Construction of a new metro station
A unique tour from the depths of Moscow, which will reveal the secret of building a new subway station.
Construction of a new metro station disguised as a market. They say it specifically because Moscow goes a lot of agents of the State Department. Recently, one that's caught in a wig, with a flashlight, a knife and a set of cards. Was looking for a place ...
But they told us the password and we went along the fence with barbed wire
It soon came to the gate of which is constantly entering and leaving trucks. Outside the gates of the work was in full swing.
Quickly brought into the building, where sits guide construction site.
There's all live.
And then taken to a room and forced to sign a subscription to disclose. Just kidding.
In fact, all written in the magazine about safety training and instruction after all there married
The chief engineer told us about the station under construction "Tepliy-2." Stressed that the work complicated by the fact that the station is right next to the action and this limits the use of modern tunneling technology. Often operate old-fashioned way. A lot of things said :) More bolshii safety and claustrophobic, so bequeathed to us if that - not to suffer, and immediately speak to pull upward.
All nodded happily, but in the eyes of lurking anxiety
Then issued helmets, rubber boots and a suit liquidator nuclear disasters. He plastic and in such a hot day it was too hot in it, to put it mildly.
The liquidators have moved into the mine. With the type of inspection.
To descend into the mine will first need to go upstairs
Work that day did not stop, but we got around lunchtime probably because workers en masse leaving mine. But do not panic :)
Meanwhile, our guide shows the harsh neighborhood.
We rise up
Arrived at the point of descent. There are constantly arriving with carts extracted from the rock face. We need to sit down to where now left the trolley.
The wizard displays zhetonchiki on the board. This is all that remains of the people, when they go down into the mine. If the badge hanging on the board face up, then the man came back. In old-fashioned, but reliable. The main thing that is not spiteful critics were not turned zhetonchik for you ...
By zhetonchiki serious attitude.
This pipelatse the descent into the mine. To a depth of about 70 meters
Cramped in there. But I was lucky with the neighbors :)
It's all in the movie about the miners. Only there is no coal. Instead of coal rock from the depths of the Moscow
In the mine dirty, vlazhnovatoy, the temperature is moderate, about 14 degrees smells of earth, water and metal. Occasionally diluted odor of ozone from various electrical appliances.
Workers work. Send carts with the rock top. This process here seems eternal. Swirls carts.
But do not think that everything in the human-powered. All electric traction. This one here is an iron piece which in the foreground as the iron hand of a man engages the truck and drove to the elevator. There are already working to help manually
Bloggers with a shudder and carefully make their first steps. Affects safety training. Zainstruktirovany all outrageously. Afraid of his own shadow. Everyone is looking for pin cable to which is not highly recommended to touch. Quick death is not promised, but the thrill guaranteed.
We go past the composition of trucks, carrying the rock. By the way note the pin cable. He is quite low.
Signs everywhere that all energized.
Go bloggers in the depths of Moscow. Nothing they do not stop ...
Carts driven breed of two kinds. Or yellowish clay.
Or something like that lime gray
The tunnel goes deeper. Water is taken from unclear. Ie top like drips, but on the shallow puddles
Came to a fork. Go right Canon lose. Left Nikon lost.
Very moving plate. She remembered the dwarf-miner and Scottish pubs
Sometimes hidden passages behind bars.
Guilty of workers locked up there. I'M Joking. I do not know what they are doing. Talk like. View serene.
Finally tunnel widening. We come to the station tunnels. Ie where there will be a station.
By karyam tunnel bunch of wires. Huts, sockets and so on. Things kootryh better not to touch There's generally better not to touch anything if you do not know exactly what it is. This council gave us a farewell engineer. I stick with it :)
There is a whole cocoa depot sorting carts with the breed ...
Master explains everything girls. Men are somehow not interested in anything, but only roam and fotkayut dungeon.
At the very naive questions wizard makes a good, protective face and even affectionate girl explains how here and that.
