How sawing in VTB.
More recently, with the big-very big fanfare in Moscow hosted an investment forum "Russia Calling", organized by VTB Group.
The remarkable event was. The highlight of the program was made by Vladimir Putin, who described the colors as true and correct: to invest in Russia.
And what is very important - investment is protected, and business professionals who will become your trusted partners.
Big beautiful banner behind Vladimir Putin reminded us about the success of one of these partners. The flagship of the domestic economy: VTB Group.
This is an excellent, reliable and responsible company! No wonder the supervisory board of VTB Bank is headed by Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, and to invest in the shares of the bank called the same Vladimir Putin.
85% state-owned bank VTB, which is an additional guarantee. It turns out that the main achievement of recent years - the vertical of power - also works for VTB.
We decided once Effektinye Managers (hereinafter - EM) from VTB to do business. Means a lot, successfully conducted a "people's IPO». It should be money well place to work. For the benefit of shareholders.
-And Why do not stir up the leasing business? - EM exclaimed. They cried and drank immediately established a subsidiary VTB Leasing.
The point is faster than the fairy tale.
We decided to do an EM leasing drilling rigs. The thing is expensive, demanded. Buy drilling rigs - hand over rent Petroleum-gas workers - get the money. Beauty.
We chose rigs from Chinese manufacturer - Sichuan Honghua Petroleum Equipment Co.Ltd. With romantic name ZJ50DBS. 30 pieces.
To make it clear: 30 pieces a lot. This four and a half thousand cars with the equipment. I've seen them myself - makes an impression, but more on that later.
When the decision was made on the transaction, EM suffered for a long time. They did not sleep nights.
They wanted to make some improvements in the deal. That it was not just buying and selling, and buying and selling in the best traditions of VTB and gosbiznesa. The solution was found.
A graphical (do not judge strictly, he painted in Painter):
That is, when the value of units from the manufacturer $ 10 million each, they buy from the Cypriot intermediary of $ 15 million.!
Total fat one transaction - 156 million dollars.
Is not that brilliant?!?!
Well, admit that you yourself would never have guessed this will not! After all, where Cyprus and where China?
Therefore, 150 lemon green - it is the small and modest in what it is necessary to reward the EM of JSC "VTB Bank».
I should add that 456 million - the price of the contract. Taking into account the customs duty on the transaction VTB spent $ 650 million cash shareholders.
If you think this is all, you probably people without entrepreneurial spirit.
But VTB all this vein there. And it pulsates.
Laundered $ 156 million was not enough. After all, there is a second part of the leasing transaction.
Drilling rigs would be logical to rent someone?
- Drilling Company - timidly imagine you thin voice.
- HAHAHA - the echo reply back to you from the bank VTB.
Two months before the deal was set up OOO "Well Drilling Corporation". Who did not have any-thing. But it is to lease equipment worth $ 650 million. To pass in the sublease.
Again graphic illustration.
Roughly speaking. VTB delivers installation Well Drilling for about 200 thousand rubles a day. A Well Drilling leases drillers (to some Tyumenburgaz) of 400 thousand.
At thirty installations middleman earns 1.5 billion a year. The lease term of 8 years. Thus accumulates $ 400 million.
Whether it is a business dream? Imagine yourself lying on the beach in Cancun. Girls in pink bikini bring Pinacolada. You squinting into the sun and smiles. Because he knows that in the distant Russia to work for you grimy drillers Yamal and money VTB shareholders. And every 60 minutes (including nights, weekends, Thanksgiving and New Year) you become richer for four thousand dollars.
In reality, by the way, almost, but not quite.
In reality, it should Pinacolada drink immediately. But aside its long, with a serious face to think of Russia.
Ways of development. Stability. On the beneficial effects of the vertical of power.
No wonder the main effective managers of VTB Bank Andrei Kostin is the Supreme Council of United Russia political party.
But we digress.
So. In the course of the transaction was to attract even a bunch of resellers and gaskets. For all operations, starting from the storage and unloading to assembly.
And greed is slightly ruined our fraerov. As it happens, some mediators threw some contractors, and as a result of a piece of equipment hung in warehouses, burdened courts and conflicts.
That is "the scheme Pinacolada" There is only in theory. And I will do my best to keep it began to work in practice.
My recent trip to Yamal and has been associated with this case, which I have been doing for six months. We had to get additional confirmation fraud. All managed to do.
The village purpe Pur district of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region. 15 hectares glands trapped under the snow.
Photos and may even lay a small film.
Now the question to experts:
Do you still think that VTB shares fell from 13.6 cents per share (the price of placing "people's IPO») up to the current 6 cents due to one of the international financial crisis? Or reasons for the fall and lie still ... eeee ... the specific management methods?
And there does not seem very symptomatic of the fact that the very efficient manager of VTB prefer to invest the earned money to other banks?
Proceed to the practice of poetry.
What is this?
It requests, complaints and appeals in the case.
In a lot of instances.
For each set of documents attached, completely damning vtbshnyh crooks.
Sent at the beginning of the month. Soon we are waiting for the first answer.
Can we do something to help?
Of course it is possible and, moreover, we are in dire need of assistance.
VTB minority shareholders about 150 thousand. These people brutally robbed and cheated.
I now form a pool of shareholders who are ready to enter into this business. Continue the investigation. To demand compensation for damages. To initiate criminal proceedings. Tortured and hanged. Etc. Several people already have.
It is necessary to disseminate as widely as the Old business, to attract more participants.
As usual, links, comments, posts - all welcome. If among your friends there are a shareholder of VTB - send him the link to a friend / ICQ or otherwise.
It does not matter if your LJ reads five people. One of them may be a shareholder of VTB, ready to join in the game.
I would like to introduce, and the maximum number of our fellow citizens with the style of the bank under the State Department of.
Highly recommended to see what amount of state aid received VTB recently, you realize that this case concerns not only the shareholders, but also to taxpayers.
If you have any contact in any media - submit.
Today, the first publication about the case made the newspaper "Vedomosti».
Remember that the more publicity, the more chance of success!
Separate request.
Aleksey Leonidovich Kudrin, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of VTB, the Minister of Finance
Arkady Dvorkovich, a member of the Supervisory Board of VTB, assistant of the RF President
Ulyukayev Alexei V., a member of the Supervisory Board of VTB, 1st Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank
Eskindarov, MA, member of the Supervisory Board of VTB, Rector of the Finance Academy.
Dergounova Olga K., a member of the Management Board of VTB, the former president of Microsoft in Russia.
All these people have a whole "decent" reputation.
Meet them somewhere (at work, at a round table in the hall, in a restaurant) ask: How are you my dear This is allowed? Do not you ashamed to receive the money where robbing shareholders? what it's like to work with the bandits?
No doubt, each of the above-named will read this post. Therefore speak to them:
My friends, you will not succeed otmazatsya or remain silent. All members of the Supervisory Board and all members of the Management Board of VTB received from me an official letter demanding to initiate a review.
I will post all the answers.
As a shareholder of VTB will regard your silence as a refusal or deliberate actions, covering theft and corruption that flourish in VTB.
You can be a part of this corruption or remain decent people.
I am sure that the other shareholders and the citizens agree with my approach.
I and colleagues have spent all this a lot of time and effort. Spend more. But I will do everything to clap a couple of EM where Pinacolada make five packs of tea.
And in general already oborzeli.
I would be grateful for any help.
Officers VTB
Date in SPARK: 19.01.2009
Name Location Share in authorized capital, RUR. Date in the Unified
The company "VIERZAN ENTERPRISES LIMITED" 22A, Agias Eirinis, Limassol, Cyprus 3095 (Cyprus) 6400 05.07.2007
The company "VENIKON ENTERPRAYZIZ LIMITED" 30 Karpenisi Street, Nicosia, Cyprus 1660 (Cyprus) 3600 05.07.2007
A source

