Relatives come to us for money, like a salary, but do not even think to return, my strength is no more.

Can I borrow money? To relatives or close friends who are not in a hurry to return these funds? I guess the answer is obvious. However, many people are not able to refuse a close person. And when that money in the agreed time does not return, they are uncomfortable to press and demand, unwilling to spoil the relationship.

Today's edition. "Site" She will share the story of a subscriber who has always helped her relatives, and even quite distant ones. But at some point she had to regret her kindness. So why did this happen?

My husband and I have always hoped only for ourselves. That was probably the key to our financial well-being. Almost immediately after the wedding, we decided to start a small business and soon began to implement the plan in life, writes Anastasia.

“The fact is that my husband from a young age worked as an auto mechanic, loved to mess with cars and could do many jobs himself. Initially, he repaired cars in his garage. Then we began to expand a little: we rented a room, leased equipment. And later they even opened a wash next to the auto repair shop.

“I worked in our small business as both an accountant and an administrator. She worked while pregnant and shortly after giving birth. Our son almost grew up in the same workshop, and my husband and I managed to do well without the help of uncle, aunt, grandparents and other relatives. For some reason they could not do without us.”

“Our relatives firmly believed that if my husband and I have a business, there is nowhere to spend money. It was far from that, though. And it was necessary to work for this money from morning to night, and without a weekend.”

“Every time we hear that we have a lot of money and that we live a wonderful life. They demanded that we repair their cars for free. They don’t have the money, and we are so rich that we demand payment for our services. And we met some relatives right on the threshold of the workshop.”

But not everyone has a car, but everyone needs money. Therefore, neither my parents nor my husband’s parents hesitated to borrow money from us. Taken and not given. Her mother-in-law took the money not only for herself, but also for her sister and even for her nephews.

My husband’s cousin took 30 thousand rubles for a vacation when he wanted to take his family to the sea. Promised to give in pieces. It's been four and a half years, but we haven't seen a single part. My brother said the salary was small and there was not enough money. When his husband asked him to work in our wash, he was even offended.

“And then trouble came to us. Ours. son I was seriously ill and needed a lot of money. We didn’t have that much money on our hands, so we turned to our family. We called all relatives, including those who at different times borrowed money from us or serviced the car for free. We were all sympathetic, but no one gave us the money.”


“Yes, we did it ourselves again. We sold the car, got loans secured by the house and workshop. Everything went well with my son, and that's the main thing. Now we are getting out of debt, we have to work even more. But the money from us relatives no longer pull. We have broken off relations with all of them.

“No one lifted a finger to help us. No one even gave up what they took from us. And then these same people, when things got better, had the nerve to come and beg again. And we made angry faces when we refused. They may consider us greedy and mercantile, but we will somehow survive, Anastasia said.

Perhaps Anastasia and her husband learned an important lesson. After all, it was rather foolish to support all relatives without asking for anything in return. We had to learn to reject even the closest people. It is a pity that to realize this trusting woman had to go through difficult trials.


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