The nutritionist prescribed a simple and effective weight loss scheme. The result is pleasing!

Here comes autumn. With the onset of cold weather, our body will begin to require heavy carbohydrates, most often in the form of buns to warm up. Therefore, you need to properly approach your diet to always feel a sense of satiety, but at the same time lose weight and maintain yourself in good shape.

Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you the best possible feed-inThis is supported by all nutritionists. Weight loss will work without harm to health, while the feeling of hunger will not haunt you.

And so, it all begins simply: wake up and drink a glass of water. If there are no stomach problems, you can add lemon. Now let's get to the ration.

  1. Breakfast (8-9 a.m.)
    Boil oatmeal on the water, add crushed walnuts (3 pieces), a pinch of cinnamon, a tablespoon of honey and some lemon juice. Stir everything well and have a good appetite. Such breakfast It will not take long, but it will perfectly saturate and help maintain nails and hair in good condition. It's important.After breakfast, do not drink water for 1 hour and do not eat for 2 hours.

  2. Snack (10-11am)
    20 minutes before snacking, drink a glass of water. You can eat a green apple or drink a glass of yogurt or yogurt. Do not drink water for 1 hour, and do not eat food for 2 hours.

  3. Lunch (12-13 days)
    20 minutes before meals, drink a glass of water. For lunch you can afford complex carbohydrates. You can treat yourself to a serving of hard wheat pasta in tomato sauce or buckwheat in soy sauce, or wild rice with poultry meat, grilled vegetables, or cream soup. Anyway, pick your own taste. Only salting the dish is not recommended. Do not eat or drink after eating for 2 hours.

  4. Afternoon (14-15 days)
    Drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes. Ideal for afternoon snacks are suitable baked apples with cinnamon. Very tasty and healthy. 46

  5. Dinner (17-18 hours)
    Drink 1-2 glasses of water 20 minutes before dinner. You should eat protein food for dinner. Make an egg white omelet or eat low-fat cottage cheese. But if you are hungry, you can cook a turkey or chicken with vegetables in the oven or steam. Just don't eat too much.

An hour after dinner is a great time to play sports. Cardio or strength exercises – choose what you like. Drink plenty of water during training, but remember that after 20 p.m. it is advisable not to drink water - there will be swelling.
After training, for 20 minutes, drink a carbohydrate cocktail.

Eat right! And don’t forget to share useful information with your friends on social networks!