How to love the process of cooking chebureks
Cheburek is the national dish of the Crimean Tatars. Translated from the Crimean Tatar word means “raw cake”. Even before foreign Western fast food entered our country, Chebureki was one of the favorite dishes of Soviet people.
It is rumored that from time to time even Brezhnev himself asked to prepare him chebureki with lamb and pork, which he valued along with kebabs and game. In those years, chebureki were made according to a single GOST and had, with the exception of the Crimea, almost the same taste throughout the country.
Today, it is not safe to buy chebureks on the street: you never know in what conditions and from what they were prepared. Therefore, all lovers of fried, ruddy and fragrant chebureks we offer to prepare them at home.
How to prepare chebureks To get wonderful, filled with meat juice, tender and crunchyRather than overdried and almost inedible soles, there are a number of secrets we are happy to share with readers.
Chebureki with meat Ingredients for dough
Filling ingredients
Thin rosy dough, delicate juicy mince. Cheburek on this recipe is excellent. They can be served with sour cream or tomato sauce. Even the next day, they remain soft and juicy!

It is rumored that from time to time even Brezhnev himself asked to prepare him chebureki with lamb and pork, which he valued along with kebabs and game. In those years, chebureki were made according to a single GOST and had, with the exception of the Crimea, almost the same taste throughout the country.

Today, it is not safe to buy chebureks on the street: you never know in what conditions and from what they were prepared. Therefore, all lovers of fried, ruddy and fragrant chebureks we offer to prepare them at home.
How to prepare chebureks To get wonderful, filled with meat juice, tender and crunchyRather than overdried and almost inedible soles, there are a number of secrets we are happy to share with readers.
- Dough
Cheburek flour should be sifted beforehand. Enriched with air, it will subsequently give a more lush and soft dough. Water for the test must be boiled and add part of the flour to still hot water.
After that, the mixture should be cooled to room temperature, and then add the remaining ingredients. Mix thick dough and wrapped with film, determine in the refrigeration compartment for half an hour. After the cold, it will become more elastic and it will be easier to roll.
In order that the dough when frying chebureks does not absorb too much oil, it is recommended to add a tablespoon of vodka to it when mixing. To make the dough softer, you can add 1 chicken egg to it or replace the water in the dough with milk. - farsh
Real lovers of chebureks do not recognize meat grinders and blenders, in their opinion, meat for cheburek should be cut into small pieces with a knife, so more precious juice will remain in the meat. The meat should not be too fresh. Fat must be present, if it seemed that it is not enough, you can add a piece of butter.
Instead of water in the mince for cheburek, you can add mineral water, broth, kefir. For original cheburek suitable green or black tea. If the mince is liquid, you should add less water to it. The mince can also be pre-fried for 5-7 minutes, and only then mixed with water and used in chebureks.
By the way, recently we told you how to cook Chebureki in Jewish with cheese filling. When the cheburek is roasted, the cheese inside melts, and the taste is simply unimaginable. You won't regret it!
Chebureki with meat Ingredients for dough
- 500 ml of water
- 1kg flour
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1.5 tsp 9% vinegar
- salt
Filling ingredients
- 500g ground meat (mixture of beef and pork)
- 200g onions
- 2 tbsp water (broth)
- salt and pepper
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil for frying
- Ask for flour with a small sieve.
- Boil water, pour into a deep bowl, salty, add vegetable oil.
- Pour some flour and stir the mixture to uniformity.
- Cool to room temperature, add vinegar and mix the rest of the flour.
- Leave the dough to rest in a cool place for 1 hour.
- Chop the meat, chop the onions finely. My Tatar friend rolled onions with a roller to make it softer. Mix onions and meat, salt, pepper. You can additionally use cumin, green onions, coriander, hops-suneli. Add water (broth) and stir. It is necessary to mix carefully, because otherwise the meat will secrete protein and the mince will turn into a sticky lump. Let the mince lie down, the spices must spread their influence.
- Pinch off a piece of dough and roll into a ball about 4 centimeters in diameter. Roll it in a circle so that the thickness of the dough is 1.5 mm. If thinner, it can burst when frying, thicker - Cheburek will not be so tender.
- On one segment of the rolled circle, put a tablespoon of minced meat, level, fold the circle in half and fill the edge.
- Heat the pan, pour the oil on it and wait for it to boil.
- Fry the chebureks so that they are completely covered with oil, otherwise large dumplings can turn out.
- Fry the chebureka for 3 minutes on one side, then turn over and fry for another 3 minutes.
- Put the cheburek so that the glass is excess oil. For example, paper towels or a large flat couch.
- You know that now. cooking secrets with meat. Bon appetit!
Thin rosy dough, delicate juicy mince. Cheburek on this recipe is excellent. They can be served with sour cream or tomato sauce. Even the next day, they remain soft and juicy!