Nikolai Amosov: Only the man himself is to blame for his illnesses. Most often he suffers from laziness and greed!
You can talk about this wonderful and great man a lot, his contribution to the development of medicine is simply invaluable. Nikolai Amosov Not only a famous doctor, a pioneer in the field of cardiac surgery, but also the author of many books about a healthy lifestyle.
After a severe operation, he challenged old age and disease by developing his own healthy lifestyle. This system has captivated thousands of people. Editorial "Site" I decided to share with you the thoughts of this great man on health, longevity and medicine.
To become healthy, you need your own constant and significant efforts. Nothing can replace them. Fortunately, a person is so perfect that you can almost always return to health. Only the necessary efforts increase with old age and the deepening of diseases, he said. Nikolai Amosov. He believed that only through efforts and work on yourself can you maintain your health for many years.
He said that there are four main conditions to maintain health: exercise, dietary restrictions, hardening, time and the ability to rest. If you skillfully fulfill all these conditions - longevity and health until old age you are provided.
One of the main incentives for creating a healthy lifestyle for Amosov was his own health. In one of his books, he said: In the war, for the first time there was an attack of sciatica, then it often repeated, perhaps from prolonged operations. In 1954, it became very bad: X-rays determined changes in the vertebrae. Then I developed my gymnastics 1000 movements: 10 exercises, each 100. That helped.”
“Physical education for me is one of the foundations of life!” says Amosov. He claims that to maintain the body in tone, you need to exercise at least 20-30 minutes a day.
A special place in his system Amosov gave food. He said that nutrition What you eat and how much you eat. He also emphasized the exceptional role of vitamins and trace elements, which can only be obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables. Therefore, he did not advise replacing raw vegetables with boiled ones, because heat treatment destroys vitamins.
The basis of all our food are fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Amosov said that fat in its pure form our body does not need at all. Therefore, you can safely abandon oil and lard. Our body is able to synthesize fats from proteins and carbohydrates.
The assertion that without full-fledged proteins a person cannot survive, he considered a myth. They are needed by our body, but do not get carried away. It is also incorrect to say that for health you need to give up carbohydrates. They are needed by the body, only not sugar in its pure form, but grain porridge and sweet fruits.
He believed that if a person works on himself, leads a healthy lifestyle and loads his body, then he is not afraid of diseases. He said, “The doctor cures diseases, but health must be obtained by himself.”
To feel good, so that the pressure and pulse are always normal, you need training. Physical activity, cold, hunger are mandatory conditions, thanks to which the body is hardening, strengthening immunity. The effort spent on training will pay off.
Despite the fact that he was a doctor himself, he had his own point of view about medicine: Do not rely on medicine: be afraid to be captured by doctors! It cures many diseases, but can not make a person healthy. It cannot even teach a person how to become healthy. Unfortunately, he is right, because to cure the disease and become healthy are not the same thing.
In his lifetime, he saved thousands of people and turned medicine around. At the same time, he does not say that medicine is a panacea, on the contrary, he argues that the key to real health is only in efforts and work on yourself, in proper nutrition and physical exertion. He stopped operating at 79 and lived to 89, isn't that proof that his system works?
What do you think about that? Share with us in the comments.
After a severe operation, he challenged old age and disease by developing his own healthy lifestyle. This system has captivated thousands of people. Editorial "Site" I decided to share with you the thoughts of this great man on health, longevity and medicine.
To become healthy, you need your own constant and significant efforts. Nothing can replace them. Fortunately, a person is so perfect that you can almost always return to health. Only the necessary efforts increase with old age and the deepening of diseases, he said. Nikolai Amosov. He believed that only through efforts and work on yourself can you maintain your health for many years.
He said that there are four main conditions to maintain health: exercise, dietary restrictions, hardening, time and the ability to rest. If you skillfully fulfill all these conditions - longevity and health until old age you are provided.
One of the main incentives for creating a healthy lifestyle for Amosov was his own health. In one of his books, he said: In the war, for the first time there was an attack of sciatica, then it often repeated, perhaps from prolonged operations. In 1954, it became very bad: X-rays determined changes in the vertebrae. Then I developed my gymnastics 1000 movements: 10 exercises, each 100. That helped.”
“Physical education for me is one of the foundations of life!” says Amosov. He claims that to maintain the body in tone, you need to exercise at least 20-30 minutes a day.
A special place in his system Amosov gave food. He said that nutrition What you eat and how much you eat. He also emphasized the exceptional role of vitamins and trace elements, which can only be obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables. Therefore, he did not advise replacing raw vegetables with boiled ones, because heat treatment destroys vitamins.
The basis of all our food are fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Amosov said that fat in its pure form our body does not need at all. Therefore, you can safely abandon oil and lard. Our body is able to synthesize fats from proteins and carbohydrates.
The assertion that without full-fledged proteins a person cannot survive, he considered a myth. They are needed by our body, but do not get carried away. It is also incorrect to say that for health you need to give up carbohydrates. They are needed by the body, only not sugar in its pure form, but grain porridge and sweet fruits.
He believed that if a person works on himself, leads a healthy lifestyle and loads his body, then he is not afraid of diseases. He said, “The doctor cures diseases, but health must be obtained by himself.”
To feel good, so that the pressure and pulse are always normal, you need training. Physical activity, cold, hunger are mandatory conditions, thanks to which the body is hardening, strengthening immunity. The effort spent on training will pay off.
Despite the fact that he was a doctor himself, he had his own point of view about medicine: Do not rely on medicine: be afraid to be captured by doctors! It cures many diseases, but can not make a person healthy. It cannot even teach a person how to become healthy. Unfortunately, he is right, because to cure the disease and become healthy are not the same thing.
In his lifetime, he saved thousands of people and turned medicine around. At the same time, he does not say that medicine is a panacea, on the contrary, he argues that the key to real health is only in efforts and work on yourself, in proper nutrition and physical exertion. He stopped operating at 79 and lived to 89, isn't that proof that his system works?
What do you think about that? Share with us in the comments.
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