Effective managers
During the years of the liberal "reforms" destroyed hundreds of factories.
When the media talk about the success of the Russian economy and the opening of new factories and plants, the news caused a two-fold sense. The emergence of new jobs, of course, well and good, but behind the scenes is another point.
It so happened that in 1991 the new owners Russia waged a defeat of the domestic economy and destroyed many factories that from such a pogrom would be horrified even the Nazi Gauleiter, who is known to be very careful with the production facilities in the occupied territories.
Continued under the cut ...
As you know, in 1941, in accordance with the decree of the GKO №99ss July 11, ordered to evacuate the factories to the territories threatened by the occupation. All that could not be evacuated for destruction. However, zealous Nazis were able to put into operation the most bombed factories and start production of much-needed goods to the Reich.
What happened half a century later, probably would cause a state of shock from the Nazis. Domestic "business", taking as a result of predatory privatization of hundreds of factories turned out a hundred times worse than the Nazis, having managed only mediocre ditch captured capacities but simultaneously multiply Russian army of the unemployed.
In order not to be unfounded, it is necessary to look at the martyrology of destroyed factories and then make a fairly simple conclusion - the Nazi invasion in 1941, with all its horrors, it was flowers. But berries hatch after 1991. A particularly devastating for the Russian economy began to post-Yeltsin years, when the destruction of the Russian factories took on a mass character.
Moscow factory "Dinamo" dates back to 1897. The plant has experienced a revolution, civil war, the Great Patriotic War, but could not survive the pogrom democratic era. The country's largest manufacturer of electrical equipment, whose products have been known around the world fell victim to "effective management." Now the factory "Dinamo" - this is the abomination of desolation and, of course, offices. Where do without them ... The enormous resources invested in the Soviet period in the development of the company crumbled, as the labor of generations. About aborted the street work team modestly keep silent ...
AZLK Automobile Plant appeared in 1930. In those years when, according to the liberal historians of our country was ruled by cannibals, the Bolsheviks, led by Stalin, the hangman. However, cannibals Bolsheviks somehow built factories, but the white and fluffy Democrats, led by the ex-mayor Luzhkov rushed to go under their French partners and to take the pose comfortably. Disinterested, of course. Now the former AZLK, changed his name to "Avtoframos", produces low cost cars for the Third World. And that's good, because even managed to save a number of jobs. Although most of the territory of AZLK ideal for filming the post apocalyptic movies.
The same can be said about the plant ZIL. "Winds of Change" and "effective management" led with the same husband, billionaire E. Baturina, brought the plant to the point that it is now for the illegal conduct tours, similar to those that take place in Chernobyl. And Chernobyl and ZIL became taboo areas because of the disaster - one of the environmental and the other due to a democracy. Once ZIL produced some of the best in the world limousines, trucks and very high quality condenser operating without problems for over thirty years, and now the "effective management" have turned the factory into a backdrop for films about World War III. If Zilu worked for multiple rocket launchers and a pair of artillery battalion, and that he would have looked better. But there is in the world of destructive forces than the "effective management." Especially among pensioners and their Austrian changers.
The fate of the factory sealed - Moscow precious land has long attracted all sorts of "investors" who are dreaming, how to quickly master the coveted hectares. So what about the ZIL factory, his firstborn, and the flagship of the domestic automotive industry, has long been possible to speak only in the past tense. If semi comatose stub automobile in the future and will be produced, so it's components for foreign automakers or collect "screwdriver" Again, foreign cars.
Those readers who remember the Soviet audio-video equipment, would surely say a few kind words about such brands as "Ruby" and "Vega". Berd Production Association "Vega" appeared on the basis of the evacuated in 1941 Kharkov Plant № 296. In 1946, the last quarter century abhorred ogre Stalin converted the plant into an independent company and since then the brand "Vega" has become one of the most desirable acquisitions from domestic music lovers. Of course, it is reconciled with the legacy of the Soviet past cannibalistic new democratic home and did not want to in 1998, "Vega" bankrupt. Or it was bankrupt. Why are the new owners did not have the mind to work efficiently to make your own business - a mystery. But in general, this example is very revealing for the Yeltsin era. They chop wood - chips fly. The labor collective put on the street without a piece of bread - yes one such "little things" in an era troubled tortured fitter President tennis player?