This room of the future station!
Sensation! For the construction of METRO sawing!
Other workers Th-sawing, planing, customize and slowly there are here.
Girl tormented by the question of the master. Master patiently tells
And this here is a layer cake - is the foundation of Moscow. If there are geologists will be glad to hear the reasons for such uniformity and alternation. Pay attention to the signs of a jackhammer. Apparently, it all manually dig now. Why not excavating shield? Near the existing subway station. Do not drag back shield.
Workers noticed journalists and they are very happy
Went on to wander through the tunnels. Landscapes must say variety is not happy
And suddenly! Hark! Lokomotivchik put on rails
Getting to something such that vividly recalled the time Stakhanov. What is missing is the slogan of "Perform five-year period in three years!" And "Thank comrade. Stalin! "Well, something like" Join the Osoaviakhim! »
Look at it closely.
Help yourself. Self-rescuers to hide behind the door. Entourage fully complies with the spirit of the 30's!
Atmosphere violate ads only printed out and plastic files.
But this is self-rescuers. Self-contained breathing apparatus.
Water from somewhere slowly enters. It quickly evacuated.
Girls are photographed. Master bored without question.
The last argument of the proletariat. Electric saw.
All photographed and photographed ...
Locomotive pulling carts
This man lives here with 30s. Joke. Very nice guy who wildly embarrassed when he was attacked from all cameras.
-where Some holes in the floor. Did not measure the depth.
Here I want to mention this girl - a radio journalist Kommerasnt-FM. Responsible person! All questioned, all recorded. Do not let go for a second master
Not all workers are eager to get into the story
Lokomotivchiki when worn on trolleys without decent sokrost
By the way go backwards.
Winch so that's there ...
Under the earth, wherever his nose Sun - everywhere all life threatening. Therefore it is better anywhere and Suva.
Secret electrical substation
Groundwater pumps
Underground valves
Workers work
There is sometimes a rest. Bungalow underground.
All life-threatening and energized!
Trolley wire energized
Hidden manholes
Workers. Do not work.
Tunnels without bloggers
Little Th lecture to anything. Kommersant-FM reporter all records. Well done!
Went in the opposite way. Dangerous this thing ... circle hole some.
Master explains the intricacies of penetration
Finally else just click the tunnel. Nice actually. Something in it there.
Bloggers chain go to the place of lifting
Thus here - brought 15 people. But will leave only 10. Severe fee underground secrets :)
Sfotkal elevator shaft
Still life. Lamochka Ilyich and fire extinguishers with cigarettes.
Workers already tired of bloggers.
Approximately every 5 minutes, sent / received trolley
And all under the gun cameras ...
We work shift ends. Go with us
Went upstairs. Exit and straight nose in again in safety. To remember!
Showed that the top. Upstairs parts warehouse.
Sad worker shuffle them back and forth. End and edge in sight. Hence there is no joy on his face. I remembered Master Yoda with his commandments patience.
How many would not shuffled worker, still waiting for his new parts ....
Here is such a top view of the construction site.
And such
Unloading Kamaz
Come back. And the workers all send / receive carts. Fascinating work ...
Come back. Because we are in suits liquidators, all staring at us.
Dressed. Left behind a dirty boots and torn costumes liquidators.
Sfotkali all memory
Came to light in his clothes. Tired, sweaty but happy. Master particularly pleased because responsible for his custody bloggers. All returned safe and sound It was especially nice to him.
Around the flowers bloomed. Management of construction is not alien to the sense of beauty.
True colors and many
These plants grow here are
Then came the truck and quickly Sprinkle bloggers quickly ducked out of the building
But the main secrets of building so no one knew ...
The first time I was in the mine, in the construction of the subway. I was impressed by all this. This is how seamlessly someone digs the earth under the nose of Muscovites and Muscovites are even not aware of it. Strange. Previously, these people do heroes. Today while the other heroes. But the real heroes - they are. People who do business. They will not get great rewards and earn a villa. No one knows their names. They just work. Just build the subway. And when will complete will be like this:
Source: eugenyshultz.livejournal.com

