What age difference between spouses anticipates a quick separation

Couples with an age difference of more than 10 years provoke public condemnation. Most importantly, age affects the relationship between spouses. And the bigger the difference, the more likely the marriage is to break up quickly. Today we will tell you what age difference is allowed to build a happy family.

Psychologists say that a small age difference of 2 to 5 years between a man and a woman is the best option for a couple. As a rule, a woman chooses a man older than herself for several years. This is due to the difference in development between boys and girls. When a husband is older than his wife, he feels more confident. He can take care of the family and will strive to provide it with everything necessary. A small difference is almost imperceptible in everyday life, and it helps the couple to develop together and build partnerships in the family.

A man 10 years older creates a sense of stability in a woman. With such a man, a woman will feel protected. According to psychologists, this difference can be quite acceptable. Men, regardless of age, love women much younger than themselves. In such a couple, a man will be the head of the family, as a more experienced partner. If the patriarchal model of behavior does not suit a woman, after a few years, the couple may have problems. Studies show that 39% of couples with a difference of 10 years divorce after 4-6 years of marriage.

Provided that the husband and wife have the same worldview and interests, they are both active and the senior partner is watching their health, the relationship can last longer. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the older partner to keep up with the energy and ambition of the young wife.

This age difference becomes a problem, others will necessarily call such a union “marriage of convenience”. Parents of a young wife will find it difficult to accept a son-in-law almost his age. If love is real and people are psychologically mature, age will only become a number in the passport. If a woman is 15 years older than her partner, she must accept the fact that to some extent she will have to take care of him, because of her life experience. The advantage for a woman in this case is her naturalness. If the partner accepts her mature age, then the woman will not have to pretend or try to change herself.

Divorce statistics show that such an age difference is incompatible with long-term family relationships. After a few years, the couple realize that their worldview differs, and in 60% of cases the marriage will break up. The problem is that people solve problems differently and see reality from different angles. Their interests diverge and their physical and emotional needs are not met. You can not discount the psychological age of the partner, often women are much older than their spouse psychologically, which compensates for the age difference and prolongs the life of a happy marriage.

There is a formula for the perfect age difference. It does not matter whether the chosen one is older or younger, you only need to choose a satellite that falls within the age limit range according to the formula. In 2001, a study published in the journal Human Evolution and Behavior found that women and men tend to prefer partners on the formula “half the age + 7 years”. Based on the rule, you need to divide your age by 2 and add 7 to the resulting figure. Or you can subtract 7 from your age and multiply it by 2. The result is the minimum and maximum age of a potentially compatible partner. How do you feel about couples with a big age difference?


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