Overview of the most popular confectioneries
Forty seven million one hundred fifty nine thousand two hundred sixty seven
Sweet gifts are a compulsory part of the most awaited holiday – New year. You can order them in "Roskonditer". Kits are formed of of sweets such popular manufacturers as "rot Front", "Slavyanka", "AKKOND", "Yashkino", "Red October", "Konfitreyd". All these factories have established themselves as the creators of quality confectionary products for children and adults. Provide an overview of the most popular companies from the sweets which are Christmas gifts.
"United confectioners"
In most sweet Christmas gifts, there are chocolates of three brands – "Red October", "rot Front" and "Babaevsky". These three factories and 16 of the Russian confectionery companies form the holding "United confectioners", which is the largest in Eastern Europe. Enterprises manufacture various types of sweets: chocolate, weighing candy, marshmallows, waffles, marmalade. Business cards holding are products such as the "Bruin Bear", "Alenka", "Kara-Kum", "Mask", which is in almost every sweet Christmas present.
Candy "Levushka", "Miracle", "Children's souvenir", "Step", Zephyr "Jacqueline" — perhaps this is the most famous pastry of this holding. The range of the factory, you can find jelly sweets and products with fillings in the form of nougat and praline. Leading sellers of sweet Christmas gifts, for example, "Roskonditer" include in their sets, chocolate and marmalade Slavyanka, various jelly sweets and marshmallows that are like little sweet tooth.
This factory creates a pastry that come in a variety of toppings and flavors. Italiana, jelly candies with a taste of Apple, "Krokant", Elle, "Brighter!" is and other sweets can be found in sweet Christmas gifts from "Roskonditer".
Confectionery "AKKOND" to produce candy of high quality, which is achieved by careful control of all stages of production – from quality assessment of raw materials to packaging. The range of candy ebb and caramel, desserts in the form of waffles and souffles, candy (on the basis of nougat, truffle, jelly, milk, praline, fondant, waffle, soft).
Under this trademark creates sweets that delight children and adults original flavors. The company works with popular brands (Disney, Angry Birds, World of Tanks), and also produces sweets under its own brand. In assortment – more than 350 kinds of sweets, many of which are part of the sweet Christmas gifts.
Nestle and Kinder
Almost no sweet gift is not complete without chocolates of Nestle and Kinder. Small Mars bars, Nesquik with fillings in the form of nougat, crispy rice and caramel, chocolate eggs and Kinder mini-bars are much loved by many children.
This is only the most popular confectionary factory, whose products are used to create delicious sweet Christmas gifts. You can order them in "Roskonditer", which offers a balanced sets for boys and girls. Each of the gifts includes from 200 to 1800 grams of chocolates with different fillings, enclosures, and tastes. Special attention is paid to the quality of confectionery, which is confirmed by relevant certificates.
Sweet gifts are a compulsory part of the most awaited holiday – New year. You can order them in "Roskonditer". Kits are formed of of sweets such popular manufacturers as "rot Front", "Slavyanka", "AKKOND", "Yashkino", "Red October", "Konfitreyd". All these factories have established themselves as the creators of quality confectionary products for children and adults. Provide an overview of the most popular companies from the sweets which are Christmas gifts.

"United confectioners"
In most sweet Christmas gifts, there are chocolates of three brands – "Red October", "rot Front" and "Babaevsky". These three factories and 16 of the Russian confectionery companies form the holding "United confectioners", which is the largest in Eastern Europe. Enterprises manufacture various types of sweets: chocolate, weighing candy, marshmallows, waffles, marmalade. Business cards holding are products such as the "Bruin Bear", "Alenka", "Kara-Kum", "Mask", which is in almost every sweet Christmas present.

Candy "Levushka", "Miracle", "Children's souvenir", "Step", Zephyr "Jacqueline" — perhaps this is the most famous pastry of this holding. The range of the factory, you can find jelly sweets and products with fillings in the form of nougat and praline. Leading sellers of sweet Christmas gifts, for example, "Roskonditer" include in their sets, chocolate and marmalade Slavyanka, various jelly sweets and marshmallows that are like little sweet tooth.

This factory creates a pastry that come in a variety of toppings and flavors. Italiana, jelly candies with a taste of Apple, "Krokant", Elle, "Brighter!" is and other sweets can be found in sweet Christmas gifts from "Roskonditer".

Confectionery "AKKOND" to produce candy of high quality, which is achieved by careful control of all stages of production – from quality assessment of raw materials to packaging. The range of candy ebb and caramel, desserts in the form of waffles and souffles, candy (on the basis of nougat, truffle, jelly, milk, praline, fondant, waffle, soft).
Under this trademark creates sweets that delight children and adults original flavors. The company works with popular brands (Disney, Angry Birds, World of Tanks), and also produces sweets under its own brand. In assortment – more than 350 kinds of sweets, many of which are part of the sweet Christmas gifts.
Nestle and Kinder
Almost no sweet gift is not complete without chocolates of Nestle and Kinder. Small Mars bars, Nesquik with fillings in the form of nougat, crispy rice and caramel, chocolate eggs and Kinder mini-bars are much loved by many children.
This is only the most popular confectionary factory, whose products are used to create delicious sweet Christmas gifts. You can order them in "Roskonditer", which offers a balanced sets for boys and girls. Each of the gifts includes from 200 to 1800 grams of chocolates with different fillings, enclosures, and tastes. Special attention is paid to the quality of confectionery, which is confirmed by relevant certificates.