Quick gas: racing KAMAZ
140 km / h over the rocks and potholes - a normal person would not stand so long. "Pilots racing KAMAZ slightly insane" - it seems after a trip by car to conquer the desert. But even without this it is, something to admire. After racing KAMAZ is now able to "drink" at the same time two fuels - diesel and methane gas!
... Knock the helmet of the mighty pipe rollcage, I snake my way to the central, navigational place in the cockpit designed for three and exhale pushed himself in the grip of a racing bucket chairs. In the tight-fitting helmet on his head damn thing you can not hear, chat with the driver - via a microphone cord from which sticks into the slot mechanic intercom on the ceiling. Then on me so addictive "harness" of five-point seat belts, I can barely breathe! No backlash, otherwise the "space flight" of these belts and beaten for long. At the helm of one movement jumps pilot Dmitry Sotnikov, who won the competition cargo rally "Silk Road 2013" and came fourth in the "Dakar-2014". It can be seen that the pros - without training here not so easily popped. As quickly and as usual clips, clings to the helmet shoulder neck protection system HANS. Cut in the mass (ignition!), Click the divider 16-step "mechanics" of the firm ZF (intermediate!), Turn the toggle switch starter (start!) - And biturbodizelny V8 emits from under the cab short evil "grrrkhrrr!" ... Let's go, as the Gagarin ? No - fly!
Jump on the trampoline one - is simple enough. But a series of "planted" on the hill - it is a nightmare rider. Then either slow down or move to fly immediately after a few jumps, landing on the "back" of the last - otherwise avoid hard-hitting and even crash.
... "Ah, oh, stunned!" - Shivering in the cockpit of a racing KAMAZ-4326, my colleagues and almost simultaneously cries out feeling piss off the ground when the multi-ton machine of shoots for the next mound so that the "heart anxiety in my chest." At the windshield earth and sky are constantly changing places. Kamsky monster that jumps on the rise in the sky, then falls down the hill - at you with alarming rapidity flies land and frightened and enthusiastic "AAAA !!" itself is torn from his chest in defiance of all norms of education and solidity. Dear passengers, our board is landing, stronger fasten your seat belt! I'm all compressed in anticipation of hard-hitting, but KAMAZ lands on the front wheels soft and supple, like a giant tomcat. Of course, the sand jump is not so tough, and 20-inch off-road high profile "rollers» Michelin XZL even under high pressure in them good damping stroke, but also a special thank you, twin shock absorbers Reiger on each wheel and Chusovskye spring - without you after exactly jumping bones do not gather!
Well, suppose to these bumps to 70 kilometers per hour (albeit experiencing for themselves and for the car), I would have clocked on any "impenetrable» UAZ Patriot. With the same racing KAMAZ mounds test track near the village team Tarlovka we bring down periodically and soar through the air at speeds under 140 km / h! Drive slower does not make sense: at low speed rigid suspension, shakes even not the biggest (by the standards of the truck, of course) irregularities. So, it is necessary to accelerate, "float" over the bumps - and then the suspension will begin to operate at full capacity. "More speed - less pit" - just said about this car!
Only 140 km / h for the racing 10-ton KAMAZ-4326, recruit "hundreds" in just 10 seconds, not the ceiling: he, if necessary, may under 180 km / hour rush, that hints at a markup to the same figures speedometer . But now we are "flying dwarf." It is understood that the pilot instructed to return the journalists on the ground safe and healthy, it is desirable, therefore we regret. Even the KAMAZ say that they are under two hundred there is almost no chase, because there is no need. The fact is that recently in the marathon "Dakar" maximum speed on special stage for trucks is limited at 140 km / h, and earlier regulations rally raid were limited to the maximum work passes suspension, which inevitably reduces their energy consumption to off-road. That team chasing their "horses" on range with an eye on these points.
To the left of the steering wheel to "tidy" - a markup of up to 180 km / h speedometer, above it - the pressure gauges in the dual pneumatic brakes. In the center panel - tachometer, next - pointer boost pressure. Right from the top down - toggle air shut-axle and cross-axle differentials, click "mass" and the inclusion of the swap wheels. To the left above the keys - screen required under the rules of precision GPS-speedometer works only with homologated navigator. Right - oil pressure indicator and temperature coolant in the engine.
