Like hands grow from the right place, but the buns still turn out some dry, tell me how to bake such as in the store.

If you have long wanted to learn how to make muffins, like from a bakery, this article will be useful to you. Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you in detail how to do pastry. Let’s talk not only about the right proportions, but also about other important nuances that many housewives overlook. It will be interesting, and most importantly - delicious!

To prepare a delicious pastry, you need to pay attention to the opare, and the dough itself, and the correct mixing. Declining is another important step in preparing the test for further baking. If you miss at least one thing, the pastry will not be as soft and tasty as it could be. We will tell you in detail about each process.

Recipe for Dough Ingredients for Opar
  • 0.5 tbsp warm water
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 14g dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp wheat flour

Preparation of the opare
  1. Use proven yeast for cooking opar. For example, yeast from manufacturers "Saf moment" or "Dr.Oetker". Note that for every 500 g of flour you will need 7 g of dry yeast. In this recipe, we prepare a large amount of test.
  2. In a large bowl (its volume should be at least 2 liters) mix water, sugar and yeast. Water temperature is also important. It is best to heat it to 37-38 degrees. Stir everything well so that the sugar and yeast dissolve.

  3. Then add the flour and stir the mass again. Put the bowl in a warm place and give the popa 30 minutes to rest. During that time, she's going to go up a lot.

Test ingredients
  • 500 ml of milk
  • 90g butter
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 6-8 tbsp flour
  • vegetable-oil

Preparing the test
  1. Ask for 6 glasses of flour with a volume of 250 ml. This flour is needed for the test itself. In addition, you will need flour (about 100 g) for mixing and more.
    A little flour for further work on the test.

  2. In a large bowl mix heated to 37-38 degrees milk, melted butter, eggs, sugar and salt. Well, beat the mass with a wreath. Then add the finished steam to the mixture and mix everything again.
  3. Gradually add sifted flour to the mixture. The first 10 minutes are advised to mix the dough with a mixer with a special nozzle for the test. This will allow you to see how the dough changes externally. It becomes smoother and more elastic. This is due to flour gluten: it swells and changes the texture to more viscous.

  4. At this point, you'll know if there's enough flour to test. Experienced housewives who stir dough with their hands say the dough will take as much flour as it needs. But in this case, the main thing is not to overdo it.
  5. After the mixer works, lay the dough on a table lubricated with vegetable oil. Grease their hands and start mixing the dough. If it sticks strongly to the hands and table, gradually add flour to it. Sometimes a couple of grams are enough to achieve the desired consistency.

After kneading, the most important stage of preparing a fruit test comes. This is a fastening, during which the yeast should complete the fermentation. In the process, carbon dioxide is formed - it must be released. That's what the dough is for.

The right fit.
  1. So back to cooking. Lubricate a large pan or bowl with vegetable oil. It should be 3 times larger than the dough. Put it in dishes and cover it with food film. A plate or a clean towel will do.
  2. Put the dough in a warm place for 2-2.5 hours. To do this, you can use the oven, and next to put a glass of hot water. Once an hour, change the water in the glass to hot, and grind the dough. During this time, the dough will rise three times, and it needs to be washed 2 times.

Editorial advice: work with the test Ready dough gently move from the bowl to the table sprinkled with flour. Treat it very gently so as not to disturb its airy structure. Dough does not like sudden movements. Divide it with a spatula or knife into several parts of equal parts. It is best to cover them with a towel while you work with one piece.

From such a test you can make just buns, cakes or even a closed pie with filling. To make the pastry as lush as possible, it needs to rest before baking. So you need the dough and the finished products.

If you haven't worked with a sweet dough before, start by making buns. It's important. forming kalaks of the same size. Ideally, it is better to use scales to measure the same weight.

Place the blanks immediately on a pan covered with parchment. After giving time for grazing, and only then send to the oven, heated to 180 degrees. As a rule, it takes 20-30 minutes for the pastry to be prepared.

Buns can be lubricated with a whipped egg and sprinkled with sesame, or you can leave nothing. Then they'll be matte. Then, after the baking, they should be lubricated. melted butter. This will make the buns even softer and tenderer.

That's all the wisdom for today. I'm sure you can cook now. The most delicious dough. Share this article with your friends – we will be pleased!


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