The life story of the daughter of Pushkin will strike you on the spot! These are the passions were running high at the time ...
Alexander Pushkin, "the sun of Russian poetry" and a symbol of Russian literature in general, left behind not only poetry, but also the family. His wife and children he loved and, unlike many of the great artists who considered earthly affairs and life of the valley, and unworthy, openly acknowledged that family life has found happiness. «My family is multiplied, growing noise around me. Now, it seems, on the life and nothing to complain and nothing to be afraid of old age » i>, - the poet wrote to his close friend Paul Nashchokin. Descendants of Pushkin went their separate ways. The sons began military life eldest daughter somewhat developed, but the fate of Natalia Alexandrovna, the youngest, was so bright and unusual, that it is time to wonder how her life story has not removed a dozen other movies! She is devoted to this essay.
Little Natalia in the family called "imp Tasha." Cheerful and mischievous little girl, which was difficult to handle adults raised by her mother and nanny. Father, she did not remember - because the poet died when his youngest daughter was barely 8 months. Girl received a good education and adolescence perfectly mastered both French and German, and Russian. At 16, Natalia graduated from guest house and began to go out. And then there was the first crash, of which the life of it will still be quite a few. She fell in love with the young Nikolai Orlov, Earl, son of virtually all-powerful head of the Third Department of His Imperial Majesty and the Office of the chief of the gendarmerie, AF Orlov. They say that the feelings she was met reciprocity, but on the way to happiness young insurmountable obstacle arose a mighty father Earl. For him the beauty and sincerity of the girls did not matter. The daughter of a writer could not hope to marry Orlov! And the head of the secret police sent his son abroad.
Young Natalia
I must say that Natalia went to the father not only looks but also character. Proud, passionate, indomitable and impetuous, she could not forgive trampled love - to forgive, not only Orlov, but also society, tolerate this. And, in retaliation anyone who stopped her, she accepted the offer of Michael Dubbelt. Funny, but his father was a general of the gendarmerie corps - and therefore subordinate to his father Orlov! Somehow fatally unlucky Natalia on offspring officials of this department ...
And the mother of the young upryamitsy and stepfather - General Lansky - were horrified by such a step, and it were trying to talk to Natalia. What was horrifying - Dubbelt Jr. was known for his indomitable temper, and together with his passion for kartezhnichestvu, we could expect trouble. The whole year Natalia precipitated relatives appealing to its discretion. But in the end they surrendered - the argument served upryamitsey mother abandoned the phrase that she wants to "marinate" her as his sister (Maria Alexandrovna by the standards of that time married very late - at 28 years old).
Pushkin's eldest daughter, Maria Alexandrovna
Young Marriage is not specified at the outset. Michael could not imagine life without maps and often lose to the nines. 28 thousand silver - the dowry of his wife - they were squandered very quickly, and in the family reigned Dubbelt scandals. His wife, the beautiful son of a gendarme wildly jealous and did not hesitate to assault and battery. However, even in these hellish conditions Natalia was not discouraged, showing tremendous strength of spirit. How is it at such and such a husband was able to successfully make and raise three children, keep the house in an exemplary, to attend the balls and Something Wicked - God knows. However, from mother Natalia could not hide, and sorrows of her daughter, said the widow of Pushkin's worth of white hair and health. Nevertheless, this last ever could. Marriage couple broke up, and the irrepressible Dubbelt did not give rest to his wife even outside Russia, chasing her through Europe. Fortunately, it's gone.
In Germany, the long-suffering Natalia finally found peace, and a little later - and true happiness. With the Prince and this gentleman - not only by birth, but in spirit - Nicholas William of Nassau, she met back when she was 20, in 1856. The marriage did not prevent their brief romance, they were unable to extinguish in Natal feelings and those monstrous scandals that rolled Dubbelt she already was then her husband, after the departure of Nicholas. And now, years later, the Prince and daughter of Pushkin met again ...
Prince Nikolai Wilhelm of Nassau
This time, nothing prevented their happiness. The inequality of social position, have three children, ex-husband - all of this had any significance for the prince. Morganatic, ie unequal marriage of Nikolai and Natalia was unusually successful. Of course, to become a princess, she could not, but the efforts of relatives of Natalia was assigned the title of Countess Merenberg. Relatives of William Nicholas to her favored that in such cases is very rare, but it was impossible not to notice how happy was with her prince. Children - married to Nicholas Natalia gave birth to three more - and beloved husband is completely transformed the life of the daughter of Pushkin.
The cause of the last large-scale scandal, which turned out to be in the center of Natalia became her father's personal letters. They gave her mother to daughter in the hour of need Pushkin could somehow fix their plight. This "lifeline" and she did not need. However, much later, Natalia still decided to publish them, not for money, but to convey thoughts and style of his father to the people. Mediator her she chose Ivan Turgenev, who considered it a matter of honor. However, the public reaction to the publication of the letters of Pushkin in the journal "Bulletin of Europe" for 1878 was not what was expected. Many considered this step a blatant invasion of privacy of the poet. Sons of Pushkin, indignant, even wanted to call Turgenev a duel!
The laws of the principality of Nassau banned Natalia after death to rest alongside her husband. The daughter of the great poet, the end of life to maintain clarity of thought and indomitable character, a kind of found a way to circumvent this limitation. She bequeathed to the death of her ashes were scattered over the tomb of her husband, which was done at the time. Because of this great woman, we do not have even the grave - only pictures and memories of his contemporaries. But such was the force of her personality, that they were enough to make the memory of it stayed forever!
Tragic and fortune youngest daughter of Pushkin not leave anyone indifferent! Share this essay with your friends, and give them the opportunity to look at a far from modern man XIX century!
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Little Natalia in the family called "imp Tasha." Cheerful and mischievous little girl, which was difficult to handle adults raised by her mother and nanny. Father, she did not remember - because the poet died when his youngest daughter was barely 8 months. Girl received a good education and adolescence perfectly mastered both French and German, and Russian. At 16, Natalia graduated from guest house and began to go out. And then there was the first crash, of which the life of it will still be quite a few. She fell in love with the young Nikolai Orlov, Earl, son of virtually all-powerful head of the Third Department of His Imperial Majesty and the Office of the chief of the gendarmerie, AF Orlov. They say that the feelings she was met reciprocity, but on the way to happiness young insurmountable obstacle arose a mighty father Earl. For him the beauty and sincerity of the girls did not matter. The daughter of a writer could not hope to marry Orlov! And the head of the secret police sent his son abroad.

