9 square meters of love
In the hectic days we forget about the value of life itself. The fact that human happiness is already contained in the simple ability to walk, breathe, talk ...
And only when the world narrows to the borders of the room 9 square meters. meters, then ... only love can save. Love and endless self-denial.
Nice open face - the first impression when you see Eugene. The second sense becomes surprisingly - so he did not tall! Perhaps because more and falls on his leg. Pleasant voice, good diction, but with a small feature, difficult to define in words.
Look. Dilapidated empty corridor shared kitchen, dim bulb, four doors.
- Come into the room - quietly invites Jack. - I'm in the kitchen - cook dinner.
Tiny corridor - and at the end of the apparent high due to lack of room furniture (and only some 9 square meters!), The window - somehow defenseless alone, in a wheelchair, - Natalia. Catch wary brown eyes.
- Hello! Visitors are welcome?
Eugene and Natalia Zlokazova - disabled children. Diagnosis - cerebral palsy. Natasha behind - several operations, including in the Moscow clinic to correct deformities of the legs. Eugene on crutches refused a boy when sentenced: legs will not go. He decided differently. Down his crutches aside and took the first step.
"I do not get up - no lift." This is his life motto.
- Well, how are you, meet? From the kitchen returned Eugene.
Not finding a chair (it does not exist), sit down on some cloth heap (as it turned out, double bed, consisting of a package of diapers, the laid mattress) and get ready to listen to the story of their love.
- This is my second marriage, the official - begins to slightly drawled, Natasha. - Her first husband was perfectly healthy, but who needs a sick spouse? For a man like me, you need to walk for as little kid. After registration, he just got up and left. Zhenyu I previously knew. He left, and I'm married ...
- I myself went for three years, gave her time to think - confirms smiling Jack.
-Why ?!
- I knew Natalia someone there and gave her time to decide. Said: "I release you, but after three years will come, we will have a child, and all will be well."
Natalia looks down ...
- Then I wrote a letter to his wife, invited to the New Year, and he came. And once my mother said, "As you look at what we get married?" Mom I have a straightforward man, said: "Can you imagine what a burden of responsibility? And if you have children appear? What will you do ?! "" educate "- said Eugene.
In general, all, or rather, all were against their love. Not only Natasha's mother, perhaps, in his own impeccable daughter from emotional wounds, but Zhenya's relatives. All as one, asserted: "It do not match! Will find themselves normal, healthy! »
But Jack was a man of his word.
- I immediately realized that this is my. Already at the first telephone conversation. (Phone Wife Natasha gave their friend).
- How is this possible ?!
- I heard in his voice all, understood. None of the women I did not find that there is Natalia.
Mom, of course, was against it, but it also said Natasha after her divorce: "You were looking for." Began to talk as if nothing had happened, without any explanation of the relationship. Mom adopted daughter's choice.
Wedding, or a history of broken legs
On the day of the wedding Natalya dropped. Told in two voices.
- My brother decided to move it through the railway. Was pretty drunk and did not deliver. There is still a train went ...
- I was there at 4 am in a white suit, a wedding ring ... The car stopped. One friend says: "Though she live?" They took the spotlight, let's shine.
To the doctor to contact Natalia did not: her husband's brother regretted. And now, two years living with the wrong foot accrete.
- We went to show took pictures ... doctors refuse to treat. No one wants to take on this responsibility.
Trying to translate to a lighter topic:
- You have a beautiful dress it?
- Suit white sport. On his head - a white cap. But I withdrew it in the registry office ...
Miracle. Ephraim
Families without children - only half of the family. Therefore, when Natalia learned she was pregnant, the choice before the spouses did not stand. Despite the fact that all doctors vying advised not to take risks.
- I Natalya said: you will be hard to bear a child. Hard to be with child. But let's agree: whatever he was not born with whatever pathologies was not, accept it as it is.
In the hospital next to Natalie was not her mother, and Eugene. He first saw his son.
- They took Natalia in the operating room, half an hour later bring Ephraim. I sat on the bed, saying: "Well, hello! How's mother feels? »
Doctor: "Mom, we still zashёm stomach, and everything will be fine."
