This is how our thoughts affect our health. You can change your life with the power of thought!
Our thoughts affect our health. You didn't know? This is true, even if at first one does not believe that “thought is material.”
People of the East say: “Man’s worst enemies would not do as much harm as his own thoughts bring him.”
And the world-famous Persian doctor Avicenna in the 10th century AD said: "The doctor has three means in the fight against the disease - a word, a plant, a knife." The word stood in the first place, and this is a direct continuation of the thought - its voice.
Positive affirmations also work. A well-known case: a young aspiring psychologist from Paris, Emily Kyi, without consulting with the head doctor of the capital’s hospital, conducted an experiment. She ordered all her patients to repeat the phrase “I feel better and better every day” clearly and enthusiastically every day, avoiding the mechanization of the action.
A month later, the health of her patients improved significantly with such a separation from others that the person of the doctor began to discuss the whole of France, and the methods of her treatment were interested in abroad. She brought it to life. reasoning.
Her practical experience confirmed the conjecture of the famous Swiss alchemist Paracelsius: “Healing brings faith.” This phenomenon is now called the placebo effect.
“The best protection against all diseases, from any infection is a firm belief in one’s own health and positive emotions,” says Andrey Metelsky, a psychotherapist with twenty years of experience. Negative thoughts are destructive. For example, anger causes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Resentment over time leads to diseases of the liver, pancreas, cholecystitis.”
Confidences of trust, sympathy, commitment, love, expressed to another person in verbal form, incredibly raise his vital energy. Subjectively, it feels like a surge of strength and an improvement in mood. Correspondingly, hateful words have the opposite effect.
The study of these processes is engaged in such a direction of medicine as psychosomatics. His experts argue that the mental and physical state of a person is closely and directly interrelated. Therefore, the health of a person is a direct consequence of his thinking.
How to avoid diseases caused by bad thoughts? Enjoy life. It sounds corny, but the best and simplest recipe can not come up with.
If we delve into this topic, we can say that not only health depends on the mental attitude of a person, but also his entire fate. The main law of the universe is: “You attract into your life what your emotions, attention and thoughts are focused on.”
The power of attraction of thought It's huge! If you have bright thoughts, wait for a bright future. You think about the bad, you get the bad. When we think about something, we become convinced that it can or should happen. Faith gives birth to an event.
We advise you to think positively. How? Following two universal rules, “developed” by Robert Eliot, a cardiologist from America, a specialist in cardiac affairs in the literal and figurative sense.
Rule #1: Don't worry about trifles.
Rule 2: Everything is nothing.
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People of the East say: “Man’s worst enemies would not do as much harm as his own thoughts bring him.”
And the world-famous Persian doctor Avicenna in the 10th century AD said: "The doctor has three means in the fight against the disease - a word, a plant, a knife." The word stood in the first place, and this is a direct continuation of the thought - its voice.

Positive affirmations also work. A well-known case: a young aspiring psychologist from Paris, Emily Kyi, without consulting with the head doctor of the capital’s hospital, conducted an experiment. She ordered all her patients to repeat the phrase “I feel better and better every day” clearly and enthusiastically every day, avoiding the mechanization of the action.

A month later, the health of her patients improved significantly with such a separation from others that the person of the doctor began to discuss the whole of France, and the methods of her treatment were interested in abroad. She brought it to life. reasoning.
Her practical experience confirmed the conjecture of the famous Swiss alchemist Paracelsius: “Healing brings faith.” This phenomenon is now called the placebo effect.

“The best protection against all diseases, from any infection is a firm belief in one’s own health and positive emotions,” says Andrey Metelsky, a psychotherapist with twenty years of experience. Negative thoughts are destructive. For example, anger causes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Resentment over time leads to diseases of the liver, pancreas, cholecystitis.”

Confidences of trust, sympathy, commitment, love, expressed to another person in verbal form, incredibly raise his vital energy. Subjectively, it feels like a surge of strength and an improvement in mood. Correspondingly, hateful words have the opposite effect.
The study of these processes is engaged in such a direction of medicine as psychosomatics. His experts argue that the mental and physical state of a person is closely and directly interrelated. Therefore, the health of a person is a direct consequence of his thinking.

How to avoid diseases caused by bad thoughts? Enjoy life. It sounds corny, but the best and simplest recipe can not come up with.
If we delve into this topic, we can say that not only health depends on the mental attitude of a person, but also his entire fate. The main law of the universe is: “You attract into your life what your emotions, attention and thoughts are focused on.”

The power of attraction of thought It's huge! If you have bright thoughts, wait for a bright future. You think about the bad, you get the bad. When we think about something, we become convinced that it can or should happen. Faith gives birth to an event.
We advise you to think positively. How? Following two universal rules, “developed” by Robert Eliot, a cardiologist from America, a specialist in cardiac affairs in the literal and figurative sense.
Rule #1: Don't worry about trifles.
Rule 2: Everything is nothing.
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