But believe me, even 120 km / h on this coating and this truck - a space! Sitting in the cockpit do not know at what point and where "fly": you shakes and sausages, seems at once in all directions - like a ball in a rattle, which shakes the giant baby. It was good that I did not eat or drink before the start, and then it would be like in the movie "Taxi!" And it Sotnikov, according to him, takes us about 70% of the features of the truck. And then, after a pause, he suddenly added, we now turn back to the woods, where the road dug up, will shake. That is, now we were driving on the highway ?!
But as soon as our truck dumps course and dives into the sand strewn with potholes winding track, I understand that before and really was only a prelude to this "hardcore". All because a bearable jumps up and down is added to literally turned inside out fierce transverse shaking when the car rolls over progress through a series of holes. Suspension is all up to the lantern, but sitting inside batters so vigorously that decent words to describe it is unreal. In a civil car or truck can be tilted forward, standing from the back to the side butting less transmitted to the body. There is a number will not pass: you firmly bolted to the car seat and shaking with the vibrations felt in every detail.
But KAMAZ-4326, in which we now believe the pit - the most comfortable on the go racing truck in the history of the team! I remember it, but to me it does not help. Struggling to rasklinitsya in his chair, resting his feet into a powerful steel deck on the floor, only little help. Minutes drive a seemingly endless because shakes and beats unbearable: straying breath, I feel like from sharp lateral and vertical jerks me move internal organs - and it seems that is about to be displaced vertebrae and pinch the nerves! At this time there, I was not "stuck", although almost all KAMAZ racers - repeated spinal injury and order "shattered" the internal organs. After passing through the polygon only one circle and the hard experience all the nuances of a ride on the road, I now understand how KAMAZ injured. For them it's the same routine as for us, the inhabitants, seasonal rhinitis. Dream chasing the sports KAMAZ I then, of course, did not stop. But the price of such "gonyalka" felt in full.
Free space in the cockpit there is "packed" in chairs buckets crew literally wedged between the pipes rollcage and instrument panel with a scattering of pressure gauges, toggle switches and other equipment for the navigator and mechanic. Under the ceiling can be seen drinking water supply tube and ventilated air crew fans with rubber blades.
And some of us rolled, consider a walking pace, not on the most solid ground, and in the last section with transverse turbulence severely shaken us from the power for five minutes. On the "Dakar" everything is different. Speed, and hence the shaking even more. And so - two weeks in a row, under the scorching sun, dust and heat (in the cabin temperature is often passes for 50 degrees). Not a machine, and voluntary torture chamber with wheels! I think not lie if I say that no other sport in the world does not give such slaughter stress on the body.
How can such a person can endure, even if repeatedly reinforced construction truck sport is not always handle the load? In a race with him what did not happen: shock absorbers and wheel breaks, bends tie rods and even durable axle, by shaking with body cladding sheets are cut rivet ... A KAMAZ go and win, through pain and through the "can not". Madmen ?!
No, just people, "ill" in the business to the point of fanaticism. Although in professional motorsports do not go alone on this, and on the "moral standing". Without a long and methodical preparation - also nowhere, long driving will not survive. The team for that, and his training center, and its own methods of physical training, some of which, frankly, are not very soft. Plus proven ways to reducing physical therapy after injuries in the race. When the riders, for example, with the "jammed" spine, put on your feet just for one night - and the next day they go back to the start. However, these methods "field repair" nervous, too, it is better not to watch! No, they're on the team just a little crazy ...
... I get out of the cab on their feet, but the feeling - as if flew into orbit. Land under cotton sails down, head - ringing hollow on which the wind drives adrenaline euphoria fragments of thoughts. So, you have to remember what I wanted to know why and I do come here! Ah yes, a new joint project team "KAMAZ-Master", "Gazprom" and VTB - racing gas-diesel truck, which I actually just went. However, if I did not say what kind of device, it is unlikely I would have Unlike conventional racing KAMAZ. After all, this looks different gas-diesel rally round unless stickers Methane CNG (Compressed Natural Gas - compressed natural gas) on the sides. A dynamic acceleration - and so she gun, there is no longer the nuances and shades!
