How to cook classic chebureks with meat

It is believed that the Crimean Tatars were the first to massively cook chebureki. Thanks to them, these delicate cakes from fresh dough with chopped meat filling appeared in other cuisines of the world, where they took a prominent place. Especially well cheburek took root in Uzbek cuisine, where they continue to cook in compliance with all the rules and traditions. And today's edition. "Site" will tell How to cook cheburek with meat at homeTo make the dish as crispy, aromatic and juicy as it should be in reality. In addition, you will be sure of the quality of all the ingredients.

For chebureks it is extremely important to prepare the right dough. Experts say that you should take the best oil – olive oil. After all, the quality of the oil, the quality of the flour and the quality of the water determine the taste of the dough.

Test ingredients
  • 1kg flour
  • 500 ml of water
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil (preferably olive)
  • 1 tsp salt

Filling ingredients
  • 600g meat without veins and bones
  • 600g peeled onions
  • 150-200 g of kurdyuk (possibly other fat)
  • salt and pepper

  1. Sip the flour, add salt and vegetable oil. Then pour into the container with flour heated to 70 degrees water. Mix the dough and let it stand. Be sure to cover it so it doesn't dry out.

  2. Clean the meat from the veins and film. Cut the knife into small pieces. Cut the onions with large cubes and scald with boiling water to get rid of the sharp smell. Evenly pass the meat and onions through the meat grinder.
  3. Sprinkle the mince and pepper. For our meat volume, you will need about 1 tablespoon of salt without a slide and half the amount of black ground pepper.

  4. Add to the minced fat and mix thoroughly. The mince is ready, although you can make it juicier.
  5. Our test volume is enough for about 24 chebureks. It is enough to cut the dough in half, lay one part, and divide the other into 12 parts. In the meantime, keep the unused dough in a closed container or in a cellophane bag so that it does not dry out.

  6. Give each workpiece an even shape, otherwise the dough will also be uneven in the rolled form. Crushing each piece of dough, add flour inside - this will give bubbles to ready-made chebureks. Roll the dough.
  7. Put mince on only one half of the dough. Note that for each Cheburek will go about 1 tablespoon of minced meat, no longer necessary. Closing the dough, do not forget to slightly press it down to first get rid of excess air.

  8. Fry the cheburecs in the pan. The optimal temperature of frying is about 200 degrees. In such conditions, Cheburek fries for 1.5-2 minutes, no more.
  9. Turn over the chebureks when frying, and also water them with hot oil so that the mince is evenly fried. Put it on a paper napkin to get rid of excess oil.

So easily and simply we have a whole mountain of fragrant and nutritious chebureks, which you can feed the whole family. Bon appetit!


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