Even more illustrative example of MTZ "Rubin". If the "Vega" was one of the most quoted in the USSR audio brands, the TV "Ruby" all were out of the competition. Of course, to the level of Sony or Philips, they fall short, but often TVs "Rubin" did not work for decades, and it was something taken for granted. If this enterprise led intelligent and educated people, not "effective management", the "Ruby" would have all the chances to remain current brand, rather than turn into a "Gorbushkin yard».
Fools Bolsheviks, which now does not laugh just lazy, built a factory in 1932, more than sixty years, the company has worked for the good of the country, to bear the war years and moving the evacuation, but was powerless to the floor adequate pack of "effective management" have turned honored brand "Rubin "in anecdotal" crust. " The martyrology of murdered domestic factories in the graph at the date of death of "Rubin" was listed in 2003. But we are told that it was kind of like the "fat" years ...
Why are there TVs and turntables? Domestic economy killed a much more scale. In the end, "Rubies" and "Vega" pushed out of the market, "Samsung" and "Technics" and replacing them what no found, and this is how, for example, the plant "Red Proletarian" or Vladivostok "Dalzavod"? They are being replaced by something?
If someone does not know, the "Red Proletarian" already existed since 1857 and up to .... right before the "fat" era, when, in fact, and was buried alive. The plant experienced four kings, all the general secretaries, revolution, two world wars, but could not survive the plague post-perestroika "managers", which drove him to his grave. Previously, the plant was producing machines, and has a unique production, which is rightly proud to any country, but in the post-Yeltsin era the only thing that interested the new masters of life, it is not the plant itself, and certainly not the people who work on it, and the land, which he She held. For now it is a serious bickering over the corpse of the enterprise, about which had long been forgotten. "Businessmen" should be as soon as possible to throw the mortal remains so that they do not take the gold metropolitan zemelku.
Even more interesting story with "Dalzavod." Once at the plant served the ships of the Pacific squadron, those that fought and died heroically in Tsushima, and then, in the Soviet era - the ships of the Pacific Fleet of the USSR. Then perestroika began, and rose to power a fan of mineral water with his assistants. As a result of the "reforms" of the former "Dalzavod" left except the name. In his workshops collect Korean SUVs, and 1165 workers sent to the "free floating", since Russia today their skills are not needed. Fasten the wheel to the "Ssang Yong" and children can sunny Uzbekistan, and even for a penny, and let Vladivostok workers solve their problems themselves.
Is it any wonder that in the former workshops' Dalzavod "build a beer garden and shopping centers - that is, without which workers and their families clearly can not do? With regard to the repair of ships of the Pacific Fleet, it's not so sad - and for them there is some nook, especially since these ships, the retirement age is not so much and left. And in the future and probably "optimize" "effective" managers, the Russian fleet will soon be equal to the North Korean or Taiwanese.
Tsushima say? Unmatched disaster? You seem to have little idea what they are capable "effective management." But what North Koreans and Taiwanese will not be exact, it's beer garden on the former territory of the once-secure facilities. So we are again ahead of the rest.
But "Dalzavod" is not alone. You may recall the Petrozavodsk Shipyard "Vanguard". The irrepressible ogre Stalin could not calm down and the plant "Vanguard" was born in 1939. Well, nothing can be done - loved Stalin factories to build, it does not feed them bread. Not only them. "Vanguard" lasted exactly seventy years, as long as it is not hit by misfortune in the face of brilliant managers.