Front suspension, right view on the move. At each wheel - two shock absorbers Dutch firm Reiger. They are lighter and softer than the former Russian army hydropneumatic rack from BMD. Slings left (on all 4 wheels) work as a constraint suspension travel on the rebound. Right - switchable cylinder-support for stabilizer bar (the same stands and on the rear axle). The pilot can disable both the stabilizer on the go, using paddles "blade».
To see the difference, it is necessary to look behind the hinged body panels. There, right between Tutaevsky 18, 5-liter V8 series TMZ-7E846.10 and fuel tank, perched four 89-liter CNG cylinder. In total, they can accommodate 80 cubic meters of gas, which in the race lasts about 340-350 km. When working in the gas-diesel cycle fuel mixture composed of 70% diesel and 30% of the methane fed into the intake manifold. But how it all mixed up and running?
Since the ignition temperature of methane is almost twice higher than that of diesel fuel, first during the intake stroke in the combustion gas supplied air mixture which is ignited at the end of the compression stroke at the time of the main injection (the so-called spark) portions diesel. In such a scheme has a number of advantages. When the gas comes to an end, the engine continues to operate in its normal mode, that is pure diesel. And unlike converted to run on gas only diesel engines, it is not necessary to remove the nominal fuel equipment and replace it with the ignition system with candles instead of nozzles.
Why this project is needed to "Gazprom", in general, is clear: the country embarked on the popularization of methane as motor fuel. And most famous Russian sports team - a good advertisement for this combustible gas, which is cheaper (yet) more commonly propane and served almost as a fuel of the future. Here are just a methane ingredients until everything is smooth, they do not have enough even in big cities - but by 2020 "Gazprom" plans to build in Russia about 2,000 gas stations.
Compressed methane stored in cylinders at a working pressure of 200 atmospheres! Therefore, the containers for gas - heavy-duty: aluminum cylinder with a 5-mm wall further wrapped in Kevlar "armor" 10 mm thick. One empty bottle production of Polish firm Stako weighs 35 kg. For LPG installation - the main fuel tank for 1000 liters of diesel fuel.
But what is the use of these "gas game" by KAMAZ employees? Designers team for years fighting for every kilogram, making it easier to racing truck. Today, sports KAMAZ-4326 with Tutaevsky 18, 5-liter turbodiesel has a curb weight without fuel 9300 kg. Gross weight ready to race truck with fuel - 10,500 kg. And then fully fueled with methane Gas-cylinder installation time weights Kama mustang another 241 kg!
However, the team has managed to experience this year gazodizelnogo monster on rally-raids "Kagan Gold" and "The Great Steppe". The result - a positive! On gas diesel mixture racing diesel smoked significantly less (and in the rules of "Dakar", by the way, and in this respect there are limitations), at low speeds are stable, and the dynamics of dispersal became faster. As to the fuel, then the net Local (without gas) it turned a quarter more than gas diesel mixture, which saves money 15%. The power of the engine on gas diesel mixture is almost the same as on the clean diesel fuel. Exactly how much, the team did not specify. But for the 18, 5-liter engine TMZ, working on diesel, officially declare the power of 860 hp at 2500 rev / min and torque of 3200 Nm at 1500 rev / min.
However, there is reason to believe that there KAMAZ-modest, understating the real value of the motor, which (as is evident from backstage interviews, it may well amount to four digits). Especially, the potential for this precisely is. When in 1991 the European championship in track racing went racing MAZ-5432 "Sport", under his cabin was 17, 2-liter V8 producing YAMZ, already "overclocked" Yaroslavl spices to 1100 hp and 4000 Nm! And since the mid 90s analogue of this superdizelya started to put on dakarovskie KAMAZ - the team to drive on these engines until 2010, passing in 2011 to more litrazhnuyu version of this diesel engine, manufactured at Tutaev engine plant. So, a thousand horsepower Mustang Kama - this is not fiction ...
