Simple Cancer Prevention: 7 Yes and 13 Nos for Life
According to statistics, cancer is among the three leaders in the number of deaths. In the first place are cardiovascular diseases, in the second – injuries. The death rate from cancer in the world is 15%. According to WHO forecasts, in the next 20 years, cancer deaths will outpace injury deaths and securely gain a foothold in second place.
Statistics are frightening and overwhelming: every year in the world from cancer dies about 5 million men and 4 million women. Is there a cure for this plague? Is there a way to protect yourself? Editorial "Site" I decided to figure it out.
To protect yourself from the disease, you need to understand where it comes from. There are many theories on this. Oncologists believe that cancer is a disease of genes, that is, it occurs due to some genetic changes. They may be inherited from their parents or may occur during their lifetime. This occurs as a result of cell division or exposure to carcinogenic substances. There are enough such substances in the environment.
We share with you a list of 7 yes and 13 no for health. The simplest and most affordable cancer prevention.
Say no.
Say yes.
Here is a short list of what you need to know about cancer prevention. After all, it is not difficult to find these habits a place in your daily routine and your life, and after all, they can save you from a terrible ailment. Follow these tips and stay healthy!
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Statistics are frightening and overwhelming: every year in the world from cancer dies about 5 million men and 4 million women. Is there a cure for this plague? Is there a way to protect yourself? Editorial "Site" I decided to figure it out.
To protect yourself from the disease, you need to understand where it comes from. There are many theories on this. Oncologists believe that cancer is a disease of genes, that is, it occurs due to some genetic changes. They may be inherited from their parents or may occur during their lifetime. This occurs as a result of cell division or exposure to carcinogenic substances. There are enough such substances in the environment.

We share with you a list of 7 yes and 13 no for health. The simplest and most affordable cancer prevention.
Say no.
- Refined oil
It is strictly not recommended to fry in vegetable oil, because when heated and fatty acids turn into trans fats and cause the development of cancer. - Milk.
Milk contains casein, which many scientists accuse of carcinogenicity. Some studies prove that milk is the cause of many types of cancer.
DepositPhotos - Broth cubes
- Sahara in any form
Sugar, as it turned out, harms not only the figure. Studies in different countries confirm the fact that sugar affects the growth of cancer cells and provokes their activation. As it turned out, glucose makes tumors more aggressive. - Sweet soda.
The thing is that in a liter of soda about 32 spoons of sugar.
DepositPhotos - Microwave
Microwave products cause the growth of cancer cells in the stomach and intestines. - Frozen, not freshly cooked food
- Alcohol.
DepositPhotos - Refrigerated water if stored in plastic containers
- Antiperspirant deodorants
- Tightening bras and birth control pills
Studies have proven that bras that squeeze the breast lead to the development of breast cancer. So it is better to refuse them and choose only comfortable and loose underwear. There is nothing to say about the dangers of birth control. - Talking about a broken mobile phone
The dangers of mobile phones have been talked about since their inception, and this is not empty talk. There are studies that confirm the harm of waves emitted during a conversation, and when the phone is discharged, they are many times stronger. - Hot food from plastic bags
When heated, all types of plastic emit about 50 harmful compounds that provoke cancer.
Say yes.
- Vegetables.
Any vegetables are useful, because they contain many vitamins, minerals and fiber that help our body function normally. Particular attention should be paid to tomatoes, because not so long ago it was proved that they have antitumor properties. - Honey instead of sugar
Perhaps no further explanation is needed. Sugar contributes to the development of cancer, and honey is a natural product with many useful properties.
DepositPhotos - Beans as a protein source
Among cases of cancer, a large percentage are diseases of the reproductive system. They arise due to hormonal imbalance, and the best defenders in this are legumes containing phytoestrogens. For prevention, it is recommended to use legumes up to 3 times a week. - Warm but not hot food
Too hot food is harmful to the stomach: it injures the mucous membrane. - Two glasses of water on an empty stomach
DepositPhotos - Cancer charges
This, of course, is not a panacea, but as a prevention is very useful thing. There are many recipes for such fees. Take, for example, aloe, ginger, parsley, celery and the middle of a pineapple. Grind and mix all the ingredients in equal proportions, drink on an empty stomach. Make a habit of drinking this drink every day. - Carrot
Every day and in every form. Many doctors advise using carrot juice to prevent various diseases. It contains large amounts of vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K, as well as calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur and silicon. It is also indispensable in the treatment of cancer. Phagocytes kill cancer cells many times more efficiently if the body gets enough vitamins and minerals from carrot juice every day.
Here is a short list of what you need to know about cancer prevention. After all, it is not difficult to find these habits a place in your daily routine and your life, and after all, they can save you from a terrible ailment. Follow these tips and stay healthy!
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