The death sentence was signed by the company in 2010 and since then the "Vanguard" has taken its place in the martyrology of murdered domestic factories. What happened to the workforce, it does not make sense to mention once again. Just does not make sense to talk about investing in this venture funds and labor. The new owners do not have to care, it seems, their goal is the same - to bring Russia to the level of Senegal, and they succeed in this, even ahead of schedule.
If anyone doubts it is possible to look at the Saratov Aviation Plant. Once the Soviet Union built a very good aircraft, but after 1991, the President-tennis player and his successors all once more glances in the direction of the American aircraft industry. That's the pride of domestic aviation industry - IL-96, recently received a black mark. With regard to the Saratov Aviation Plant, the company is based in the same restless Stalin in 1932, in 2010, declared bankrupt, 30000th team have long dispersed, and now on the site of the factory, plundered and torn down buildings, adorned market IKEA. SAZ survived the raid of the German Luftwaffe in 1943, which left from the ruins of the factory, but was revived and then for many years produced aircraft Yakovlev, but that could not survive the SAZ, it's the post-perestroika industrial genocide.
List of murdered domestic factories can be continued indefinitely. That's what the Democrats have succeeded, and even exceeded the plan, so it is the destruction of its economy and throwing hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people on the street. The saddest thing is that this did not lead themselves to even the Nazis, which, as history shows, were interested in the preservation of jobs and industrial production. But after 1991, Russia was faced with something more terrible than the Nazis. With certain phenomenon which can be described if, only from the medical point of view. And a word to him - erosion. The same erosion, decay, rotting alive, that was confirmed in our country. Erosion devoured hundreds of factories, thrown out into the street, thousands of people, the erosion driven to the grave thousands of decent people who remained unclaimed and out of my life.
In Russia in 1991 democracy was established, in its present form, it should be condemned more than Nazism. Only Nazism had its own Nuremberg, and in democracy in Russia is hardly possible. While all that was going on in Russia for the last 25 years, it has long been deserving of a separate, careful trial. Which, unfortunately, is unlikely to be ever possible ...
Author Alexander Plekhanov.
When the media talk about the success of the Russian economy and the opening of new factories and plants, the news caused a two-fold sense. The emergence of new jobs, of course, well and good, but behind the scenes is another point.
It so happened that in 1991 the new owners Russia waged a defeat of the domestic economy and destroyed many factories that from such a pogrom would be horrified even the Nazi Gauleiter, who is known to be very careful with the production facilities in the occupied territories.
Continued under the cut ...

As you know, in 1941, in accordance with the decree of the GKO №99ss July 11, ordered to evacuate the factories to the territories threatened by the occupation. All that could not be evacuated for destruction. However, zealous Nazis were able to put into operation the most bombed factories and start production of much-needed goods to the Reich.
What happened half a century later, probably would cause a state of shock from the Nazis. Domestic "business", taking as a result of predatory privatization of hundreds of factories turned out a hundred times worse than the Nazis, having managed only mediocre ditch captured capacities but simultaneously multiply Russian army of the unemployed.
In order not to be unfounded, it is necessary to look at the martyrology of destroyed factories and then make a fairly simple conclusion - the Nazi invasion in 1941, with all its horrors, it was flowers. But berries hatch after 1991. A particularly devastating for the Russian economy began to post-Yeltsin years, when the destruction of the Russian factories took on a mass character.
Moscow factory "Dinamo" dates back to 1897. The plant has experienced a revolution, civil war, the Great Patriotic War, but could not survive the pogrom democratic era. The country's largest manufacturer of electrical equipment, whose products have been known around the world fell victim to "effective management." Now the factory "Dinamo" - this is the abomination of desolation and, of course, offices. Where do without them ... The enormous resources invested in the Soviet period in the development of the company crumbled, as the labor of generations. About aborted the street work team modestly keep silent ...