Construction of a new metro station disguised as a market. They say it specifically because Moscow goes a lot of agents of the State Department. Recently, one that's caught in a wig, with a flashlight, a knife and a set of cards. Was looking for a place ...

But they told us the password and we went along the fence with barbed wire

It soon came to the gate of which is constantly entering and leaving trucks. Outside the gates of the work was in full swing.

Quickly brought into the building, where sits guide construction site.

There's all live.

And then taken to a room and forced to sign a subscription to disclose. Just kidding.

In fact, all written in the magazine about safety training and instruction after all there married

The chief engineer told us about the station under construction "Tepliy-2." Stressed that the work complicated by the fact that the station is right next to the action and this limits the use of modern tunneling technology. Often operate old-fashioned way. A lot of things said :) More bolshii safety and claustrophobic, so bequeathed to us if that - not to suffer, and immediately speak to pull upward.

All nodded happily, but in the eyes of lurking anxiety

Then issued helmets, rubber boots and a suit liquidator nuclear disasters. He plastic and in such a hot day it was too hot in it, to put it mildly.

The liquidators have moved into the mine. With the type of inspection.

To descend into the mine will first need to go upstairs

Work that day did not stop, but we got around lunchtime probably because workers en masse leaving mine. But do not panic :)

Meanwhile, our guide shows the harsh neighborhood.

We rise up

Arrived at the point of descent. There are constantly arriving with carts extracted from the rock face. We need to sit down to where now left the trolley.

The wizard displays zhetonchiki on the board. This is all that remains of the people, when they go down into the mine. If the badge hanging on the board face up, then the man came back. In old-fashioned, but reliable. The main thing that is not spiteful critics were not turned zhetonchik for you ...

By zhetonchiki serious attitude.

This pipelatse the descent into the mine. To a depth of about 70 meters

Cramped in there. But I was lucky with the neighbors :)


It's all in the movie about the miners. Only there is no coal. Instead of coal rock from the depths of the Moscow

In the mine dirty, vlazhnovatoy, the temperature is moderate, about 14 degrees smells of earth, water and metal. Occasionally diluted odor of ozone from various electrical appliances.

Workers work. Send carts with the rock top. This process here seems eternal. Swirls carts.

But do not think that everything in the human-powered. All electric traction. This one here is an iron piece which in the foreground as the iron hand of a man engages the truck and drove to the elevator. There are already working to help manually

Bloggers with a shudder and carefully make their first steps. Affects safety training. Zainstruktirovany all outrageously. Afraid of his own shadow. Everyone is looking for pin cable to which is not highly recommended to touch. Quick death is not promised, but the thrill guaranteed.

We go past the composition of trucks, carrying the rock. By the way note the pin cable. He is quite low.

Signs everywhere that all energized.

Go bloggers in the depths of Moscow. Nothing they do not stop ...

Carts driven breed of two kinds. Or yellowish clay.

Or something like that lime gray

The tunnel goes deeper. Water is taken from unclear. Ie top like drips, but on the shallow puddles

Came to a fork. Go right Canon lose. Left Nikon lost.

Very moving plate. She remembered the dwarf-miner and Scottish pubs

Sometimes hidden passages behind bars.

Guilty of workers locked up there. I'M Joking. I do not know what they are doing. Talk like. View serene.

Finally tunnel widening. We come to the station tunnels. Ie where there will be a station.

By karyam tunnel bunch of wires. Huts, sockets and so on. Things kootryh better not to touch There's generally better not to touch anything if you do not know exactly what it is. This council gave us a farewell engineer. I stick with it :)

There is a whole cocoa depot sorting carts with the breed ...

Master explains everything girls. Men are somehow not interested in anything, but only roam and fotkayut dungeon.

At the very naive questions wizard makes a good, protective face and even affectionate girl explains how here and that.

This room of the future station!

Sensation! For the construction of METRO sawing!

Other workers Th-sawing, planing, customize and slowly there are here.

