All the rubbish will sweep away with a broom, you just have to eat it. No more weight!
Frequent exhausting stool delays can poison the life of any person. A blistering feeling of heaviness, pain and moral tension are unlikely to make you a calm and balanced person. But the problem, which is so embarrassing to talk about, can and should be solved! Most of us in the fight against ostipation resorts to pharmacy drugs for help, weaning the intestines from independent work.
Don't worry. "Site" There is an effective solution: the right diet and these 8 natural products are laxatives better than tablets. Natural, affordable and incredibly useful!
Do not forget that the correct position of the body during defecation affects the quality of the chair no less than proper nutrition! All you have to do while sitting on the toilet is to raise your knees to your chest. To do this, you do not need to get your feet on the toilet or master special acrobatic skills, no. Just put a low stool or box under your feet.
This position of the body is more familiar to the human body and contributes to the fact that the feces leave the intestines fully. Due to this, the risk of constipation, inflammatory diseases, hernias, loss of hemorrhoids, pelvic organs is reduced and the risk of heart attacks is reduced. Try it, and you will definitely feel the relief not only of the process itself, but also notice how brightly it will affect your health!
As you can see, laxatives - No worse than a pharmacy! They are natural, accessible and useful to everyone and everything. Well, to permanently get rid of problems with the chair, it is necessary to normalize the diet, drink enough fluids and not worry about trifles.
Save this useful article for yourself and don’t forget to share it with your friends on social networks. Bless you!

Don't worry. "Site" There is an effective solution: the right diet and these 8 natural products are laxatives better than tablets. Natural, affordable and incredibly useful!
- Bran.
Bran is your gut's best friend. Naturality and high concentration of fiber make bran the best home laxative. With regular use of this product, constipation and problems with the digestive system can be completely forgotten. However, dry bran is not recommended to use. It's not harmful, no. Just a raw product is unlikely to benefit your gut. In order for the fibers of the fiber to make the gastrointestinal tract work and cleanse it of everything extra, the product wet. Soak the bran in hot water in a 1:5 ratio. After an hour, drain the excess water, and add the gruel to the usual dishes. - prunes
Dried plum fruit is incredibly useful. Being a mild laxative, prunes stimulate digestion, removes toxins and toxins from the body, normalizes metabolism and has an effective antibacterial. You can use prunes in pure form or put in compotes and decoctions - it is always effective! A day you can eat from 5 to 10 fruits, but watch your condition, because the dose for each individual. - Pumpkin
With prolonged constipation, you can stabilize the work of the intestine with the help of a pumpkin. Ripe vegetable fiber, which contributes to easier pushing of feces, and also helps to cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins. Pumpkin will help improve the work of the digestive organs, strengthen the immune system and normalize the work of the heart muscle. A useful vegetable will not only save you from constipation, but also help get rid of extra pounds. - Flax seeds
Flax seeds are beautiful. laxative a tool that quickly and affordable helps to correct the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Add 1 tbsp ground seeds to cottage cheese, yogurt or kefir, prepare decoctions based on flax seeds or thick fruit jelly. In short, an indispensable product with long delays of the chair! - Cucumber brine
Yeah, yeah, you didn't hear it. Cucumber brine is not only an excellent hangover remedy, but also an excellent natural laxative. Take this drink 4 times a day, and your intestines will thank you. Important! The brine should be spicelessIt is better to have a sleeves for at least a month. - Honeywater
The recipe for normalizing the bowel is simple! In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of warm water, dissolving 1 tbsp of honey in it. Honey water will help not only to cope with ostipation, but also contribute to the activation of metabolic processes, help the body cope with chronic ailments and is a tasty tool for general strengthening of the body. - Butter kefir
To save yourself from constipation, mix 1 tbsp. l. kefir with 2 tsp. vegetable oil and drink before going to bed. Kefir improves the process of digestion of food in the intestine, normalizes its motility and improves patency. Butter has a laxative effect. In combination, these two products not only cope well with constipation, but also eliminate its cause - the consequence of malnutrition. - Flower salad
It is no secret why the salad is called so: like a broom, it sweeps out everything superfluous from the intestine. Grind beets, carrots, cabbage, celery and radish. Stir thoroughly and eat. gas-free. Benefits guaranteed!
Do not forget that the correct position of the body during defecation affects the quality of the chair no less than proper nutrition! All you have to do while sitting on the toilet is to raise your knees to your chest. To do this, you do not need to get your feet on the toilet or master special acrobatic skills, no. Just put a low stool or box under your feet.
This position of the body is more familiar to the human body and contributes to the fact that the feces leave the intestines fully. Due to this, the risk of constipation, inflammatory diseases, hernias, loss of hemorrhoids, pelvic organs is reduced and the risk of heart attacks is reduced. Try it, and you will definitely feel the relief not only of the process itself, but also notice how brightly it will affect your health!

As you can see, laxatives - No worse than a pharmacy! They are natural, accessible and useful to everyone and everything. Well, to permanently get rid of problems with the chair, it is necessary to normalize the diet, drink enough fluids and not worry about trifles.
Save this useful article for yourself and don’t forget to share it with your friends on social networks. Bless you!
Analogues of the most expensive drugs for home medicine cabinets! I'll think about it 100 times before I buy another medicine.
Psychosomatics is an inexorable thing, all women's diseases from resentment against men!