Thanks to Olga Matvey learned to cook economical, but very appetizing dishes

It's great when the hostess can taste good. feed In any case! I have long been waiting for new releases of culinary videos from Olga Matvey, and here is such a gift. Her budget menu for the family is a real wand for every hostess, especially in such difficult times!

Today's edition. "Site" will tell you how masterpiece from what's in the fridge. Excellent economical cutlets and pigeons without meat from Olga Matvey!

Budget menu for family

Economy Cutlets Ingredients
  • 300g minced meat
  • 3 potatoes
  • 70g oatmeal
  • 1 bulb
  • 0.5 tsp Italian herbs
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • hot pepper

  1. You can take any kind of meatball. Chicken is the fastest cook. Peel the potatoes and rub them in fine grater. Potatoes can be replaced by squash if desired. Please note, potato juice does not need to be squeezed.

  2. Add oatmeal to the potatoes and mince. Stir everything with your hands to uniformity. The amount of oatmeal adjust to your taste.
  3. Clean the bow and cut it with a knife. Add the onions to the mince. Salm and pepper to taste, add Italian herbs and hot peppers (optional). Stir your hands to uniformity.

  4. Form small cutlets. Put them on a heated frying pan with vegetable oil. Roast the cutlets to gold on both sides. Next, we'll put them out. But you can also roast patties on both sides until ready.
  5. Pour some water into the pan to cover the bottom, cover it. Carcasses of cutlets on a small fire until ready. It takes about 15 minutes. Bon appetit!

Blubs without meat Ingredients
  • 1.5kg cabbage
  • 200g raw rice
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 bulbs
  • 250g tomato juice
  • 0.5 tbsp sugar
  • 1-2 bay leaves
  • salt, pepper to taste

  1. Take a small cabbage head and cut it off. Dip the cabbage head in a pot of water and slightly salt. Cook from the moment of boiling water for 15 minutes on a small fire.

  2. To fill the pigeons in advance, boil rice until ready (you can even reach semi-readiness). You can also roast crushed onions and grated carrots in advance on vegetable oil.
  3. Mix rice, carrots and onions. Smell it and taste it. Stir it. You can add fresh or dried green onions.

  4. Carefully remove soft leaves from the cabbage head. Prepare the cabbage leaves: remove the hard part of the leaf. If the leaves are large, divide each in half. Now start each sheet with 1-2 tablespoons of filling and wrap in any convenient way. On how to wrap pigeons so that they do not fall apart in the process of cooking, we have already written.

  5. The bottom of the Cossack is covered with cabbage leaves. Put the pigeons tightly in the Cossacks.

  6. To prepare the sauce in a bowl, pour tomato paste (or ketchup) and water in a ratio of one to one. Add sugar, pepper and 2 bay leaves. Stir it. Pour the sauce to the doves, cover it.
  7. After boiling, carcasses of blueberries for about half an hour. Bon appetit!

And to get acquainted with these recipes in detail, you can watch a video from the charming Olga Matvey.


I also suggest you learn how to buy food once, so as not to stand at the stove every evening, inventing a new dish. At the end of the article there is a list of products for the week, which you can print and take with you to the store!

Such a budget menu for the family is definitely make life easier Any modern woman will save money. From this amount of ingredients comes about 20 cutlets and about 35 pigeons without meat.

Complementing these dishes with soup and porridge, you can easily and balancedly feed the family all week. By the way, I recommend adding mushrooms to these pigeons. It's so delicious!


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