Next "check the battle" for gazodizelnogo KAMAZ will take place in Africa. There team races Africa Eco Race 2015, continues the tradition and using routes that same, the classic "Dakar" finish with the famous Rose Lake. And go to the marathon and tanker truck that will carry the compressed gas for sports KAMAZ. If so, and in Moscow with methane tight dressing, in a hot yellow sands of Africa will not find them exactly!
Boosted to 920 turbodiesel power Liebherr (pictured) before installation on the racing KAMAZ completely moved. And it is clear that the racing version is markedly different from the serial that something is being finalized, enhanced or facilitated, changing details ... virtually untouched in motor sports is except that the cylinder block.
Well, what the current "Dakar", which a few years ago, he moved to South America? The cargo classification of "Dakar-2015" announced four "combat" Russian KAMAZ. All - of manufactured in Switzerland diesel Liebherr D9508, which the team puts on their cars since 2013. Unfortunately, due to the regular changes in the regulations on the Russian motors "Dakar" route is closed: according to the rules engine displacement racing truck should not exceed 16, 5 liters. That is Tutaevsky "eight" it into two liters more acceptable. Replacement of Russian turbodiesel in the team searched for a long time, going over different options and settled on motors Liebherr, which, by the way, 2016 will produce in Tatarstan, the factory KAMAZ engines. But this joint venture will produce in-line engines, while racing cars worth 16, 2-liter V8 with twin turbochargers. This engine in the cargo world is fairly well known: it was created in collaboration with the German company MAN and used tractors mann on masthead series TGX, which gave out 680 hp and 3000 Nm.
For racing as the engine KAMAZ "rocked" to 920 hp and 4000 Nm. Only the great advantages of the more expensive imported diesel in the team did not receive. In size, layout and fixture libherovsky V8 perfectly fit into the engine compartment of KAMAZ. But by weight was almost the same as Yaroslavskyy diesel, which for years "treated" overweight. Hoped the team and the fact that the foreign motor will be more economical and can reduce the huge fuel tank to facilitate machine. It did not work - the "Swiss" and "Yaroslavets" similar were not only weight, but also the appetites: on solid ground it starts at about 70 l / 100 km, and in the mountains and sand dunes can reach two hundred liters per 100 km! Only through "analog" Russian diesel V8, created at the Union with an eye on military equipment, eats almost anything that burns and is repaired in the field on the knee.
... Knock the helmet of the mighty pipe rollcage, I snake my way to the central, navigational place in the cockpit designed for three and exhale pushed himself in the grip of a racing bucket chairs. In the tight-fitting helmet on his head damn thing you can not hear, chat with the driver - via a microphone cord from which sticks into the slot mechanic intercom on the ceiling. Then on me so addictive "harness" of five-point seat belts, I can barely breathe! No backlash, otherwise the "space flight" of these belts and beaten for long. At the helm of one movement jumps pilot Dmitry Sotnikov, who won the competition cargo rally "Silk Road 2013" and came fourth in the "Dakar-2014". It can be seen that the pros - without training here not so easily popped. As quickly and as usual clips, clings to the helmet shoulder neck protection system HANS. Cut in the mass (ignition!), Click the divider 16-step "mechanics" of the firm ZF (intermediate!), Turn the toggle switch starter (start!) - And biturbodizelny V8 emits from under the cab short evil "grrrkhrrr!" ... Let's go, as the Gagarin ? No - fly!

Jump on the trampoline one - is simple enough. But a series of "planted" on the hill - it is a nightmare rider. Then either slow down or move to fly immediately after a few jumps, landing on the "back" of the last - otherwise avoid hard-hitting and even crash.

... "Ah, oh, stunned!" - Shivering in the cockpit of a racing KAMAZ-4326, my colleagues and almost simultaneously cries out feeling piss off the ground when the multi-ton machine of shoots for the next mound so that the "heart anxiety in my chest." At the windshield earth and sky are constantly changing places. Kamsky monster that jumps on the rise in the sky, then falls down the hill - at you with alarming rapidity flies land and frightened and enthusiastic "AAAA !!" itself is torn from his chest in defiance of all norms of education and solidity. Dear passengers, our board is landing, stronger fasten your seat belt! I'm all compressed in anticipation of hard-hitting, but KAMAZ lands on the front wheels soft and supple, like a giant tomcat. Of course, the sand jump is not so tough, and 20-inch off-road high profile "rollers» Michelin XZL even under high pressure in them good damping stroke, but also a special thank you, twin shock absorbers Reiger on each wheel and Chusovskye spring - without you after exactly jumping bones do not gather!