Girl tormented by the question of the master. Master patiently tells

And this here is a layer cake - is the foundation of Moscow. If there are geologists will be glad to hear the reasons for such uniformity and alternation. Pay attention to the signs of a jackhammer. Apparently, it all manually dig now. Why not excavating shield? Near the existing subway station. Do not drag back shield.

Workers noticed journalists and they are very happy

Went on to wander through the tunnels. Landscapes must say variety is not happy

And suddenly! Hark! Lokomotivchik put on rails

Getting to something such that vividly recalled the time Stakhanov. What is missing is the slogan of "Perform five-year period in three years!" And "Thank comrade. Stalin! "Well, something like" Join the Osoaviakhim! »

Look at it closely.

Help yourself. Self-rescuers to hide behind the door. Entourage fully complies with the spirit of the 30's!

Atmosphere violate ads only printed out and plastic files.

But this is self-rescuers. Self-contained breathing apparatus.

Water from somewhere slowly enters. It quickly evacuated.

Girls are photographed. Master bored without question.

The last argument of the proletariat. Electric saw.

All photographed and photographed ...

Locomotive pulling carts

This man lives here with 30s. Joke. Very nice guy who wildly embarrassed when he was attacked from all cameras.

-where Some holes in the floor. Did not measure the depth.

Here I want to mention this girl - a radio journalist Kommerasnt-FM. Responsible person! All questioned, all recorded. Do not let go for a second master

Not all workers are eager to get into the story

Lokomotivchiki when worn on trolleys without decent sokrost

By the way go backwards.

Winch so that's there ...

Under the earth, wherever his nose Sun - everywhere all life threatening. Therefore it is better anywhere and Suva.

Secret electrical substation

Groundwater pumps

Underground valves

Workers work

There is sometimes a rest. Bungalow underground.

All life-threatening and energized!

Trolley wire energized

Hidden manholes

Workers. Do not work.


Tunnels without bloggers

Little Th lecture to anything. Kommersant-FM reporter all records. Well done!

Went in the opposite way. Dangerous this thing ... circle hole some.

Master explains the intricacies of penetration

Finally else just click the tunnel. Nice actually. Something in it there.

Bloggers chain go to the place of lifting

Thus here - brought 15 people. But will leave only 10. Severe fee underground secrets :)

Sfotkal elevator shaft

Still life. Lamochka Ilyich and fire extinguishers with cigarettes.

Workers already tired of bloggers.

Approximately every 5 minutes, sent / received trolley

And all under the gun cameras ...

We work shift ends. Go with us

Went upstairs. Exit and straight nose in again in safety. To remember!

Showed that the top. Upstairs parts warehouse.

Sad worker shuffle them back and forth. End and edge in sight. Hence there is no joy on his face. I remembered Master Yoda with his commandments patience.

How many would not shuffled worker, still waiting for his new parts ....

Here is such a top view of the construction site.

And such

Unloading Kamaz

Come back. And the workers all send / receive carts. Fascinating work ...

Come back. Because we are in suits liquidators, all staring at us.

Dressed. Left behind a dirty boots and torn costumes liquidators.

Sfotkali all memory

Came to light in his clothes. Tired, sweaty but happy. Master particularly pleased because responsible for his custody bloggers. All returned safe and sound It was especially nice to him.

Around the flowers bloomed. Management of construction is not alien to the sense of beauty.

True colors and many

These plants grow here are

Then came the truck and quickly Sprinkle bloggers quickly ducked out of the building

But the main secrets of building so no one knew ...

The first time I was in the mine, in the construction of the subway. I was impressed by all this. This is how seamlessly someone digs the earth under the nose of Muscovites and Muscovites are even not aware of it. Strange. Previously, these people do heroes. Today while the other heroes. But the real heroes - they are. People who do business. They will not get great rewards and earn a villa. No one knows their names. They just work. Just build the subway. And when will complete will be like this:

Source: eugenyshultz.livejournal.com