Find Natasha

Before the new year, when the tickets do not get it, I had to go to the student in the general Vitaly car. Pleasure something else, but the night and half a day can perekantovatsya. On the lower shelves were filled with four herring, and on second and third and were tolerated. The toilet did not go, got chicken - the place was gone.
Vitaly was pressed girl Since sleep was impossible, they talked all night ...
In the morning she came to his station. Although they did not kiss and have not even talked about anything so, but each to himself realized that fell.
When the train stopped, Vitali guessed ask telefonchik. It was in the last century, so mobile was only the rich. Girl flourish recorded her home phone on crumpled paper on the desk.
The train started. Vitaly jumped back into the car and began to dream: soon be over New Year's holiday to have to return to Moscow and quickly called her.
Returned to his seat and his little Kondraty can not stand sitting next aunts, torn newspaper and threw the remains of a fish. Poor guy even quarrel with them could not, it was their newspaper. Under the puzzled looks of passengers, Vitaly fished out of the garbage piece of a newspaper with the first three digits. The other four were already far away, on the sleepers ...
All he knew about her, that she had a very rare name - Natasha, and she was soon going to marry childhood friend. Her last name to find out it does not, because she was traveling without a ticket.
On his return to Moscow Vitaly got down to business: He estimated that in the worst case, he needs to do 9,999 calls to find Natasha.
- Hello, please, call please call Natasha to ...
During the evening turned out to call 70 times, several times an abscess at Natasha.
If it were not for the imminent marriage of Natasha, and then we can slowly, about four months: call, call, call ... but time was expensive. Especially since he did not show up, why did not she get married?
And our Romeo went for broke. Cheap, because the winter and haste, sold his beloved motorcycle, got into debt and hired zvonilschits, working at home, in the amount of 12 ladies, promising a major award that someone find Natasha. In zvonilschits get quick because husbands and fathers they were not particularly Natasha interrogated.
Two weeks later, Vitali was standing with flowers in her trembling pens, waiting for their favorite in the metro, and three years later they had a son ...