Well, suppose to these bumps to 70 kilometers per hour (albeit experiencing for themselves and for the car), I would have clocked on any "impenetrable» UAZ Patriot. With the same racing KAMAZ mounds test track near the village team Tarlovka we bring down periodically and soar through the air at speeds under 140 km / h! Drive slower does not make sense: at low speed rigid suspension, shakes even not the biggest (by the standards of the truck, of course) irregularities. So, it is necessary to accelerate, "float" over the bumps - and then the suspension will begin to operate at full capacity. "More speed - less pit" - just said about this car!
Only 140 km / h for the racing 10-ton KAMAZ-4326, recruit "hundreds" in just 10 seconds, not the ceiling: he, if necessary, may under 180 km / hour rush, that hints at a markup to the same figures speedometer . But now we are "flying dwarf." It is understood that the pilot instructed to return the journalists on the ground safe and healthy, it is desirable, therefore we regret. Even the KAMAZ say that they are under two hundred there is almost no chase, because there is no need. The fact is that recently in the marathon "Dakar" maximum speed on special stage for trucks is limited at 140 km / h, and earlier regulations rally raid were limited to the maximum work passes suspension, which inevitably reduces their energy consumption to off-road. That team chasing their "horses" on range with an eye on these points.
To the left of the steering wheel to "tidy" - a markup of up to 180 km / h speedometer, above it - the pressure gauges in the dual pneumatic brakes. In the center panel - tachometer, next - pointer boost pressure. Right from the top down - toggle air shut-axle and cross-axle differentials, click "mass" and the inclusion of the swap wheels. To the left above the keys - screen required under the rules of precision GPS-speedometer works only with homologated navigator. Right - oil pressure indicator and temperature coolant in the engine.

But believe me, even 120 km / h on this coating and this truck - a space! Sitting in the cockpit do not know at what point and where "fly": you shakes and sausages, seems at once in all directions - like a ball in a rattle, which shakes the giant baby. It was good that I did not eat or drink before the start, and then it would be like in the movie "Taxi!" And it Sotnikov, according to him, takes us about 70% of the features of the truck. And then, after a pause, he suddenly added, we now turn back to the woods, where the road dug up, will shake. That is, now we were driving on the highway ?!
But as soon as our truck dumps course and dives into the sand strewn with potholes winding track, I understand that before and really was only a prelude to this "hardcore". All because a bearable jumps up and down is added to literally turned inside out fierce transverse shaking when the car rolls over progress through a series of holes. Suspension is all up to the lantern, but sitting inside batters so vigorously that decent words to describe it is unreal. In a civil car or truck can be tilted forward, standing from the back to the side butting less transmitted to the body. There is a number will not pass: you firmly bolted to the car seat and shaking with the vibrations felt in every detail.
But KAMAZ-4326, in which we now believe the pit - the most comfortable on the go racing truck in the history of the team! I remember it, but to me it does not help. Struggling to rasklinitsya in his chair, resting his feet into a powerful steel deck on the floor, only little help. Minutes drive a seemingly endless because shakes and beats unbearable: straying breath, I feel like from sharp lateral and vertical jerks me move internal organs - and it seems that is about to be displaced vertebrae and pinch the nerves! At this time there, I was not "stuck", although almost all KAMAZ racers - repeated spinal injury and order "shattered" the internal organs. After passing through the polygon only one circle and the hard experience all the nuances of a ride on the road, I now understand how KAMAZ injured. For them it's the same routine as for us, the inhabitants, seasonal rhinitis. Dream chasing the sports KAMAZ I then, of course, did not stop. But the price of such "gonyalka" felt in full.
Free space in the cockpit there is "packed" in chairs buckets crew literally wedged between the pipes rollcage and instrument panel with a scattering of pressure gauges, toggle switches and other equipment for the navigator and mechanic. Under the ceiling can be seen drinking water supply tube and ventilated air crew fans with rubber blades.

