Jelly dessert: Top 6 wonderful recipes for celebration. Extremely interesting goodies!
< Jelly desserts have got to our table thanks to insatiable workers, cooks - to the French. Yet Bonaparte with his beloved wife regaled them at the dinner table ... Over the years, the jelly is still popular among children and adults and always delights its funny shake.
Jelly desertyRedaktsiya «Website» has chosen for your Christmas feast the best recipes for jelly desserts that do not require special culinary skills. A small twist in all of this sweet abundance becomes jelly for adults and ... champagne!
Jelly rice desert
Ingredients for 2 servings 4 tbsp. l. cooked rice 150 g of cottage cheese 1 tbsp. l. gelatin 5 Art. l. low-fat cream (or milk) 2 tbsp. l. sugar vanilla sugar Powdered cinnamon
Preparation Boil the rice until cooked in sweetened water. The proportions of rice and water indicated on the packaging of cereals. Soak gelatin in a small amount of warm water, let swell and then let down in a water bath. Cottage is connected to the cream (or milk) sugar, vanilla sugar, cinnamon. Blast mass blender. To add curd mass of gelatin and rice. Thoroughly mixed. You can pre-rice and milled using a blender, and can leave whole for textured dessert. dec weight of cups and send it in the fridge to harden. To remove the jelly form, put it bottom down into the hot water for a few seconds and then flip. Bring your favorite dessert with a sweet sauce, melted chocolate, jam.
chocolate zhele
Ingredients 120 g of dark chocolate 500 ml of milk 10 g gelatin on sugar optional
Preparation boil the milk. Soak gelatin in a small amount of warm water, let swell and then let down in a water bath. Enter the gelatin into the milk, warm up a little mixture, stirring rapidly. broken dark chocolate into pieces and is connected to the milk. The mixture is stirred until complete dissolution of chocolate, until a mass of uniform color. Pour the mixture into the form and send in the refrigerator. Bring a dessert, sprinkled with grated chocolate or almond petals.
jelly cake and kiwi smetany
Ingredients for cake 400 g shortbread 150 g butter
jelly Ingredients for I 2 y. jelly tasteful kiwi 2 pcs. kiwi 25 g gelatin
II Ingredients for jelly 750 g sour cream 500 ml of milk 35 g gelatin 200 g sugar
Preparation mash biscuits, turning it into crumbs. Mix the biscuits with melted butter. The dough should get quite wet. The bottom of the detachable form lay a cling film. Laid out in the shape of the dough, flatten it on the surface, pressing down with a spoon. Put the form in the refrigerator. In the boiled, cooled down a little milk, enter the gelatin, stir until it dissolves. Vzbey mixer cream with sugar. Without turning off the blender, carefully introduces in sour milk and gelatin in a thin stream to the temperature difference of the gelatin does not come from lumps. Pour the mixture into the mold on top of the cake. Send in the refrigerator for an hour. During this time, weight should grab. Prepare according to instructions on the package of jelly with the scent of kiwi. Let cool. Kiwi clean from skin, we shall cut slices or wedges. Get the form with dessert from the fridge, check or compacted surface. Pour the top layer of the cooled green jelly, beautifully laid out slices of kiwi. Soak the cake in the refrigerator overnight.
Jelly Cake "Mosaic"
Ingredients 4 packs of jelly of different colors 400 ml condensed milk 85 g gelatin
Preparation Prepare in different pot packaged jelly according to the instructions on the package. Leave to harden, it is possible even at night. Soak gelatin in a small amount of warm water, let swell and then let down in a water bath. Unite gelatin with condensed milk, mix well. Color jelly cubes less often fell asleep them randomly into a suitable form, zaley condensed milk with gelatin. Put in the fridge to harden.
Tart with mandarinami
Ingredients 100 g butter < 2 egg yolks 130 g of flour 30 g ground almonds a pinch of salt 125 g li sugar> 20 ml of water 300g sweet curd mass 25 g starch 2 eggs 350 g tangerine li > 1 pack. jelly without flavor and aromatic additives
Preparation Prepare the dough: Mix butter, flour, almond chips, salt and 25 grams of sugar. Hands grind into crumbs, add the egg yolks. Knead the dough is dense, slowly pouring cold water. Put the dough between sheets of parchment or plastic wrap so that it was easy to roll out into a thin layer. Bring your gently layer in a greased form, forming ledges. Curd Add sugar to taste (if needed). Mash the eggs, add the starch. The dough come across a fork in several places, top with stuffing. Bake at 200 ° C for 30 minutes. Cool. Prepare the jelly according to the instructions. Clear the mandarins from the skin, divide into segments. Lay slices on the surface of Tartu zaley jelly. Send in the refrigerator until solidification.
jelly shampanskogo
Ingredients for 6 servings 3 hours. L. (With slide) gelatin 1 tbsp. cold water 3/4 Art. and 3 of Art. l. sugar 1 bottle. (750 ml) dry champagne 0, 5 kg of berries (can be frozen or canned)
Preparation Soak gelatin in cold water water, give to swell, and then let down in a water bath. Sugar grist into the water with the gelatin and stir until completely dissolved. while stirring, add the champagne. The form for filing grist for handfuls of fruit. Pour jelly mixture. Send in the refrigerator until solidification and the arrival of guests.
Festive, bright, elegant, jelly desserts attract attention and stimulate appetite. And thanks to the low calorie , completely harmless to the figures. Try to cook the jelly and this original recipe!
Jelly desertyRedaktsiya «Website» has chosen for your Christmas feast the best recipes for jelly desserts that do not require special culinary skills. A small twist in all of this sweet abundance becomes jelly for adults and ... champagne!
Jelly rice desert