Nurses from all over the hospital ran to look at "risk" kolyasochnitsu.
- And as the name chosen?
- Natalino mother chose. She listened to the song of Ephraim Amiramova and decided to call it Ephraim. We consulted: Well, let it be ...
Ephraim The baby was born healthy.
- All worries about a child Jack took over. And I was in the bargain - adds Natalia.
They tenderly looking at each other.
And so it happened that today at 35 Eugene - practically the only support his small family, a brave captain sudёnyshka family.
Itself is not very healthy, it is not just spiritual support to his wife, but almost her arms and legs. Her opportunity to wash, go to the toilet, to eat, to dress, to feel like a woman. And it is not just love - this self-denial.
For the past two months, the parents are bored without her son. Ephraim's time to repair the room sent to grandparents. Like themselves to live in the village, but disabled in plain text shown the door.
- Do not think that we do not want to return his son, - Natalia look again becomes wary. - You just need to solve all the problems. Not privezёsh same child in an empty room ...
Natasha sad looking at a toy on the windowsill.
No furniture. Accumulated debts for utility services. Eugene need to straighten documents - passport had washed a couple of times, and the first page snatched the little rascal ...
9 sq. meters - generally a sore point. I explain in detail about how good it was in the previous three-room apartment, and a sister Natalia, getting on it a subsidy for housing, "forgot" to mention the child.
- I went to the town hall. I said, what do you want? Do you have room. Everything.
For the past two months, as Natalia "does not go" out of the room. The reason is simple - the wife should not pull the wheelchair up the stairs.
- I turned to the HCS in ZHKO denied: the house was built without ramps to make it, you need coordination neighbors from the first to the fifth floor. And who will do? The house was built without ramps - what do you want?
- A stroller down the stairs - risky - continues to man. - She can roll, and I - a stroller, and Natalia can roll in a wheelchair.
The house was built without ramps - what do you want?
The problem in the fact that even at its nine "legitimate" young parents feel "migrants".
- Before you go into the bath, I have to ask permission from the neighbors - confessed Eugene - that no one was there. Cooking - the same thing. I provoke, bring to the conflict, but I try to avoid this.
Certainly, relations have soured even more when he returns Ephraim. Noisy, playful child, much to the pranks.
- Someone is unnerving, and I - on the contrary - in joy! This is a child! This is - re-byô-NOC!
Jack interrupts the conversation, apologizing, asking: - Let's close the door to the neighbors did not hear ...
Similar over people Eugene and Natalya called "like us." They feel that they are individual particles and even the world, and the world. They were saved by finding each other, and every day makes a small rescue operations in the name of love.
Natalia - this is happiness ...
Ask Natasha:
- And you can with one hand Genet help?
- Wash can, iron can - she begins to list. - I Evgeny does not give anything. He says you do not set up for that!
- And for what?
Eugene (without a pause!):
- To love and be loved! I feel sorry for her, as a child of the second. She will not do that, I will not tolerate.
Natasha giggled softly.
- But you as hard one?
- I'm so necessary!
- Where did you get such an attitude towards women? In what family you grew up?
- Family, naturally unfavorable. Two brothers that do not work, like to drink, with arms and legs. It so happened that I myself created difficulties and then out of these difficulties. It turns out that life somehow nothing complicated! It is only necessary to think his head right! Of any difficulties there is a way!
- Natalia - the same difficulty that you have created yourself?
- Natalia - not difficult, although it is well considered. "Why do you need it, it's such a drag!» ...
Natalia - this is happiness!
In life, nothing complicated! Of any difficulties there is a way!
I just live
Zhenya and Natasha dream that their son grew up smart and independent. To respect people like them.
- Such as we Natalya people ... we just do not notice how the people. Name-calling, can mimic. I already got used to it and do not pay attention.
- And it hurts me - complains Natalia. - It is said: "And what she's sitting? What she in a wheelchair? "I say," What, I wonder? »
- I do not notice anything - with conviction continues to Eugene. - I cuts off bad, I intercept of good. I just live. I have. And my family.
