Good Jewish Roulets That Are Made Without Eggs and Sugar
Anyway, I always want to eat something delicious. All my family love homemade baking, and I can’t refuse them. When I want to bake something fast, I mix the dough in water without eggs or sugar. From it, I make beautiful rolls, the recipe of which my Jewish neighbor shared with me. I mean, all of her baking is amazing, but I especially loved these rolls.
Editorial "Site" It tells you how to make Jewish rolls with generous filling.
Water dough without eggs Ingredients
The rolls are just amazing. Due to the fact that the dough on the water without eggs and sugar, the delicacy is not sweet, not too sweet. Perfect for evening tea with the whole family. In addition, baking is prepared quickly and without unnecessary fuss. If necessary, you can even make salt rolls. I’ve tried a lot of recipes, but I like this one the most!

Editorial "Site" It tells you how to make Jewish rolls with generous filling.
Water dough without eggs Ingredients
- 1 tbsp boiling water
- 4 tbsp flour
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- powder-pack
- jam-stuff
- powder
- Let's make the dough first. Then mix the flour with the baking powder. Pour it all with boiling water and mix it. Add the vegetable oil. Mix the dough.
- The dough is divided into 4 parts. Roll each in a straight rectangle. We'll make 4 rolls out of that.
- Anything can be used as a filling. I have the following options. You can simply lubricate the dough with thick jam, and then sprinkle coconut shavings on top. I also make nut stuffing. To do this, you need to roast 150 g of nuts and grind them with a blender or meat grinder. Then add 100 g of sugar, spices at will (cinnamon or cardamom). So that after baking the filling does not crumble, I add another 20 g of butter and egg white.
- You can also make a poppy filling. To do this, take 200 grams of dry poppy and a glass of sugar. Pour boiling water over the Mac. Let me stand like this for 40 minutes. Then drain all the water and whip the poppy in a blender or break in a mortar. Add the sugar and mix it well. You can add raisins or nuts.
- You can make 4 different flavors, as I usually do. Now wrap the rolls. Make small cuts with a knife on top. Bake in an oven heated to 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. It's golden. You can sprinkle powdered sugar on top.
The rolls are just amazing. Due to the fact that the dough on the water without eggs and sugar, the delicacy is not sweet, not too sweet. Perfect for evening tea with the whole family. In addition, baking is prepared quickly and without unnecessary fuss. If necessary, you can even make salt rolls. I’ve tried a lot of recipes, but I like this one the most!