And some of us rolled, consider a walking pace, not on the most solid ground, and in the last section with transverse turbulence severely shaken us from the power for five minutes. On the "Dakar" everything is different. Speed, and hence the shaking even more. And so - two weeks in a row, under the scorching sun, dust and heat (in the cabin temperature is often passes for 50 degrees). Not a machine, and voluntary torture chamber with wheels! I think not lie if I say that no other sport in the world does not give such slaughter stress on the body.
How can such a person can endure, even if repeatedly reinforced construction truck sport is not always handle the load? In a race with him what did not happen: shock absorbers and wheel breaks, bends tie rods and even durable axle, by shaking with body cladding sheets are cut rivet ... A KAMAZ go and win, through pain and through the "can not". Madmen ?!
No, just people, "ill" in the business to the point of fanaticism. Although in professional motorsports do not go alone on this, and on the "moral standing". Without a long and methodical preparation - also nowhere, long driving will not survive. The team for that, and his training center, and its own methods of physical training, some of which, frankly, are not very soft. Plus proven ways to reducing physical therapy after injuries in the race. When the riders, for example, with the "jammed" spine, put on your feet just for one night - and the next day they go back to the start. However, these methods "field repair" nervous, too, it is better not to watch! No, they're on the team just a little crazy ...
... I get out of the cab on their feet, but the feeling - as if flew into orbit. Land under cotton sails down, head - ringing hollow on which the wind drives adrenaline euphoria fragments of thoughts. So, you have to remember what I wanted to know why and I do come here! Ah yes, a new joint project team "KAMAZ-Master", "Gazprom" and VTB - racing gas-diesel truck, which I actually just went. However, if I did not say what kind of device, it is unlikely I would have Unlike conventional racing KAMAZ. After all, this looks different gas-diesel rally round unless stickers Methane CNG (Compressed Natural Gas - compressed natural gas) on the sides. A dynamic acceleration - and so she gun, there is no longer the nuances and shades!
Front suspension, right view on the move. At each wheel - two shock absorbers Dutch firm Reiger. They are lighter and softer than the former Russian army hydropneumatic rack from BMD. Slings left (on all 4 wheels) work as a constraint suspension travel on the rebound. Right - switchable cylinder-support for stabilizer bar (the same stands and on the rear axle). The pilot can disable both the stabilizer on the go, using paddles "blade».

To see the difference, it is necessary to look behind the hinged body panels. There, right between Tutaevsky 18, 5-liter V8 series TMZ-7E846.10 and fuel tank, perched four 89-liter CNG cylinder. In total, they can accommodate 80 cubic meters of gas, which in the race lasts about 340-350 km. When working in the gas-diesel cycle fuel mixture composed of 70% diesel and 30% of the methane fed into the intake manifold. But how it all mixed up and running?
Since the ignition temperature of methane is almost twice higher than that of diesel fuel, first during the intake stroke in the combustion gas supplied air mixture which is ignited at the end of the compression stroke at the time of the main injection (the so-called spark) portions diesel. In such a scheme has a number of advantages. When the gas comes to an end, the engine continues to operate in its normal mode, that is pure diesel. And unlike converted to run on gas only diesel engines, it is not necessary to remove the nominal fuel equipment and replace it with the ignition system with candles instead of nozzles.
Why this project is needed to "Gazprom", in general, is clear: the country embarked on the popularization of methane as motor fuel. And most famous Russian sports team - a good advertisement for this combustible gas, which is cheaper (yet) more commonly propane and served almost as a fuel of the future. Here are just a methane ingredients until everything is smooth, they do not have enough even in big cities - but by 2020 "Gazprom" plans to build in Russia about 2,000 gas stations.
Compressed methane stored in cylinders at a working pressure of 200 atmospheres! Therefore, the containers for gas - heavy-duty: aluminum cylinder with a 5-mm wall further wrapped in Kevlar "armor" 10 mm thick. One empty bottle production of Polish firm Stako weighs 35 kg. For LPG installation - the main fuel tank for 1000 liters of diesel fuel.

