Should you attend classmate meetings?

School and student years are undoubtedly the best in life. Carefree, a lot of free time, communication with peers and every day new adventures. Then fate brings everyone to different cities, and sometimes countries. Everyone has their own lives and worries, but it is very interesting to see in 20 years or more who looks like and who has become. That's why it exists. day.


But psychologists claim that such meetings can instead of joy bring depression, despondency and lower self-esteem. Editorial "Site" It will tell you why experts advise to approach a meeting with graduates with great caution or not to attend it at all.

For the current generation, it is easy to keep in touch with your friends using social networks. But those who graduated in zero and earlier, it is difficult to find their classmates and fellow students. Therefore, the evening of the meeting of graduates for many is a great event with a magnificent feast and the best outfits. But is he needed?


All these alumni meetings are quite a challenge for our nervous system. Especially for women. If you haven't seen your kids in twenty years, you should think ten times if you should come at all. After all, it is important for a woman to experience triumph and hear something like: “Wow, Svetka, how good you are!” Like a tenth grader. She may hear it, but only from the good upbringing of her classmates.


Let’s face it, the years take their toll. Yes, we become more successful, wiser, richer, start families. But time is merciless, and it affects the appearance. Even cosmetology will not give a lady the freshness of a young girl in years. There are, of course, women and men who hardly change, but there are few. Many become fat and wrinkled, and their eyes no longer glow with happiness. Psychologists advise them to think about their trip to the meeting of graduates.


Even if a woman arrives in an expensive SUV with a personal driver, will be in a designer dress and a dog under the arm, still someone will say: “Do you remember Lenka, how we walked and kissed around the corner?” She'll be just a fifty-year-old lady trying to get young, and she'll be reminded again of a not-so-luxurious past.


Some find it difficult to return to the difficult past, while others feel sad about their present in the background of school/institutional achievements. Subconsciously, people store an image from the past and become very upset when it does not correspond to reality. The loser in their eyes will remain, and the soul of the company may simply not live up to expectations if it is beaten by life and alcohol.

Men don’t know how to hide disappointments, and women can say such a compliment that you want to hide in a glass of wine.

And if you have not yet set your career and personal life or there are no reasons to brag, depression will not take long to wait. Maybe at first you will be emotional about the meeting, but in the future you will be covered. Psychologists advise to think carefully about all the consequences of such a meeting and say that if there is the slightest fear or doubt, it is better to stay home and look at the photos.

Psychologists may be right about something. We think that at the age of 40 people are already fully accepting and loving themselves. Therefore, he is unlikely to experience discomfort in front of classmates. And if there are complexes, then such a meeting is a great motivation to make yourself better.

In addition, pleasant memories can be very positive. If there is any confusion, it is not in this event at all, but in the person himself. After all, life is only in our hands, and everything we have depends on our ambitions and work.

Photo by depositphotos preview.


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