A woman at 58 looks like a girl! In order not to turn into an old hag too early, rule out...
Recent studies have shown that age is not the only factor that contributes to the appearance of premature troughs and irregularities on the face of the beautiful half of humanity, for which wrinkles are a nightmare. Nutrition and bad habits play an important role in the appearance of early signs of aging.
"Site" prepared for you a short list of foods, excessive use of which can provoke ageing And premature wrinkles.
Skin ageing
Reducing or eliminating these harmful foods from the diet is the key to being energetic and youthful both outside and inside.
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"Site" prepared for you a short list of foods, excessive use of which can provoke ageing And premature wrinkles.

Skin ageing
- sugar
The worst enemy of healthy young skin is sugar and foods high in it. This sweetness not only contributes to gaining excess weight, but also provokes the appearance of wrinkles, makes the skin less elastic and adversely affects the health of the body as a whole.
It is important to understand that sugar is found not only in sweets and delicious desserts, but also in all products that cause the glycation process (the reaction between proteins, carbohydrates and fats that occurs at high temperature). Glycation of proteins - one of the main causes of aging, atherosclerosis, stroke and myocardial infarction.
Try not to pickle meat before cooking, do not cook fish with potatoes and reduce the use of foods cooked under high temperatures. - Trans fats
Numerous scientific studies have confirmed the negative effect of modified fats on the human body. Because trans fats margarineThey are found in all the products in which it is included. This is semi-finished products, and pastries, and even fries. Regular use of even small doses of harmful fats disrupts metabolic processes, provokes obesity, premature aging and gives a bouquet of cardiovascular diseases. - Alcohol
If you drink no more than 1 glass of dry red per day, it has a positive effect on the body. But the use of large doses of alcoholic beverages of any kind contributes to dehydration of the body. This is the cause of circulatory disorders, as a result of which the skin becomes dry, hence first-wrinkles. - Low-fat foods
Eating low-fat foods to get rid of excess weight is a piece of advice you can’t think of. A diet enriched with healthy fats plays an important role in maintaining youthfulness. This style of eating deprives the body of invaluable substances that make it healthy, young and full of energy. - salt
Salt is one of the most popular seasonings, it is able to give even the most unleavened dish a unique taste. So why is this delicious food that everyone eats called the “White Death”? Salt is a product that contains neither vitamins nor organic substances. Excess salt in the diet promotes stagnation in the body. As a result, you will get diseases of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels and flabby old skin, which only plastic surgeons will help. - Black tea
Thein, which is contained in tea, is not only an excellent tonic for the human body, but also is able to dehydrate the body quite strongly, in particular the skin. It becomes dry, prone to early appearance of wrinkles, healthy is lost. face. But it should be understood that adequate consumption of tea does not entail such consequences. But if your norm is 5 cups of tonic drink a day, then you should sound the alarm.
Reducing or eliminating these harmful foods from the diet is the key to being energetic and youthful both outside and inside.
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