AZLK Automobile Plant appeared in 1930. In those years when, according to the liberal historians of our country was ruled by cannibals, the Bolsheviks, led by Stalin, the hangman. However, cannibals Bolsheviks somehow built factories, but the white and fluffy Democrats, led by the ex-mayor Luzhkov rushed to go under their French partners and to take the pose comfortably. Disinterested, of course. Now the former AZLK, changed his name to "Avtoframos", produces low cost cars for the Third World. And that's good, because even managed to save a number of jobs. Although most of the territory of AZLK ideal for filming the post apocalyptic movies.
The same can be said about the plant ZIL. "Winds of Change" and "effective management" led with the same husband, billionaire E. Baturina, brought the plant to the point that it is now for the illegal conduct tours, similar to those that take place in Chernobyl. And Chernobyl and ZIL became taboo areas because of the disaster - one of the environmental and the other due to a democracy. Once ZIL produced some of the best in the world limousines, trucks and very high quality condenser operating without problems for over thirty years, and now the "effective management" have turned the factory into a backdrop for films about World War III. If Zilu worked for multiple rocket launchers and a pair of artillery battalion, and that he would have looked better. But there is in the world of destructive forces than the "effective management." Especially among pensioners and their Austrian changers.
The fate of the factory sealed - Moscow precious land has long attracted all sorts of "investors" who are dreaming, how to quickly master the coveted hectares. So what about the ZIL factory, his firstborn, and the flagship of the domestic automotive industry, has long been possible to speak only in the past tense. If semi comatose stub automobile in the future and will be produced, so it's components for foreign automakers or collect "screwdriver" Again, foreign cars.
Those readers who remember the Soviet audio-video equipment, would surely say a few kind words about such brands as "Ruby" and "Vega". Berd Production Association "Vega" appeared on the basis of the evacuated in 1941 Kharkov Plant № 296. In 1946, the last quarter century abhorred ogre Stalin converted the plant into an independent company and since then the brand "Vega" has become one of the most desirable acquisitions from domestic music lovers. Of course, it is reconciled with the legacy of the Soviet past cannibalistic new democratic home and did not want to in 1998, "Vega" bankrupt. Or it was bankrupt. Why are the new owners did not have the mind to work efficiently to make your own business - a mystery. But in general, this example is very revealing for the Yeltsin era. They chop wood - chips fly. The labor collective put on the street without a piece of bread - yes one such "little things" in an era troubled tortured fitter President tennis player?
Even more illustrative example of MTZ "Rubin". If the "Vega" was one of the most quoted in the USSR audio brands, the TV "Ruby" all were out of the competition. Of course, to the level of Sony or Philips, they fall short, but often TVs "Rubin" did not work for decades, and it was something taken for granted. If this enterprise led intelligent and educated people, not "effective management", the "Ruby" would have all the chances to remain current brand, rather than turn into a "Gorbushkin yard».
Fools Bolsheviks, which now does not laugh just lazy, built a factory in 1932, more than sixty years, the company has worked for the good of the country, to bear the war years and moving the evacuation, but was powerless to the floor adequate pack of "effective management" have turned honored brand "Rubin "in anecdotal" crust. " The martyrology of murdered domestic factories in the graph at the date of death of "Rubin" was listed in 2003. But we are told that it was kind of like the "fat" years ...
Why are there TVs and turntables? Domestic economy killed a much more scale. In the end, "Rubies" and "Vega" pushed out of the market, "Samsung" and "Technics" and replacing them what no found, and this is how, for example, the plant "Red Proletarian" or Vladivostok "Dalzavod"? They are being replaced by something?
If someone does not know, the "Red Proletarian" already existed since 1857 and up to .... right before the "fat" era, when, in fact, and was buried alive. The plant experienced four kings, all the general secretaries, revolution, two world wars, but could not survive the plague post-perestroika "managers", which drove him to his grave. Previously, the plant was producing machines, and has a unique production, which is rightly proud to any country, but in the post-Yeltsin era the only thing that interested the new masters of life, it is not the plant itself, and certainly not the people who work on it, and the land, which he She held. For now it is a serious bickering over the corpse of the enterprise, about which had long been forgotten. "Businessmen" should be as soon as possible to throw the mortal remains so that they do not take the gold metropolitan zemelku.