The remarkable event was. The highlight of the program was made by Vladimir Putin, who described the colors as true and correct: to invest in Russia.
And what is very important - investment is protected, and business professionals who will become your trusted partners.
Big beautiful banner behind Vladimir Putin reminded us about the success of one of these partners. The flagship of the domestic economy: VTB Group.
This is an excellent, reliable and responsible company! No wonder the supervisory board of VTB Bank is headed by Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, and to invest in the shares of the bank called the same Vladimir Putin.
85% state-owned bank VTB, which is an additional guarantee. It turns out that the main achievement of recent years - the vertical of power - also works for VTB.
We decided once Effektinye Managers (hereinafter - EM) from VTB to do business. Means a lot, successfully conducted a "people's IPO». It should be money well place to work. For the benefit of shareholders.
-And Why do not stir up the leasing business? - EM exclaimed. They cried and drank immediately established a subsidiary VTB Leasing.
The point is faster than the fairy tale.
We decided to do an EM leasing drilling rigs. The thing is expensive, demanded. Buy drilling rigs - hand over rent Petroleum-gas workers - get the money. Beauty.
We chose rigs from Chinese manufacturer - Sichuan Honghua Petroleum Equipment Co.Ltd. With romantic name ZJ50DBS. 30 pieces.
To make it clear: 30 pieces a lot. This four and a half thousand cars with the equipment. I've seen them myself - makes an impression, but more on that later.
When the decision was made on the transaction, EM suffered for a long time. They did not sleep nights.
They wanted to make some improvements in the deal. That it was not just buying and selling, and buying and selling in the best traditions of VTB and gosbiznesa. The solution was found.
A graphical (do not judge strictly, he painted in Painter):

