantly, watch. In addition, in a free moment, she works part-time in her specialty - as a translator at a remote location. It turned out that the husband’s money is barely enough to support the whole family, and problems began with the business, the flow of customers decreased significantly.
While we were talking, Natasha was torn between the stove, the children, and the Internet mailing of those same translations. I can’t imagine how you can live in such a rhythm even for one day, let alone for years. But she didn't complain, only apologized if she needed to get distracted again. And then he came. lover.
Unsplash Okin dissatisfied with the look of the living room, littered with toys, he only said: “If only the cat poured water.” What do you do all day long? Then he looked at me harshly, nodded and went to the room to change clothes. His eyes gave me goosebumps. I felt like I didn't belong here and I didn't come at the right time. And the friend was already in a hurry to pour water to the cat, because, according to her husband, she does nothing special, and she just has a lot of time. I never saw a cat, by the way. He seems to have made the wise decision not to show up in the midst of routine fuss.
Then we sat down to eat patties with rice porridge. Naturally, the husband curled when he saw that the rice was slightly burned in some places. He didn't miss an opportunity to joke about Natasha. badassHe can't even cook. Then I also decided to joke that maybe she would be much better able to put on an evening dress and put on makeup to go with me to sit in the cafe. To which he replied (also jokingly) that Natasha was no longer a girl to do such nonsense. Who's going to sit with the kids?
From that moment on, I began to call Natasha more often and go with her for walks with children whenever my schedule allowed. We spent Saturday morning together in the park. And although Natasha might have called home for tea, I knew I wouldn't be welcome at home. Husband, tired after a hard work week, for a walk I didn't go out. And good, because it was unpleasant for me to cross paths with him. I could not relate normally to a man with whom a gentle and bright girl turned into a tortured one. greywoman.
During one of the Saturday walks, I decided to have a serious conversation. It seemed to me that if I talked to Natasha about the fact that her marriage could not be saved, she would open her eyes. Now I understand how naive it was to think that my opinion from the outside could change anything. Natasha even became white with fear, hearing that husband doesn't appreciate her And he doesn't think she's human. And that she is not a bad wife, but he is a bad husband! I had the most serious arguments, but did I need them? Turns out not. In the end, my friend was just offended, and our communication completely stopped.
Why for someone? badassThe next time I met Natasha 5 years later, when I returned to my hometown. A lot has changed since then, and so have my views on relationships. I decided to call an old friend to meet a few years later and forget all the grievances. I also had plans. apologize for our last conversation. I shouldn't have minded my own business.
What was my surprise when a flowering lady came to the meeting, attracting the eyes of strangers. She wore a neat but elegant dress, light but high-quality makeup, but most importantly - a wide smile. I recognized her right away! That's it. natashaThe one I've known since I was a student. Only more beautiful and confident. She seemed even younger than the last time I saw her. Can you tell me how that's possible? The answer was simple.
- Where are the kids?
- My husband stayed at home with them. And they're all grown-ups.
- Husband? Is he sitting with the kids now? .
- Oh, you don't know. This is another husband, and Tolik and I have long divorced.
It turned out that Tolik soon after my quarrel with Natasha. found another. A very young girl not only without children, but also without education. Thank you for paying child support and seeing his two sons and daughter. Of course, Natasha was hard, but now she is glad that it happened. She's not a bad wife anymore. She admitted that she would not leave her husband. And now she's in a happy marriage and feeling just fine.
Unsplash She shared with me that new-life It was a real revelation to her. For example, it is not necessary to carry heavy bags of food from the supermarket alone. Why, if you can go with your husband in the car and buy? And if she suddenly forgets something from the list, it will not be a tragedy, and no one will say that she is a woman. badass.
No one's gonna say she's badassIf she wanted to meet an old friend in a cafe and leave the children on her husband. And no one will blame her that the dress is up to the knee, not down to the floor, and that she has a wonderful lipstick color. Plus, no one will call her every 10 minutes, checking and asking her where she is and when she's coming home.
And if you do not have the strength to cook - no problem, you can always order pizza, go to a cafe or restaurant. Fortunately, earnings allow, because Natasha returned to transfers, and this is no longer a problem. When I asked her how she managed to raise children and come back to work, she said that it was all thanks to her. spouse-support. He loves it and almost wears it on his hands. I saw it myself when he came to pick her up in his car at the end of our party.
Unsplash Natasha waved her hand through the window and promised to make sure to call over the weekend. And I'm sure this wasn't our last meeting. After all, now that she is surrounded by care and support, Natasha not only looks better, she literally looks better. glowing. Now she is a wonderful wife, a beautiful mother, a luxurious woman and a respected specialist. There it is, the power of love. My only question is, why didn’t she leave that toxic relationship earlier?
About such cases it is also said that this is the transformation of an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. But I don't think that's a fair observation. Because I know my friend has always been a beautiful swan. But for some unknown reason, I stayed in a relationship where I was always extremely guilty. And it wouldn't be surprising if it weren't for the enlightening happy ending I want to share with all the women in the world.
How a beloved woman makes a bad wife

