What is the consequence of the difference in age of spouses
According to calculations of specialists, it does not matter which spouse is older, the main thing — what is the age difference. So...
The difference is zero.
In such marriages better manage household relationships, but much worse with self-development and boring sex.
The difference of 1 year.
In such unions the dominant role usually belongs to the woman, but to use its power the beginning of to her not often.
The difference 2 years.
Such marriages are extremely fragile financially, even with high wages the money trickle like sand through fingers. Relationships are built on emotions, which on takeoff give an unforgettable experience, and in a downturn can lead to rupture.
The difference 3 years 6 years 9 years.
Husband and wife with such an age difference is not so much differ in their views on life, how prone to conflict of temperaments. However, they manage to get along even though completely unable to appreciate each other's dignity.
©Annie Leibovitz
The difference of 4 years. The spiritual and sexual aspects of life harmonious, which is a guarantee of stable and long marriage. If the marriage still falls apart, former partners still remain friends.
The difference is 5 years, 10 years, 15 years.
The relationship is particularly good, if a professional or creative life of the spouses — in the same plane.
The difference is 7 years, 14 years.
Such pairs usually exist in an atmosphere of insincerity, where the partners hide from each other even innocently the details of your past or present (e.g., salaries, or health problems). However, the probability of divorce is very small - these two are attracted to each other.
The difference of 8 years.
Think this is the best age difference. Marriage will withstand any trials and his "sponsors" will be recognized as unconditionally happy. Spouses will be given all the love, understanding,
and tenderness, and sexual attraction.
The difference is 11 years.
Relationship these spouses is similar to tragicomedy. Stormy scandals are replaced by not less violent sex, and the reconciliation should be a new scandal. Tears and stains will be necessary, as the subsequent reunification and the love of the game.
The difference of 12 years.
Partner relationship complex, up to some drama, but interesting. To save such a marriage can only be the ability both to compromise. In the happy moments of life there is none more beautiful than this pair.
The difference is 13 years.
These people keep happy in marriage spiritual community. Best of all, if one partner is a big value in the business, and the second is an ally of his half.
The difference of 16 years.
Marriage is rare, but the happiest. Even more happy than the 4-and 8-year-old. Happiness just over the edge.
As you can see, astrology was limited to the analysis of marriages with a difference of up to 16 years. But if the age gap even more? Years 20, 30 or 40? Psychologists have analyzed the success and failure of such unions and came to the following conclusions.
©Annie Leibovitz
Husband's much younger wife is much older
At first, the sex will be a complete idyll. The woman reached the peak of sexuality, uninhibited, knows what she wants and knows how to Express their feelings and desires. If she can take care of yourself and continue to surprise her husband delights of sexual expression, the harmony in the intimate life will be long or life. If a woman is "launch" itself outwardly or let sex become routine, the young husband's infidelity is inevitable, perhaps up to divorce.
When young wife wife better to be healthy and energetic. Forever ailing wife will look even older, makes a couple of more disharmonious.Painful husband in such a tandem will not be abandoned, but others will be perceived as "the sick child of a doting mother".
Friends, peers wife will be hard to charm a boy, and it is possible that some of them will succeed. However, the company peers have a young husband is even less preferable, since it on the background of advanced age wives will especially stand out. In addition, this party will be a sea of young competitors. Therefore, the best option is not to chat with friends, limiting casual and noncommittal acquaintances.
Most parents don't want to hear about "overripe" and daughter "young" suitors. However, if the pair will manage to establish itself as happy or even harmonious, backed by all this, the birth of a healthy baby, then it is likely that irreconcilable relatives will be replaced by anger at the mercy and recognize the son-in-law or daughter-in-law.
The heirs.
Young men, usually — useless fathers to paternity they still need to grow and Mature. However, if a man wants to be a "grown man" respectable ladies, then fatherhood would react with twice the responsibility.
If the woman already has children, the situation is complicated. Due to the small difference in age, they will not take the mother's husband as a dad (and hardly makes sense to force them). Worse, if they will give each other mutual or one sided sexual interest. There certainly the end of an unequal marriage — the scandalous and traumatic.
Wife with a substantial number of years and a weighty purse next to the cute little boy without a penny in his pocket — the ratio of common and long existing. Young people without complexes often easy to enter into such marriages, including their sponsorship. If the money runs out, and ends with the "love" of the spouse. If it is not only young, but and enterprising in commercial terms, having gained at least some independence in financial terms, he will definitely leave the family nest. Different is rare.
Any marriage needs them. When the ratio "wife older husband, a young" woman for your husband's behavior will have to close my eyes and forgive, forgive, forgive. The man will have to put up with endless jealousy and suspicion, and forever prove that he is a man, not a jerk-scum.
