Psychosomatics is an inexorable thing, all women's diseases from resentment against men!
In a difficult period, I felt like I was attracting unhappiness. Of course you can write it off. immunitywhere untreated disease causes complications. But when your life goes downhill and the drugs don't work, you agree to any affirmations.
Three years ago, I became aware of my illness. It was just a running day. Stable house, shop, job. Sometimes the pharmacy, bags and market on weekends. And so along a reflexive contour, diluting stability with wine and a couple of "reliable" girlfriends. A few months of treatment without results, then another six months in vain.
I believe. evidence-based medicine. I believe in medical education, due to droppers and tablet products. I often wait for it to pass. It doesn't go away, at least crack it! Is it true that the destructive force is within us?
When the attending physician advised consultIt caused a violent reaction. All these brains are for weaklings, and I am a successful woman, work is a dream, even a man is nearby! A few days later, I went to a specialist and waited for a miracle.
A miracle did not happen, but there was a desire to live and change everything! Although it didn’t turn the world around, I’m incredibly proud of myself for finding a way to solve so many of the problems that were firmly in my head. You need to love yourself, live and enjoy every minute! Accumulating resentment, anger and negativity, we burn from the inside, and this causes all sorts of diseases in our beloved body.
In the first place among diseases of women are gynecological diseases. And they like to manifest themselves as a "bucket" - inflammation, endometriosis, cysts, tumors, thrush ... Along with traditional treatment, do not forget about the psychological state. It is scientifically proven that the right attitude helps to cope with any disease.
In this article, I will not go into the details of the protocol treatment of diseases. I'll tell you which ones psychological causes They can block recovery. When you get rid of them, you are getting closer to a positive result.
Uterine fibroids - symptoms and signs Common signs of this benign tumor are menstrual disorders, heavy uterine bleeding, bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle. At the same time, there is an atypical increase in abdominal volume, pulling pains below and stool disorder. Symptoms of uterine fibroids with menopause similar, but treatment is not always required.
Often fibroids cause infertility. The main treatment is surgical intervention.
The tumor occurs in women who are constantly in a bad mood, suffer from depression and long-termEspecially those close to you.
And cureFirst of all, we need to get rid of anger. I sincerely forgive the person who hurt you. Neither you nor anyone else owes anything to anyone. Pay less attention to your own shortcomings, focus on the merits. This applies to relationships with men, do not blame them for your problems. Do what you love, try to overcome depression on your own or with the help of a specialist.
This benign neoplasm is located in the tissues of the ovaries and filled with liquid contents. Its danger is that the cyst can turn into a malignant tumor and provoke infertility. In some cases, with inflammation of the legs of the cyst, peritonitis or intestinal obstruction occurs.
The psychological causes of this disease are excessive fear, hyperprotection, jealousy and desire to control everything by clarifying the relationship. To cope, learn to respect others. The main reason for your phobias is childhood fears and misunderstood memories. Stop being afraid of them, it's long gone! It’s time to take care of yourself, to believe in yourself.
Candidiasis or thrush By itself, this fungal disease does not create serious complications, except for some discomfort. But it is often accompanied by vaginitis and causes a general decrease in immunity.
Thrush occurs in self-confident women who seek total control and do not want to accept help. First of all, you need to allow yourself to retire. Give your loved ones more freedom and respect their actions. You should develop patience and the ability to thank others.
Menopause with complications Climax is normal! It is inevitable and is an integral part of female growing up. It cannot be avoided, but it is quite realistic to delay and ease the flow. Climacteric complications are accompanied by fever, causeless changes in body temperature, sleep disturbance, decreased working capacity and sudden changes in mood.
With menopause, chronic diseases become acute, because the body and psyche are in constant stress due to hormonal disruptions. But the process can aggravate the inferiority complex, dissatisfaction with their lives, constant fatigue and neglect of personal interests.
It is possible to facilitate menopause with the help of emotional reset. You have to accept yourself as you are, with all the changes. With age, people become not only wrinkles, but also wiser. Rethink your priorities, focus on your personal life and love your old age even more than the years of your youth.
If we take into account the emotional state, a number of diseases can be maintained in the body only because of a bad mood. Symptoms of uterine fibroids in women Other diseases can be alleviated by getting rid of the depressed state. A woman cannot recover when she confronts herself.
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Three years ago, I became aware of my illness. It was just a running day. Stable house, shop, job. Sometimes the pharmacy, bags and market on weekends. And so along a reflexive contour, diluting stability with wine and a couple of "reliable" girlfriends. A few months of treatment without results, then another six months in vain.
I believe. evidence-based medicine. I believe in medical education, due to droppers and tablet products. I often wait for it to pass. It doesn't go away, at least crack it! Is it true that the destructive force is within us?