Even more interesting story with "Dalzavod." Once at the plant served the ships of the Pacific squadron, those that fought and died heroically in Tsushima, and then, in the Soviet era - the ships of the Pacific Fleet of the USSR. Then perestroika began, and rose to power a fan of mineral water with his assistants. As a result of the "reforms" of the former "Dalzavod" left except the name. In his workshops collect Korean SUVs, and 1165 workers sent to the "free floating", since Russia today their skills are not needed. Fasten the wheel to the "Ssang Yong" and children can sunny Uzbekistan, and even for a penny, and let Vladivostok workers solve their problems themselves.
Is it any wonder that in the former workshops' Dalzavod "build a beer garden and shopping centers - that is, without which workers and their families clearly can not do? With regard to the repair of ships of the Pacific Fleet, it's not so sad - and for them there is some nook, especially since these ships, the retirement age is not so much and left. And in the future and probably "optimize" "effective" managers, the Russian fleet will soon be equal to the North Korean or Taiwanese.
Tsushima say? Unmatched disaster? You seem to have little idea what they are capable "effective management." But what North Koreans and Taiwanese will not be exact, it's beer garden on the former territory of the once-secure facilities. So we are again ahead of the rest.
But "Dalzavod" is not alone. You may recall the Petrozavodsk Shipyard "Vanguard". The irrepressible ogre Stalin could not calm down and the plant "Vanguard" was born in 1939. Well, nothing can be done - loved Stalin factories to build, it does not feed them bread. Not only them. "Vanguard" lasted exactly seventy years, as long as it is not hit by misfortune in the face of brilliant managers.
The death sentence was signed by the company in 2010 and since then the "Vanguard" has taken its place in the martyrology of murdered domestic factories. What happened to the workforce, it does not make sense to mention once again. Just does not make sense to talk about investing in this venture funds and labor. The new owners do not have to care, it seems, their goal is the same - to bring Russia to the level of Senegal, and they succeed in this, even ahead of schedule.
If anyone doubts it is possible to look at the Saratov Aviation Plant. Once the Soviet Union built a very good aircraft, but after 1991, the President-tennis player and his successors all once more glances in the direction of the American aircraft industry. That's the pride of domestic aviation industry - IL-96, recently received a black mark. With regard to the Saratov Aviation Plant, the company is based in the same restless Stalin in 1932, in 2010, declared bankrupt, 30000th team have long dispersed, and now on the site of the factory, plundered and torn down buildings, adorned market IKEA. SAZ survived the raid of the German Luftwaffe in 1943, which left from the ruins of the factory, but was revived and then for many years produced aircraft Yakovlev, but that could not survive the SAZ, it's the post-perestroika industrial genocide.
List of murdered domestic factories can be continued indefinitely. That's what the Democrats have succeeded, and even exceeded the plan, so it is the destruction of its economy and throwing hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people on the street. The saddest thing is that this did not lead themselves to even the Nazis, which, as history shows, were interested in the preservation of jobs and industrial production. But after 1991, Russia was faced with something more terrible than the Nazis. With certain phenomenon which can be described if, only from the medical point of view. And a word to him - erosion. The same erosion, decay, rotting alive, that was confirmed in our country. Erosion devoured hundreds of factories, thrown out into the street, thousands of people, the erosion driven to the grave thousands of decent people who remained unclaimed and out of my life.
In Russia in 1991 democracy was established, in its present form, it should be condemned more than Nazism. Only Nazism had its own Nuremberg, and in democracy in Russia is hardly possible. While all that was going on in Russia for the last 25 years, it has long been deserving of a separate, careful trial. Which, unfortunately, is unlikely to be ever possible ...
Author Alexander Plekhanov.