Ingredients for 2 servings 4 tbsp. l. cooked rice 150 g of cottage cheese 1 tbsp. l. gelatin 5 Art. l. low-fat cream (or milk) 2 tbsp. l. sugar vanilla sugar Powdered cinnamon
Preparation Boil the rice until cooked in sweetened water. The proportions of rice and water indicated on the packaging of cereals. Soak gelatin in a small amount of warm water, let swell and then let down in a water bath. Cottage is connected to the cream (or milk) sugar, vanilla sugar, cinnamon. Blast mass blender. To add curd mass of gelatin and rice. Thoroughly mixed. You can pre-rice and milled using a blender, and can leave whole for textured dessert. dec weight of cups and send it in the fridge to harden. To remove the jelly form, put it bottom down into the hot water for a few seconds and then flip. Bring your favorite dessert with a sweet sauce, melted chocolate, jam.
chocolate zhele

Ingredients 120 g of dark chocolate 500 ml of milk 10 g gelatin on sugar optional
Preparation boil the milk. Soak gelatin in a small amount of warm water, let swell and then let down in a water bath. Enter the gelatin into the milk, warm up a little mixture, stirring rapidly. broken dark chocolate into pieces and is connected to the milk. The mixture is stirred until complete dissolution of chocolate, until a mass of uniform color. Pour the mixture into the form and send in the refrigerator. Bring a dessert, sprinkled with grated chocolate or almond petals.
jelly cake and kiwi smetany

Ingredients for cake 400 g shortbread 150 g butter
jelly Ingredients for I 2 y. jelly tasteful kiwi 2 pcs. kiwi 25 g gelatin
II Ingredients for jelly 750 g sour cream 500 ml of milk 35 g gelatin 200 g sugar
Preparation mash biscuits, turning it into crumbs. Mix the biscuits with melted butter. The dough should get quite wet. The bottom of the detachable form lay a cling film. Laid out in the shape of the dough, flatten it on the surface, pressing down with a spoon. Put the form in the refrigerator. In the boiled, cooled down a little milk, enter the gelatin, stir until it dissolves. Vzbey mixer cream with sugar. Without turning off the blender, carefully introduces in sour milk and gelatin in a thin stream to the temperature difference of the gelatin does not come from lumps. Pour the mixture into the mold on top of the cake. Send in the refrigerator for an hour. During this time, weight should grab. Prepare according to instructions on the package of jelly with the scent of kiwi. Let cool. Kiwi clean from skin, we shall cut slices or wedges. Get the form with dessert from the fridge, check or compacted surface. Pour the top layer of the cooled green jelly, beautifully laid out slices of kiwi. Soak the cake in the refrigerator overnight.
Jelly Cake "Mosaic"

Ingredients 4 packs of jelly of different colors 400 ml condensed milk 85 g gelatin
Preparation Prepare in different pot packaged jelly according to the instructions on the package. Leave to harden, it is possible even at night. Soak gelatin in a small amount of warm water, let swell and then let down in a water bath. Unite gelatin with condensed milk, mix well. Color jelly cubes less often fell asleep them randomly into a suitable form, zaley condensed milk with gelatin. Put in the fridge to harden.
Tart with mandarinami

Ingredients 100 g butter < 2 egg yolks 130 g of flour 30 g ground almonds a pinch of salt 125 g li sugar> 20 ml of water 300g sweet curd mass 25 g starch 2 eggs 350 g tangerine li > 1 pack. jelly without flavor and aromatic additives
Preparation Prepare the dough: Mix butter, flour, almond chips, salt and 25 grams of sugar. Hands grind into crumbs, add the egg yolks. Knead the dough is dense, slowly pouring cold water. Put the dough between sheets of parchment or plastic wrap so that it was easy to roll out into a thin layer. Bring your gently layer in a greased form, forming ledges. Curd Add sugar to taste (if needed). Mash the eggs, add the starch. The dough come across a fork in several places, top with stuffing. Bake at 200 ° C for 30 minutes. Cool. Prepare the jelly according to the instructions. Clear the mandarins from the skin, divide into segments. Lay slices on the surface of Tartu zaley jelly. Send in the refrigerator until solidification.
jelly shampanskogo

Ingredients for 6 servings 3 hours. L. (With slide) gelatin 1 tbsp. cold water 3/4 Art. and 3 of Art. l. sugar 1 bottle. (750 ml) dry champagne 0, 5 kg of berries (can be frozen or canned)
Preparation Soak gelatin in cold water water, give to swell, and then let down in a water bath. Sugar grist into the water with the gelatin and stir until completely dissolved. while stirring, add the champagne. The form for filing grist for handfuls of fruit. Pour jelly mixture. Send in the refrigerator until solidification and the arrival of guests.
Festive, bright, elegant, jelly desserts attract attention and stimulate appetite. And thanks to the low calorie , completely harmless to the figures. Try to cook the jelly and this original recipe!
How to choose the mandarins: the hidden dangers of fragrant fruit.
Why wear a scarlet thread on his wrist: the truth about the talisman of luck.