When the attending physician advised consultIt caused a violent reaction. All these brains are for weaklings, and I am a successful woman, work is a dream, even a man is nearby! A few days later, I went to a specialist and waited for a miracle.
A miracle did not happen, but there was a desire to live and change everything! Although it didn’t turn the world around, I’m incredibly proud of myself for finding a way to solve so many of the problems that were firmly in my head. You need to love yourself, live and enjoy every minute! Accumulating resentment, anger and negativity, we burn from the inside, and this causes all sorts of diseases in our beloved body.

In the first place among diseases of women are gynecological diseases. And they like to manifest themselves as a "bucket" - inflammation, endometriosis, cysts, tumors, thrush ... Along with traditional treatment, do not forget about the psychological state. It is scientifically proven that the right attitude helps to cope with any disease.
In this article, I will not go into the details of the protocol treatment of diseases. I'll tell you which ones psychological causes They can block recovery. When you get rid of them, you are getting closer to a positive result.
Uterine fibroids - symptoms and signs Common signs of this benign tumor are menstrual disorders, heavy uterine bleeding, bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle. At the same time, there is an atypical increase in abdominal volume, pulling pains below and stool disorder. Symptoms of uterine fibroids with menopause similar, but treatment is not always required.

Often fibroids cause infertility. The main treatment is surgical intervention.
The tumor occurs in women who are constantly in a bad mood, suffer from depression and long-termEspecially those close to you.
And cureFirst of all, we need to get rid of anger. I sincerely forgive the person who hurt you. Neither you nor anyone else owes anything to anyone. Pay less attention to your own shortcomings, focus on the merits. This applies to relationships with men, do not blame them for your problems. Do what you love, try to overcome depression on your own or with the help of a specialist.

This benign neoplasm is located in the tissues of the ovaries and filled with liquid contents. Its danger is that the cyst can turn into a malignant tumor and provoke infertility. In some cases, with inflammation of the legs of the cyst, peritonitis or intestinal obstruction occurs.

The psychological causes of this disease are excessive fear, hyperprotection, jealousy and desire to control everything by clarifying the relationship. To cope, learn to respect others. The main reason for your phobias is childhood fears and misunderstood memories. Stop being afraid of them, it's long gone! It’s time to take care of yourself, to believe in yourself.
Candidiasis or thrush By itself, this fungal disease does not create serious complications, except for some discomfort. But it is often accompanied by vaginitis and causes a general decrease in immunity.

Thrush occurs in self-confident women who seek total control and do not want to accept help. First of all, you need to allow yourself to retire. Give your loved ones more freedom and respect their actions. You should develop patience and the ability to thank others.
Menopause with complications Climax is normal! It is inevitable and is an integral part of female growing up. It cannot be avoided, but it is quite realistic to delay and ease the flow. Climacteric complications are accompanied by fever, causeless changes in body temperature, sleep disturbance, decreased working capacity and sudden changes in mood.

With menopause, chronic diseases become acute, because the body and psyche are in constant stress due to hormonal disruptions. But the process can aggravate the inferiority complex, dissatisfaction with their lives, constant fatigue and neglect of personal interests.
It is possible to facilitate menopause with the help of emotional reset. You have to accept yourself as you are, with all the changes. With age, people become not only wrinkles, but also wiser. Rethink your priorities, focus on your personal life and love your old age even more than the years of your youth.

If we take into account the emotional state, a number of diseases can be maintained in the body only because of a bad mood. Symptoms of uterine fibroids in women Other diseases can be alleviated by getting rid of the depressed state. A woman cannot recover when she confronts herself.
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