Why a wife should not complain about her husband
One day a friend came to me, we were sitting in the kitchen, drinking tea and talking. Word for word, it was about her husband. At first, the friend just told something, and then began to openly complain, saying that he does everything wrong, earns little money and can not fix the faucet. At this point, my grandmother came into the kitchen. After hearing my friend's whining, Grandma decided to speak up.
She began to scold her and said, “Don’t sit here and complain!” You chose him, he's your husband, and whatever he is, if you want to keep the family, he should be the best for everyone else. There was a long tirade, but it was the words of my grandmother that stuck in my heart, and I realized how right she was. And the friend, it is worth saying, since then, not a single bad word about her husband.
So why not complain about your husband and whether it is important for the healthy? bondage? Editorial "Site" He'll know!
Healthy relationship. So, let's go in order. Why do women complain about their husbands? There are many reasons: some are trying to take out their anger, someone can not openly talk to her husband and express everything that does not suit, and someone just likes to take out the garbage from the house. Some complain to their girlfriends, others tirelessly write on women's forums, what their husbands are goats, but all this is wrong and very bad.
Yes, you need to throw out emotions, but it is worth thinking about the reverse side of the coin: how all these complaints look from the outside. It's your husband, you chose him, you married him, no one dragged you. So you can't choose, it's your fault. Is that it?
Of course I am, but that is not far from the truth. You have chosen a life partner, this is your dearest person, and you say bad things about him to other people. Let's take a look at the points why you shouldn't do that.
Returning to the story of my grandmother, it is worth adding that everyone thought her husband was perfect. Although she once admitted to me that it was not so. He was an ordinary living person, with his weaknesses and shortcomings, but she considered it superfluous to take garbage out of the house. Sometimes it wasn’t like a fairy tale, but they lived a good life. She always knew how to keep personal.
And it would not hurt to learn every woman. And the man, too. First of all, you should forget about all the conversations in the style: “And my / mine yesterday soaked /-la...” Even if it's just a joke, even if it's very hot and you want to sulk, just try to bite your tongue. It will be difficult at first and then you will get used to it.
And try to look at your husband in a different way, find the good in him for which you love him. Praise him, at least mentally. Don’t dwell on what he didn’t do, think about what he does every day. He’s still with you, he’s making his choice to stay with you. You also need to appreciate it, because you are far from perfect.
So be patient, get rid of the negativity and today stop talking to your friend about your husband. Believe me, soon you will see how your relationship will change for the better!
And you know, these complaints are just one of the factors that can ruin everything. We have written about the mistakes women make in relationships.
Our mothers and friends often give us advice. We have compiled for you a list of those tips that categorically should not be listened to if you want to improve relations with your husband.
Do you talk about your husband with your girlfriends? Tell us in the comments, honestly!
She began to scold her and said, “Don’t sit here and complain!” You chose him, he's your husband, and whatever he is, if you want to keep the family, he should be the best for everyone else. There was a long tirade, but it was the words of my grandmother that stuck in my heart, and I realized how right she was. And the friend, it is worth saying, since then, not a single bad word about her husband.

So why not complain about your husband and whether it is important for the healthy? bondage? Editorial "Site" He'll know!
Healthy relationship. So, let's go in order. Why do women complain about their husbands? There are many reasons: some are trying to take out their anger, someone can not openly talk to her husband and express everything that does not suit, and someone just likes to take out the garbage from the house. Some complain to their girlfriends, others tirelessly write on women's forums, what their husbands are goats, but all this is wrong and very bad.
Yes, you need to throw out emotions, but it is worth thinking about the reverse side of the coin: how all these complaints look from the outside. It's your husband, you chose him, you married him, no one dragged you. So you can't choose, it's your fault. Is that it?

Of course I am, but that is not far from the truth. You have chosen a life partner, this is your dearest person, and you say bad things about him to other people. Let's take a look at the points why you shouldn't do that.
- So you ruin your husband's reputation.
Let’s say you tell your girlfriend that your husband promised you something and didn’t do it. What's the impression? It is right that he is irresponsible. In this case, this friend is unlikely to recommend it to someone at work, for example. Rumors spread at the speed of light. Before you know it, your husband's reputation will be ruined. And when a general impression of him is formed in close circles, which was originally based on your complaint, it will be impossible to refute him. This is how you can ruin the reputation of your family in the eyes of family and friends.
DepositPhotos - You don't respect your husband.
It's hard to respect someone you don't talk about. And after all, most often these complaints are exaggerated, but after sounding, they take on more weighty significance. After a while, you will begin to think that you made the wrong choice and that this is all in vain. Try to praise your husband for a change, it is more useful for relationships.
DepositPhotos - You stop respecting yourself.
Does that sound weird? No way! It makes sense that if you call him an asshole, you're like that, because you live with him, you're his mate. It really undermines self-esteem.
DepositPhotos - This causes problems with loyalty.
If you constantly tell your friends that your husband is bad, sooner or later you will hear the most explicit advice: “So find another!” And then you'll think for yourself if you can find someone who's perfect and who you don't suffer with. There are no perfect ones, so much do not look for. Complaints can be the beginning of the end of your relationship. Your girlfriend or mom will tell you to leave him because he's so bad, and then you'll think about it. It's not far from divorce. Is there any guarantee that the same story will not be repeated with the beautiful prince you meet later?
DepositPhotos - You're taking energy away from your husband.
With your gossip behind his back, you take away the energy that should have inspired and nurtured him. Instead of feeding, your husband gets a stream of negativity from you. This is bad for your work and productivity. Simple gossip can ruin a person's life.
Returning to the story of my grandmother, it is worth adding that everyone thought her husband was perfect. Although she once admitted to me that it was not so. He was an ordinary living person, with his weaknesses and shortcomings, but she considered it superfluous to take garbage out of the house. Sometimes it wasn’t like a fairy tale, but they lived a good life. She always knew how to keep personal.
And it would not hurt to learn every woman. And the man, too. First of all, you should forget about all the conversations in the style: “And my / mine yesterday soaked /-la...” Even if it's just a joke, even if it's very hot and you want to sulk, just try to bite your tongue. It will be difficult at first and then you will get used to it.
And try to look at your husband in a different way, find the good in him for which you love him. Praise him, at least mentally. Don’t dwell on what he didn’t do, think about what he does every day. He’s still with you, he’s making his choice to stay with you. You also need to appreciate it, because you are far from perfect.
So be patient, get rid of the negativity and today stop talking to your friend about your husband. Believe me, soon you will see how your relationship will change for the better!
And you know, these complaints are just one of the factors that can ruin everything. We have written about the mistakes women make in relationships.
Our mothers and friends often give us advice. We have compiled for you a list of those tips that categorically should not be listened to if you want to improve relations with your husband.
Do you talk about your husband with your girlfriends? Tell us in the comments, honestly!