Cinnabon buns — an absolute delight for foodies

All know Cinnabon is famous for its aromatic cinnamon rolls. Today, I will present to your attention the recipe of these wonderful and breathtaking fragrant bread!
A little history about the creation of a Cinnabon.
The influential business magazine Expansion Magazine (Mexico) said that the Cinnabon is not just a cinnamon roll. The editors included it in a list of 50 of life's pleasures. Why be surprised? In my opinion, it really is!
Recipe of bread rolls with Cinnabon cinnamon kept secret, and on its creation worked the best technologists. It was many years ago in America in Washington state under the auspices of Ritch Kamena and his son Greg. The creators say that they managed to come up with a real culinary masterpiece. The secret of taste is in the patented formulation. First, the dough from wheat with high gluten content. Second, the Makara cinnamon, grown in Indonesia, at a height of five thousand meters above sea level. Third, strict production standards. Roll, which rolls the wizard, and then chews on the muffin, you should have no more than five turns. The card company — classic Cinnabon with cream cheese and cinnamon. Each Cinnabon product is baked in front of visitors and served hot straight from the oven.

Recipe for classic bread rolls Cinnabon:
1. Put one tablespoon of flour (with a slide) into a bowl two tablespoons of water. Knead tight dough ball.
2. Rinse the dough under cold running water. Is supposed to be heterogeneous "rag" — this is gluten. Add it to the batter before the flour.
Preparation of the dough
For the dough you will need:
flour — 600-700 g (4-5 cups)
milk — 200 ml (4/5 Cup)
eggs — 2 PCs.
sugar — 100 g (1/2 Cup)
butter — 70-80 g (5 tbsp)
yeast — 50 g fresh (or 11 g dry)
salt — 1 tsp
The process of making the dough
1. In a Cup, mix the warm milk with a spoon of sugar and add the yeast. It turns out the dough. Wait 10-15 minutes until it rises.
2. In a large bowl, whisk the eggs at room temperature with the remaining sugar, then add the soft butter and salt, stir.
3. When Opara will approach (increase) pour it into the egg-oil mixture, gluten, mix and add sifted flour. Flour may take less or more, so it stands to pour gradually so the dough does not get very steep.
4. Knead the dough thoroughly. The main thing that it not sticking to hands.
5. Then turn the dough into a ball and cover with cling film (with a towel). Close Windows and doors to avoid drafts. Leave in a warm place for one hour. You can take the pelvis is larger, and the pouring of warm water, then put the bowl of dough. The dough should increase approximately in two times. It will take approximately one hour. That muffin was more lush, will have to wait two hours, during which time you should press down the dough 2-3 times.
While the dough is rising, prepare a filling.
Ingredients for the filling:
butter — 50 g (3.5 tbsp)
brown sugar — 200 g (1 Cup)
cinnamon — 20 g (3 tbsp)
The process of making the filling with cinnamon
1 Melt the butter on the stove or in the microwave (5-10 seconds).
2 Brown sugar and cinnamon combine and mix with the oil.
3 Toppings ready!
Preparation of cream
Ingredients for the cream:
cream cheese (e.g. Mascarpone, Philadelphia, Almette) 50 to 60 grams (3-4 tbsp)
sugar powder — 100 g
the soft butter — 40 g (2-3 tbsp)
The process of making butter cream
1. Mix cream cheese with soft butter until smooth.
2. Then to the resulting mass, add the powdered sugar and vanilla.
When the time came, and the dough has risen, take it out of the Cup. Table sprinkle with a little flour and knead the dough on the table. If it is very sticky, add more a small amount of flour. Knead the dough 1-2 minutes. As soon as it ceases to adhere, turn it into a ball, cover with a towel and allow to rest for another 5 minutes.
Now when the dough is ready for sculpting Cinnamonic, take a rolling pin and roll out a thin layer with a thickness of about 5 mm and 12×16 inches (30×40 cm).
Evenly spread the filling from butter, sugar and cinnamon.
Leave blank three inches from the edge to the rolled loaf is well glued to the castle.
Tightly rolled the dough into a loaf that it has not collapsed. The tighter you get it, the better your scones will be like original and will not collapse during baking. But don't overdo it, don't forget that Cinnabon right turns should be no more than five.
Cut the roll into pieces with a thickness of one inch (2.54 cm). You should have 12 parts. The knife need to use a very sharp not to deform the rolls, otherwise they can crumble.
Now a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Lay out the cakes so that the distance between them was 3-4 cm. This is to ensure that they have enough space, when they begin to grow in size. If the distance is very large, the rolls will not look like an American masterpiece. Cover the form with cling film or towel and wait 15 minutes until they rise some more. If you're not in a hurry, it could wait an hour, it's all done for pomp and airiness. My salad more than an hour.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake scones for 18 to 25 minutes, with the features of your oven. Willingness baking can be checked using wooden skewers (matches, toothpicks). Pierce the product. If the cakes are ready, the skewer will be clean, the dough should not stick to it. Once the boil the filling and the bread is browned, wait a few minutes and get them out of the oven, the main thing is not overdry.
Without removing the rolls from the mold, cover them with glaze with a brush. If you let the rolls cool slightly, then glaze won't melt and not much rastenitse. To pastries looked very elegant, wait 5 minutes and only then apply the glaze.
Here's our culinary masterpiece!
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