Husband much older, much younger wife
The peak of the sexuality of the groom long gone, so the frantic pressure and African passion from him is not expected. If he's in good shape, is engaged or involved in sports, sexy by nature, young wife first time will be quite pleased with the intimate side of life, discovering love with a Mature partner. The growth of women's sexuality with the increasing number of years in the bedroom will increase the crisis. Young men friends of my age are awakening in the woman a special feeling. To turn the tide in their favor, the aged spouse will either have to allow (explicitly or tacitly) his wife to have a lover for an intimate break away or "make" her more children — then it is not up to "stupid".
Healthy male, especially the husband, is better than the patient, regardless of age. When active and yet gentle body lifestyle is in principle possible to preserve health to old age. The ailments of her husband easier to bear if he does not emphasize attention to them and does not neglect the prescriptions of the doctors.
If the interests match, the age of my husband's friends has a small value. And the spouse won't mind if his young wife will go and see a young girlfriend. But on a visit to friends of the same age together with my friends or without them, smart Mature man will impose a ban. Best of all such spouses to communicate with similar pairs. The adult uncle will gossip about her, and the girl to Twitter about her.
My husband's parents (if still alive) will treat the daughter-in-law patronizing or indifferent. If you suspect it in Mercantile groom's choice, will hate and become intrigue. The best thing is to choose a particular key and to establish relationships. The bride's parents will be the same age or even younger than the groom. If they are against the choice of his daughter, then still in a relationship with his son will maintain a respectful or cautious tone.
The heirs.
My husband they probably already have, besides the age they are the same age or older than young wife. They are unlikely to enjoy daddy's new wife, and in their favor should not count. To have a baby by an older husband too bad. A Mature man is likely to be a wonderful caring father seeking to give a child all your experience and wisdom.
For the elderly and poor young girls do not go — there is no need. Except for the very talented, but not recognized, or for registration. In most cases, the groom is not too young, but very wealthy, which gives him confidence. The legacy he will most likely be divided between the former and the present wives and children, than all will be very unhappy.
It will be interesnoe:
Relationship check: Thanks and move onUnhappy marriage — deadly!
The woman marry the man who for decades her senior, to be reconciled with the idea that the best years she would give the elderly a wife, but in 40 — 45 will be alone and most likely married, more will come. The man in years, taking to wife a girl have to pretend that he doesn't see how she "licks" for the young men as she rushes to the disco and youth parties. Finally, she will attempt to find yourself a lover... posted
Author: Natalia Shishkova
Source: idbc.com.ua/rest/view_post/570b67d9eb3ffee2568b51d7
The difference is zero.
In such marriages better manage household relationships, but much worse with self-development and boring sex.
The difference of 1 year.
In such unions the dominant role usually belongs to the woman, but to use its power the beginning of to her not often.
The difference 2 years.
Such marriages are extremely fragile financially, even with high wages the money trickle like sand through fingers. Relationships are built on emotions, which on takeoff give an unforgettable experience, and in a downturn can lead to rupture.
The difference 3 years 6 years 9 years.
Husband and wife with such an age difference is not so much differ in their views on life, how prone to conflict of temperaments. However, they manage to get along even though completely unable to appreciate each other's dignity.

©Annie Leibovitz
The difference of 4 years. The spiritual and sexual aspects of life harmonious, which is a guarantee of stable and long marriage. If the marriage still falls apart, former partners still remain friends.
The difference is 5 years, 10 years, 15 years.
The relationship is particularly good, if a professional or creative life of the spouses — in the same plane.
The difference is 7 years, 14 years.
Such pairs usually exist in an atmosphere of insincerity, where the partners hide from each other even innocently the details of your past or present (e.g., salaries, or health problems). However, the probability of divorce is very small - these two are attracted to each other.
The difference of 8 years.
Think this is the best age difference. Marriage will withstand any trials and his "sponsors" will be recognized as unconditionally happy. Spouses will be given all the love, understanding,
and tenderness, and sexual attraction.
The difference is 11 years.
Relationship these spouses is similar to tragicomedy. Stormy scandals are replaced by not less violent sex, and the reconciliation should be a new scandal. Tears and stains will be necessary, as the subsequent reunification and the love of the game.
The difference of 12 years.
Partner relationship complex, up to some drama, but interesting. To save such a marriage can only be the ability both to compromise. In the happy moments of life there is none more beautiful than this pair.
The difference is 13 years.
These people keep happy in marriage spiritual community. Best of all, if one partner is a big value in the business, and the second is an ally of his half.
The difference of 16 years.
Marriage is rare, but the happiest. Even more happy than the 4-and 8-year-old. Happiness just over the edge.
As you can see, astrology was limited to the analysis of marriages with a difference of up to 16 years. But if the age gap even more? Years 20, 30 or 40? Psychologists have analyzed the success and failure of such unions and came to the following conclusions.