We - crowned. Nerazluchimy neither the law nor to God ...
Source Rustoriya
And only when the world narrows to the borders of the room 9 square meters. meters, then ... only love can save. Love and endless self-denial.

Nice open face - the first impression when you see Eugene. The second sense becomes surprisingly - so he did not tall! Perhaps because more and falls on his leg. Pleasant voice, good diction, but with a small feature, difficult to define in words.
Look. Dilapidated empty corridor shared kitchen, dim bulb, four doors.
- Come into the room - quietly invites Jack. - I'm in the kitchen - cook dinner.
Tiny corridor - and at the end of the apparent high due to lack of room furniture (and only some 9 square meters!), The window - somehow defenseless alone, in a wheelchair, - Natalia. Catch wary brown eyes.
- Hello! Visitors are welcome?
Eugene and Natalia Zlokazova - disabled children. Diagnosis - cerebral palsy. Natasha behind - several operations, including in the Moscow clinic to correct deformities of the legs. Eugene on crutches refused a boy when sentenced: legs will not go. He decided differently. Down his crutches aside and took the first step.
"I do not get up - no lift." This is his life motto.
- Well, how are you, meet? From the kitchen returned Eugene.
Not finding a chair (it does not exist), sit down on some cloth heap (as it turned out, double bed, consisting of a package of diapers, the laid mattress) and get ready to listen to the story of their love.
- This is my second marriage, the official - begins to slightly drawled, Natasha. - Her first husband was perfectly healthy, but who needs a sick spouse? For a man like me, you need to walk for as little kid. After registration, he just got up and left. Zhenyu I previously knew. He left, and I'm married ...
- I myself went for three years, gave her time to think - confirms smiling Jack.
-Why ?!
- I knew Natalia someone there and gave her time to decide. Said: "I release you, but after three years will come, we will have a child, and all will be well."
Natalia looks down ...
- Then I wrote a letter to his wife, invited to the New Year, and he came. And once my mother said, "As you look at what we get married?" Mom I have a straightforward man, said: "Can you imagine what a burden of responsibility? And if you have children appear? What will you do ?! "" educate "- said Eugene.
In general, all, or rather, all were against their love. Not only Natasha's mother, perhaps, in his own impeccable daughter from emotional wounds, but Zhenya's relatives. All as one, asserted: "It do not match! Will find themselves normal, healthy! »
But Jack was a man of his word.
- I immediately realized that this is my. Already at the first telephone conversation. (Phone Wife Natasha gave their friend).
- How is this possible ?!
- I heard in his voice all, understood. None of the women I did not find that there is Natalia.
Mom, of course, was against it, but it also said Natasha after her divorce: "You were looking for." Began to talk as if nothing had happened, without any explanation of the relationship. Mom adopted daughter's choice.

Wedding, or a history of broken legs
On the day of the wedding Natalya dropped. Told in two voices.
- My brother decided to move it through the railway. Was pretty drunk and did not deliver. There is still a train went ...
- I was there at 4 am in a white suit, a wedding ring ... The car stopped. One friend says: "Though she live?" They took the spotlight, let's shine.
To the doctor to contact Natalia did not: her husband's brother regretted. And now, two years living with the wrong foot accrete.
- We went to show took pictures ... doctors refuse to treat. No one wants to take on this responsibility.
Trying to translate to a lighter topic:
- You have a beautiful dress it?
- Suit white sport. On his head - a white cap. But I withdrew it in the registry office ...
Miracle. Ephraim
Families without children - only half of the family. Therefore, when Natalia learned she was pregnant, the choice before the spouses did not stand. Despite the fact that all doctors vying advised not to take risks.
- I Natalya said: you will be hard to bear a child. Hard to be with child. But let's agree: whatever he was not born with whatever pathologies was not, accept it as it is.
In the hospital next to Natalie was not her mother, and Eugene. He first saw his son.
- They took Natalia in the operating room, half an hour later bring Ephraim. I sat on the bed, saying: "Well, hello! How's mother feels? »
Doctor: "Mom, we still zashёm stomach, and everything will be fine."