That is, when the value of units from the manufacturer $ 10 million each, they buy from the Cypriot intermediary of $ 15 million.!
Total fat one transaction - 156 million dollars.
Is not that brilliant?!?!
Well, admit that you yourself would never have guessed this will not! After all, where Cyprus and where China?
Therefore, 150 lemon green - it is the small and modest in what it is necessary to reward the EM of JSC "VTB Bank».
I should add that 456 million - the price of the contract. Taking into account the customs duty on the transaction VTB spent $ 650 million cash shareholders.
If you think this is all, you probably people without entrepreneurial spirit.
But VTB all this vein there. And it pulsates.
Laundered $ 156 million was not enough. After all, there is a second part of the leasing transaction.
Drilling rigs would be logical to rent someone?
- Drilling Company - timidly imagine you thin voice.
- HAHAHA - the echo reply back to you from the bank VTB.
Two months before the deal was set up OOO "Well Drilling Corporation". Who did not have any-thing. But it is to lease equipment worth $ 650 million. To pass in the sublease.
Again graphic illustration.

Roughly speaking. VTB delivers installation Well Drilling for about 200 thousand rubles a day. A Well Drilling leases drillers (to some Tyumenburgaz) of 400 thousand.
At thirty installations middleman earns 1.5 billion a year. The lease term of 8 years. Thus accumulates $ 400 million.
Whether it is a business dream? Imagine yourself lying on the beach in Cancun. Girls in pink bikini bring Pinacolada. You squinting into the sun and smiles. Because he knows that in the distant Russia to work for you grimy drillers Yamal and money VTB shareholders. And every 60 minutes (including nights, weekends, Thanksgiving and New Year) you become richer for four thousand dollars.
In reality, by the way, almost, but not quite.
In reality, it should Pinacolada drink immediately. But aside its long, with a serious face to think of Russia.
Ways of development. Stability. On the beneficial effects of the vertical of power.
No wonder the main effective managers of VTB Bank Andrei Kostin is the Supreme Council of United Russia political party.
But we digress.
So. In the course of the transaction was to attract even a bunch of resellers and gaskets. For all operations, starting from the storage and unloading to assembly.
And greed is slightly ruined our fraerov. As it happens, some mediators threw some contractors, and as a result of a piece of equipment hung in warehouses, burdened courts and conflicts.
That is "the scheme Pinacolada" There is only in theory. And I will do my best to keep it began to work in practice.
My recent trip to Yamal and has been associated with this case, which I have been doing for six months. We had to get additional confirmation fraud. All managed to do.
The village purpe Pur district of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region. 15 hectares glands trapped under the snow.
Photos and may even lay a small film.
Now the question to experts:
Do you still think that VTB shares fell from 13.6 cents per share (the price of placing "people's IPO») up to the current 6 cents due to one of the international financial crisis? Or reasons for the fall and lie still ... eeee ... the specific management methods?
And there does not seem very symptomatic of the fact that the very efficient manager of VTB prefer to invest the earned money to other banks?
Proceed to the practice of poetry.
What is this?