Mayakovsky has a beautiful line: “I do not scold my wife, I will never leave her.” It was with me that she became bad, and I took her good.” If only all men thought so! In relationships, everything happens, especially in long and serious. Passion slowly fades, giving way to true love and understanding. Unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone.
Natasha always had fanBut she never abused the attention of a male. She wasn't keen on going on a lot of dates and was always looking for something serious to be sure of. I don't remember her having any affairs for a month or two. With a unique natural beauty, she also got a certain stiffness and shyness. My friends and I joked that she was too serious and boring. But, as is often the case, it was Natasha who jumped out of the marriage first.
We can say that from that moment we lost Natasha. And although we were envious of white envy at first, it became obvious that family life was clearly not good for her. Natasha's first husband, of course, was handsome. Ambitious, smart, he achieved everything himself: he bought a car, he opened a small shop, then a second. But the happiness is in their home. It never became..

Unsplash Family Life First, Natasha disappeared. All radar. She didn't go to our women's gatherings anymore, and she didn't go anywhere at all. A little later on the street she could only be found with a stroller. Of course, with the first child, all opportunities to work in the office disappeared, and those friends who were her colleagues completely disappeared. I tried to visit her whenever possible, but everything was so twisted and twisted that we could only call occasionally.
During the call, she had a tired voice. She said almost nothing about herself, listened more. And to any questions she answered that everything is fine, it is not better. A couple of years passed from call to call, and now I miraculously see her at a meeting of classmates.
How tired she was! Bruises under the eyes, very thin, even the skin as if faded and grayed. And she looked much older. Now I can only wonder how her husband let her go. It seems that on that day, Natasha’s mother came to help with the children. And now there were three children, so to meet an old friend among classmates really was a miracle.
I didn’t like her appearance and the bitterness of everything she said. It is as if the mind is far away. And it was frightening how much lifeless She looked like a friend. My intuition sounded the alarm, and next weekend I decided to visit her.

This was only the second time I visited Natasha after her marriage. And I must say that the apartment has changed a lot. After all, with three children it is difficult to maintain perfect cleanliness. While the kettle was boiling, Natasha rocked with one hand the youngest, the second collected from the table in a stack of coloring books. While my mother was in the kitchen, the middle and older child kept throwing out toys. On the stove was already burning rice porridge.
Things were as follows: while the husband is at work, Natasha is on the farm. Clean, wash, cook, but most importantly, watch. In addition, in a free moment, she works part-time in her specialty - as a translator at a remote location. It turned out that the husband’s money is barely enough to support the whole family, and problems began with the business, the flow of customers decreased significantly.
While we were talking, Natasha was torn between the stove, the children, and the Internet mailing of those same translations. I can’t imagine how you can live in such a rhythm even for one day, let alone for years. But she didn't complain, only apologized if she needed to get distracted again. And then he came. lover.