Nurses from all over the hospital ran to look at "risk" kolyasochnitsu.
- And as the name chosen?
- Natalino mother chose. She listened to the song of Ephraim Amiramova and decided to call it Ephraim. We consulted: Well, let it be ...
Ephraim The baby was born healthy.
- All worries about a child Jack took over. And I was in the bargain - adds Natalia.
They tenderly looking at each other.
And so it happened that today at 35 Eugene - practically the only support his small family, a brave captain sudёnyshka family.
Itself is not very healthy, it is not just spiritual support to his wife, but almost her arms and legs. Her opportunity to wash, go to the toilet, to eat, to dress, to feel like a woman. And it is not just love - this self-denial.
For the past two months, the parents are bored without her son. Ephraim's time to repair the room sent to grandparents. Like themselves to live in the village, but disabled in plain text shown the door.
- Do not think that we do not want to return his son, - Natalia look again becomes wary. - You just need to solve all the problems. Not privezёsh same child in an empty room ...
Natasha sad looking at a toy on the windowsill.

No furniture. Accumulated debts for utility services. Eugene need to straighten documents - passport had washed a couple of times, and the first page snatched the little rascal ...
9 sq. meters - generally a sore point. I explain in detail about how good it was in the previous three-room apartment, and a sister Natalia, getting on it a subsidy for housing, "forgot" to mention the child.
- I went to the town hall. I said, what do you want? Do you have room. Everything.
For the past two months, as Natalia "does not go" out of the room. The reason is simple - the wife should not pull the wheelchair up the stairs.
- I turned to the HCS in ZHKO denied: the house was built without ramps to make it, you need coordination neighbors from the first to the fifth floor. And who will do? The house was built without ramps - what do you want?
- A stroller down the stairs - risky - continues to man. - She can roll, and I - a stroller, and Natalia can roll in a wheelchair.
The house was built without ramps - what do you want?
The problem in the fact that even at its nine "legitimate" young parents feel "migrants".
- Before you go into the bath, I have to ask permission from the neighbors - confessed Eugene - that no one was there. Cooking - the same thing. I provoke, bring to the conflict, but I try to avoid this.
Certainly, relations have soured even more when he returns Ephraim. Noisy, playful child, much to the pranks.
- Someone is unnerving, and I - on the contrary - in joy! This is a child! This is - re-byô-NOC!
Jack interrupts the conversation, apologizing, asking: - Let's close the door to the neighbors did not hear ...
Similar over people Eugene and Natalya called "like us." They feel that they are individual particles and even the world, and the world. They were saved by finding each other, and every day makes a small rescue operations in the name of love.
Natalia - this is happiness ...
Ask Natasha:
- And you can with one hand Genet help?
- Wash can, iron can - she begins to list. - I Evgeny does not give anything. He says you do not set up for that!
- And for what?
Eugene (without a pause!):
- To love and be loved! I feel sorry for her, as a child of the second. She will not do that, I will not tolerate.
Natasha giggled softly.
- But you as hard one?
- I'm so necessary!
- Where did you get such an attitude towards women? In what family you grew up?
- Family, naturally unfavorable. Two brothers that do not work, like to drink, with arms and legs. It so happened that I myself created difficulties and then out of these difficulties. It turns out that life somehow nothing complicated! It is only necessary to think his head right! Of any difficulties there is a way!
- Natalia - the same difficulty that you have created yourself?
- Natalia - not difficult, although it is well considered. "Why do you need it, it's such a drag!» ...
Natalia - this is happiness!
In life, nothing complicated! Of any difficulties there is a way!
I just live
Zhenya and Natasha dream that their son grew up smart and independent. To respect people like them.
- Such as we Natalya people ... we just do not notice how the people. Name-calling, can mimic. I already got used to it and do not pay attention.
- And it hurts me - complains Natalia. - It is said: "And what she's sitting? What she in a wheelchair? "I say," What, I wonder? »
- I do not notice anything - with conviction continues to Eugene. - I cuts off bad, I intercept of good. I just live. I have. And my family.
We - crowned. Nerazluchimy neither the law nor to God ...

Source Rustoriya