But what is the use of these "gas game" by KAMAZ employees? Designers team for years fighting for every kilogram, making it easier to racing truck. Today, sports KAMAZ-4326 with Tutaevsky 18, 5-liter turbodiesel has a curb weight without fuel 9300 kg. Gross weight ready to race truck with fuel - 10,500 kg. And then fully fueled with methane Gas-cylinder installation time weights Kama mustang another 241 kg!
However, the team has managed to experience this year gazodizelnogo monster on rally-raids "Kagan Gold" and "The Great Steppe". The result - a positive! On gas diesel mixture racing diesel smoked significantly less (and in the rules of "Dakar", by the way, and in this respect there are limitations), at low speeds are stable, and the dynamics of dispersal became faster. As to the fuel, then the net Local (without gas) it turned a quarter more than gas diesel mixture, which saves money 15%. The power of the engine on gas diesel mixture is almost the same as on the clean diesel fuel. Exactly how much, the team did not specify. But for the 18, 5-liter engine TMZ, working on diesel, officially declare the power of 860 hp at 2500 rev / min and torque of 3200 Nm at 1500 rev / min.
However, there is reason to believe that there KAMAZ-modest, understating the real value of the motor, which (as is evident from backstage interviews, it may well amount to four digits). Especially, the potential for this precisely is. When in 1991 the European championship in track racing went racing MAZ-5432 "Sport", under his cabin was 17, 2-liter V8 producing YAMZ, already "overclocked" Yaroslavl spices to 1100 hp and 4000 Nm! And since the mid 90s analogue of this superdizelya started to put on dakarovskie KAMAZ - the team to drive on these engines until 2010, passing in 2011 to more litrazhnuyu version of this diesel engine, manufactured at Tutaev engine plant. So, a thousand horsepower Mustang Kama - this is not fiction ...
Next "check the battle" for gazodizelnogo KAMAZ will take place in Africa. There team races Africa Eco Race 2015, continues the tradition and using routes that same, the classic "Dakar" finish with the famous Rose Lake. And go to the marathon and tanker truck that will carry the compressed gas for sports KAMAZ. If so, and in Moscow with methane tight dressing, in a hot yellow sands of Africa will not find them exactly!
Boosted to 920 turbodiesel power Liebherr (pictured) before installation on the racing KAMAZ completely moved. And it is clear that the racing version is markedly different from the serial that something is being finalized, enhanced or facilitated, changing details ... virtually untouched in motor sports is except that the cylinder block.

Well, what the current "Dakar", which a few years ago, he moved to South America? The cargo classification of "Dakar-2015" announced four "combat" Russian KAMAZ. All - of manufactured in Switzerland diesel Liebherr D9508, which the team puts on their cars since 2013. Unfortunately, due to the regular changes in the regulations on the Russian motors "Dakar" route is closed: according to the rules engine displacement racing truck should not exceed 16, 5 liters. That is Tutaevsky "eight" it into two liters more acceptable. Replacement of Russian turbodiesel in the team searched for a long time, going over different options and settled on motors Liebherr, which, by the way, 2016 will produce in Tatarstan, the factory KAMAZ engines. But this joint venture will produce in-line engines, while racing cars worth 16, 2-liter V8 with twin turbochargers. This engine in the cargo world is fairly well known: it was created in collaboration with the German company MAN and used tractors mann on masthead series TGX, which gave out 680 hp and 3000 Nm.
For racing as the engine KAMAZ "rocked" to 920 hp and 4000 Nm. Only the great advantages of the more expensive imported diesel in the team did not receive. In size, layout and fixture libherovsky V8 perfectly fit into the engine compartment of KAMAZ. But by weight was almost the same as Yaroslavskyy diesel, which for years "treated" overweight. Hoped the team and the fact that the foreign motor will be more economical and can reduce the huge fuel tank to facilitate machine. It did not work - the "Swiss" and "Yaroslavets" similar were not only weight, but also the appetites: on solid ground it starts at about 70 l / 100 km, and in the mountains and sand dunes can reach two hundred liters per 100 km! Only through "analog" Russian diesel V8, created at the Union with an eye on military equipment, eats almost anything that burns and is repaired in the field on the knee.