©Annie Leibovitz
Husband's much younger wife is much older
At first, the sex will be a complete idyll. The woman reached the peak of sexuality, uninhibited, knows what she wants and knows how to Express their feelings and desires. If she can take care of yourself and continue to surprise her husband delights of sexual expression, the harmony in the intimate life will be long or life. If a woman is "launch" itself outwardly or let sex become routine, the young husband's infidelity is inevitable, perhaps up to divorce.
When young wife wife better to be healthy and energetic. Forever ailing wife will look even older, makes a couple of more disharmonious.Painful husband in such a tandem will not be abandoned, but others will be perceived as "the sick child of a doting mother".
Friends, peers wife will be hard to charm a boy, and it is possible that some of them will succeed. However, the company peers have a young husband is even less preferable, since it on the background of advanced age wives will especially stand out. In addition, this party will be a sea of young competitors. Therefore, the best option is not to chat with friends, limiting casual and noncommittal acquaintances.
Most parents don't want to hear about "overripe" and daughter "young" suitors. However, if the pair will manage to establish itself as happy or even harmonious, backed by all this, the birth of a healthy baby, then it is likely that irreconcilable relatives will be replaced by anger at the mercy and recognize the son-in-law or daughter-in-law.
The heirs.
Young men, usually — useless fathers to paternity they still need to grow and Mature. However, if a man wants to be a "grown man" respectable ladies, then fatherhood would react with twice the responsibility.
If the woman already has children, the situation is complicated. Due to the small difference in age, they will not take the mother's husband as a dad (and hardly makes sense to force them). Worse, if they will give each other mutual or one sided sexual interest. There certainly the end of an unequal marriage — the scandalous and traumatic.
Wife with a substantial number of years and a weighty purse next to the cute little boy without a penny in his pocket — the ratio of common and long existing. Young people without complexes often easy to enter into such marriages, including their sponsorship. If the money runs out, and ends with the "love" of the spouse. If it is not only young, but and enterprising in commercial terms, having gained at least some independence in financial terms, he will definitely leave the family nest. Different is rare.
Any marriage needs them. When the ratio "wife older husband, a young" woman for your husband's behavior will have to close my eyes and forgive, forgive, forgive. The man will have to put up with endless jealousy and suspicion, and forever prove that he is a man, not a jerk-scum.

Husband much older, much younger wife
The peak of the sexuality of the groom long gone, so the frantic pressure and African passion from him is not expected. If he's in good shape, is engaged or involved in sports, sexy by nature, young wife first time will be quite pleased with the intimate side of life, discovering love with a Mature partner. The growth of women's sexuality with the increasing number of years in the bedroom will increase the crisis. Young men friends of my age are awakening in the woman a special feeling. To turn the tide in their favor, the aged spouse will either have to allow (explicitly or tacitly) his wife to have a lover for an intimate break away or "make" her more children — then it is not up to "stupid".
Healthy male, especially the husband, is better than the patient, regardless of age. When active and yet gentle body lifestyle is in principle possible to preserve health to old age. The ailments of her husband easier to bear if he does not emphasize attention to them and does not neglect the prescriptions of the doctors.
If the interests match, the age of my husband's friends has a small value. And the spouse won't mind if his young wife will go and see a young girlfriend. But on a visit to friends of the same age together with my friends or without them, smart Mature man will impose a ban. Best of all such spouses to communicate with similar pairs. The adult uncle will gossip about her, and the girl to Twitter about her.
My husband's parents (if still alive) will treat the daughter-in-law patronizing or indifferent. If you suspect it in Mercantile groom's choice, will hate and become intrigue. The best thing is to choose a particular key and to establish relationships. The bride's parents will be the same age or even younger than the groom. If they are against the choice of his daughter, then still in a relationship with his son will maintain a respectful or cautious tone.
The heirs.
My husband they probably already have, besides the age they are the same age or older than young wife. They are unlikely to enjoy daddy's new wife, and in their favor should not count. To have a baby by an older husband too bad. A Mature man is likely to be a wonderful caring father seeking to give a child all your experience and wisdom.
For the elderly and poor young girls do not go — there is no need. Except for the very talented, but not recognized, or for registration. In most cases, the groom is not too young, but very wealthy, which gives him confidence. The legacy he will most likely be divided between the former and the present wives and children, than all will be very unhappy.
It will be interesnoe:
Relationship check: Thanks and move onUnhappy marriage — deadly!
The woman marry the man who for decades her senior, to be reconciled with the idea that the best years she would give the elderly a wife, but in 40 — 45 will be alone and most likely married, more will come. The man in years, taking to wife a girl have to pretend that he doesn't see how she "licks" for the young men as she rushes to the disco and youth parties. Finally, she will attempt to find yourself a lover... posted
Author: Natalia Shishkova
Source: idbc.com.ua/rest/view_post/570b67d9eb3ffee2568b51d7