It requests, complaints and appeals in the case.
In a lot of instances.
For each set of documents attached, completely damning vtbshnyh crooks.
Sent at the beginning of the month. Soon we are waiting for the first answer.
Can we do something to help?
Of course it is possible and, moreover, we are in dire need of assistance.
VTB minority shareholders about 150 thousand. These people brutally robbed and cheated.
I now form a pool of shareholders who are ready to enter into this business. Continue the investigation. To demand compensation for damages. To initiate criminal proceedings. Tortured and hanged. Etc. Several people already have.
It is necessary to disseminate as widely as the Old business, to attract more participants.
As usual, links, comments, posts - all welcome. If among your friends there are a shareholder of VTB - send him the link to a friend / ICQ or otherwise.
It does not matter if your LJ reads five people. One of them may be a shareholder of VTB, ready to join in the game.
I would like to introduce, and the maximum number of our fellow citizens with the style of the bank under the State Department of.
Highly recommended to see what amount of state aid received VTB recently, you realize that this case concerns not only the shareholders, but also to taxpayers.
If you have any contact in any media - submit.
Today, the first publication about the case made the newspaper "Vedomosti».
Remember that the more publicity, the more chance of success!
Separate request.
Aleksey Leonidovich Kudrin, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of VTB, the Minister of Finance

Arkady Dvorkovich, a member of the Supervisory Board of VTB, assistant of the RF President

Ulyukayev Alexei V., a member of the Supervisory Board of VTB, 1st Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank

Eskindarov, MA, member of the Supervisory Board of VTB, Rector of the Finance Academy.

Dergounova Olga K., a member of the Management Board of VTB, the former president of Microsoft in Russia.

All these people have a whole "decent" reputation.
Meet them somewhere (at work, at a round table in the hall, in a restaurant) ask: How are you my dear This is allowed? Do not you ashamed to receive the money where robbing shareholders? what it's like to work with the bandits?
No doubt, each of the above-named will read this post. Therefore speak to them:
My friends, you will not succeed otmazatsya or remain silent. All members of the Supervisory Board and all members of the Management Board of VTB received from me an official letter demanding to initiate a review.
I will post all the answers.
As a shareholder of VTB will regard your silence as a refusal or deliberate actions, covering theft and corruption that flourish in VTB.
You can be a part of this corruption or remain decent people.
I am sure that the other shareholders and the citizens agree with my approach.
I and colleagues have spent all this a lot of time and effort. Spend more. But I will do everything to clap a couple of EM where Pinacolada make five packs of tea.
And in general already oborzeli.
I would be grateful for any help.
Officers VTB
Date in SPARK: 19.01.2009
Name Location Share in authorized capital, RUR. Date in the Unified
The company "VIERZAN ENTERPRISES LIMITED" 22A, Agias Eirinis, Limassol, Cyprus 3095 (Cyprus) 6400 05.07.2007
The company "VENIKON ENTERPRAYZIZ LIMITED" 30 Karpenisi Street, Nicosia, Cyprus 1660 (Cyprus) 3600 05.07.2007
A source