Guide to making chocolate jelly without gelatin

This dessert will appeal to all chocolate lovers. For its preparation, choose the most bitter. Optimally, 75 percent.

Chocolate should be without any artificial impurities. And if you are for a healthy lifestyle, then without sugar. We will prepare pp-dessert, which can be eaten even by those who are on a diet.


Now it is not difficult to find chocolate with stevia instead of sugar. The extract from this plant is used as a substitute for artificial sweeteners. Stevia almost does not affect the amount of glucose in the blood and is indicated for diabetics and adherents of carbohydrate diets.

Stevia is 250-300 times sweeter than sucrose. The feeling of sweetness from it comes slower than from ordinary sugar, but lasts longer.

DepositPhotos Chocolate Jelly Ingredients
  • 120g dark chocolate
  • 500 ml of milk
  • 2g agar-agar (teaspoon without top)
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce

  1. Mix the milk with agar-agar and leave it for 15 minutes to swell. Then hold the milk on fire for a few minutes, stirring the thickener to dissolve completely. 853173

  2. Remove the milk from the fire and add the broken chocolate.


  3. Then add the soy sauce. It will dilute the sweet-bitter taste of chocolate with a salty note.


  4. Stir everything thoroughly. You should get a homogeneous mass without lumps. Pour it into silicone forms and put it in a cold place. In an hour, you can enjoy dessert. Milk and chocolate jelly You can decorate on top with cream, almond shavings, mint leaves, so that it looks beautiful on the table.


If desired, you can improve the recipe and prepare a whole chocolate cake from several layers. One can be white, if you put fatty cream instead of chocolate, the other chocolate, the third fruit. Experiment!

Of course, you could take gelatin. But we insist on agar-agar. This is a plant analogue of gelatin, which is extracted by extracting a useful substance from red and brown algae. Agar-agar will provide the dessert with a special texture.

If you are used to cooking from gelatin, we offer a selection of the following desserts. A good light jelly is a great substitute for too-sweet cakes with fatty creams.


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