Young Natalia
I must say that Natalia went to the father not only looks but also character. Proud, passionate, indomitable and impetuous, she could not forgive trampled love - to forgive, not only Orlov, but also society, tolerate this. And, in retaliation anyone who stopped her, she accepted the offer of Michael Dubbelt. Funny, but his father was a general of the gendarmerie corps - and therefore subordinate to his father Orlov! Somehow fatally unlucky Natalia on offspring officials of this department ...
And the mother of the young upryamitsy and stepfather - General Lansky - were horrified by such a step, and it were trying to talk to Natalia. What was horrifying - Dubbelt Jr. was known for his indomitable temper, and together with his passion for kartezhnichestvu, we could expect trouble. The whole year Natalia precipitated relatives appealing to its discretion. But in the end they surrendered - the argument served upryamitsey mother abandoned the phrase that she wants to "marinate" her as his sister (Maria Alexandrovna by the standards of that time married very late - at 28 years old).

Pushkin's eldest daughter, Maria Alexandrovna
Young Marriage is not specified at the outset. Michael could not imagine life without maps and often lose to the nines. 28 thousand silver - the dowry of his wife - they were squandered very quickly, and in the family reigned Dubbelt scandals. His wife, the beautiful son of a gendarme wildly jealous and did not hesitate to assault and battery. However, even in these hellish conditions Natalia was not discouraged, showing tremendous strength of spirit. How is it at such and such a husband was able to successfully make and raise three children, keep the house in an exemplary, to attend the balls and Something Wicked - God knows. However, from mother Natalia could not hide, and sorrows of her daughter, said the widow of Pushkin's worth of white hair and health. Nevertheless, this last ever could. Marriage couple broke up, and the irrepressible Dubbelt did not give rest to his wife even outside Russia, chasing her through Europe. Fortunately, it's gone.
In Germany, the long-suffering Natalia finally found peace, and a little later - and true happiness. With the Prince and this gentleman - not only by birth, but in spirit - Nicholas William of Nassau, she met back when she was 20, in 1856. The marriage did not prevent their brief romance, they were unable to extinguish in Natal feelings and those monstrous scandals that rolled Dubbelt she already was then her husband, after the departure of Nicholas. And now, years later, the Prince and daughter of Pushkin met again ...

Prince Nikolai Wilhelm of Nassau
This time, nothing prevented their happiness. The inequality of social position, have three children, ex-husband - all of this had any significance for the prince. Morganatic, ie unequal marriage of Nikolai and Natalia was unusually successful. Of course, to become a princess, she could not, but the efforts of relatives of Natalia was assigned the title of Countess Merenberg. Relatives of William Nicholas to her favored that in such cases is very rare, but it was impossible not to notice how happy was with her prince. Children - married to Nicholas Natalia gave birth to three more - and beloved husband is completely transformed the life of the daughter of Pushkin.
The cause of the last large-scale scandal, which turned out to be in the center of Natalia became her father's personal letters. They gave her mother to daughter in the hour of need Pushkin could somehow fix their plight. This "lifeline" and she did not need. However, much later, Natalia still decided to publish them, not for money, but to convey thoughts and style of his father to the people. Mediator her she chose Ivan Turgenev, who considered it a matter of honor. However, the public reaction to the publication of the letters of Pushkin in the journal "Bulletin of Europe" for 1878 was not what was expected. Many considered this step a blatant invasion of privacy of the poet. Sons of Pushkin, indignant, even wanted to call Turgenev a duel!
The laws of the principality of Nassau banned Natalia after death to rest alongside her husband. The daughter of the great poet, the end of life to maintain clarity of thought and indomitable character, a kind of found a way to circumvent this limitation. She bequeathed to the death of her ashes were scattered over the tomb of her husband, which was done at the time. Because of this great woman, we do not have even the grave - only pictures and memories of his contemporaries. But such was the force of her personality, that they were enough to make the memory of it stayed forever!
Tragic and fortune youngest daughter of Pushkin not leave anyone indifferent! Share this essay with your friends, and give them the opportunity to look at a far from modern man XIX century!
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That looked like the first class in the Soviet planes.
The girl picked up this ragged kitten in the street. Just look how it looks now!