Unsplash Okin dissatisfied with the look of the living room, littered with toys, he only said: “If only the cat poured water.” What do you do all day long? Then he looked at me harshly, nodded and went to the room to change clothes. His eyes gave me goosebumps. I felt like I didn't belong here and I didn't come at the right time. And the friend was already in a hurry to pour water to the cat, because, according to her husband, she does nothing special, and she just has a lot of time. I never saw a cat, by the way. He seems to have made the wise decision not to show up in the midst of routine fuss.
Then we sat down to eat patties with rice porridge. Naturally, the husband curled when he saw that the rice was slightly burned in some places. He didn't miss an opportunity to joke about Natasha. badassHe can't even cook. Then I also decided to joke that maybe she would be much better able to put on an evening dress and put on makeup to go with me to sit in the cafe. To which he replied (also jokingly) that Natasha was no longer a girl to do such nonsense. Who's going to sit with the kids?

From that moment on, I began to call Natasha more often and go with her for walks with children whenever my schedule allowed. We spent Saturday morning together in the park. And although Natasha might have called home for tea, I knew I wouldn't be welcome at home. Husband, tired after a hard work week, for a walk I didn't go out. And good, because it was unpleasant for me to cross paths with him. I could not relate normally to a man with whom a gentle and bright girl turned into a tortured one. greywoman.
During one of the Saturday walks, I decided to have a serious conversation. It seemed to me that if I talked to Natasha about the fact that her marriage could not be saved, she would open her eyes. Now I understand how naive it was to think that my opinion from the outside could change anything. Natasha even became white with fear, hearing that husband doesn't appreciate her And he doesn't think she's human. And that she is not a bad wife, but he is a bad husband! I had the most serious arguments, but did I need them? Turns out not. In the end, my friend was just offended, and our communication completely stopped.
Why for someone? badassThe next time I met Natasha 5 years later, when I returned to my hometown. A lot has changed since then, and so have my views on relationships. I decided to call an old friend to meet a few years later and forget all the grievances. I also had plans. apologize for our last conversation. I shouldn't have minded my own business.

What was my surprise when a flowering lady came to the meeting, attracting the eyes of strangers. She wore a neat but elegant dress, light but high-quality makeup, but most importantly - a wide smile. I recognized her right away! That's it. natashaThe one I've known since I was a student. Only more beautiful and confident. She seemed even younger than the last time I saw her. Can you tell me how that's possible? The answer was simple.
- Where are the kids?
- My husband stayed at home with them. And they're all grown-ups.
- Husband? Is he sitting with the kids now? .
- Oh, you don't know. This is another husband, and Tolik and I have long divorced.
It turned out that Tolik soon after my quarrel with Natasha. found another. A very young girl not only without children, but also without education. Thank you for paying child support and seeing his two sons and daughter. Of course, Natasha was hard, but now she is glad that it happened. She's not a bad wife anymore. She admitted that she would not leave her husband. And now she's in a happy marriage and feeling just fine.

Unsplash She shared with me that new-life It was a real revelation to her. For example, it is not necessary to carry heavy bags of food from the supermarket alone. Why, if you can go with your husband in the car and buy? And if she suddenly forgets something from the list, it will not be a tragedy, and no one will say that she is a woman. badass.
No one's gonna say she's badassIf she wanted to meet an old friend in a cafe and leave the children on her husband. And no one will blame her that the dress is up to the knee, not down to the floor, and that she has a wonderful lipstick color. Plus, no one will call her every 10 minutes, checking and asking her where she is and when she's coming home.
And if you do not have the strength to cook - no problem, you can always order pizza, go to a cafe or restaurant. Fortunately, earnings allow, because Natasha returned to transfers, and this is no longer a problem. When I asked her how she managed to raise children and come back to work, she said that it was all thanks to her. spouse-support. He loves it and almost wears it on his hands. I saw it myself when he came to pick her up in his car at the end of our party.

Unsplash Natasha waved her hand through the window and promised to make sure to call over the weekend. And I'm sure this wasn't our last meeting. After all, now that she is surrounded by care and support, Natasha not only looks better, she literally looks better. glowing. Now she is a wonderful wife, a beautiful mother, a luxurious woman and a respected specialist. There it is, the power of love. My only question is, why didn’t she leave that toxic relationship earlier?
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Olya cooked dinner for her husband and thought about the fact that for 8 years of life together I have not heard from him the words of love