Kazan metro
59 photos
Metro in Kazan was opened in 2005 during the celebration of the millennium of the city. Kazan metro was the seventh in a row in Russia and among the first in the country built after the collapse of the USSR. Currently 7 subway stations on the line, 11 km. Range of motion is from 6 to 10 minutes. Metro runs from 6:00 to 23:00. The average daily ridership of more than 100 thousand. Man.
It should also be noted that because of the energy saving lighting in the subway stations running at less than 50%, so in everyday life, they look a bit different than in the pictures.
Station "Goat Sloboda»
This is the new metro station in Kazan. It is located in the city beyond the river (after the tunnel crossing the river Kazanka) in Goat's settlement at the intersection of the Decembrists, Ibragimov Chistopolskaya, Vakhitova.
The station was opened in 2010.
With her appearance in the subway ridership increased by 2, 5 times: from 45 th. To 105 thous. Passengers a day.
The interior of the station in the style of hi-tech. Non-linear elements of columns and the ceiling and the walls of the station are lined with composite, metal-ceramic and other modern materials.
At a distance of 60 cm from the edge of the platform in the dividing strip recessed luminaires, which are included in the approach of the train to the station and warn passengers about the arrival of the composition.
The station opened two vestibule with four outputs.
The wall of the lobby of the escalators running as a screen, which can be broadcast advertising information.
At the station installed escalators «Thyssenkrupp» function start / stop, which stops the movement of passengers and in the absence of triggers when they occur, which saves energy and prevents wear.
The cost of one trip in 15 rubles.
For fare-day use smart chips or smart cards.
Smart badges valid for the day - or rather, from the purchase date before closing the subway. If you do not have time to use during the day token, it can be exchanged for real, but only on Saturdays and Sundays (so I was told at the ticket office)
Cash Hall
Station "The Kremlin»
Located near the Kazan Kremlin, at the beginning of streets Bauman and union.
Location stations largely led and interior design.
The walls are lined with beige marble with protruding towers symbolizing the towers of the Kremlin.
The track walls are decorated with mosaics with folk images.
On the platform are located towers symbolizing the minarets of mosques in Kazan.
On the vault, you can see the image of the dragon of legend guarding the city.
Detail of the ceiling
Generally, all the navigation elements in the Kazan subway bilingual (Russian and Tatar languages).
A voice messages in cars even trilingual - Russian, Tatar, English.
There are two lobby - north and south.
North vestibule opened simultaneously with the opening of the station and has access to the town in the direction of the Kremlin and the side ducts Bulak, on an area of 1000 anniversary.
North entrance hall has natural light - in a hemispherical glass atrium at the surface.
South hall was opened in spring 2006, but due to low passenger traffic in 2008, is temporarily closed. It opened only on the Day of the Republic and the City (30 August)
The station "Square of Tukai»
Located at the central square of Kazan - Ploshchad Tukaya along the streets of St. Petersburg and Bauman.
The architectural solution of the station associated with the national colors - dominated by white and green marble. A single row of columns (12 columns), rotated by 45 degrees.
On the platform walls 22 are placed mosaic panels in the technique of a Roman mosaic depicting the heroes of fairy tales and themes of G. Tukai and his iconic image.
Detail panel "Goat and Sheep»
Panel "Water»
The underground gallery from the northern station hall leads into the underpass under Tukai area, from it also have the entrances to the underground floor of the shopping and entertainment complex "The Ring."
Small, symbolizing the street Bauman with the exposition of children's drawings and a bust G.Tukaya.
At each station of the Kazan Metro has a full range designed for the screening of passengers and baggage, including X-ray introscopes like installed at airports and the absolute novelty of Kazan transport - Scanner «Homo Scan», allowing five seconds to conduct a full inspection of the passenger.
Station "Sukonnaya Sloboda»
Located in the historic district of Kazan - Cloth settlement, under the streets of St. Petersburg, at its intersection with the street Esperanto.
Historically, on the site of the station is the center of production and trade of fabrics, because Kazan was on the Silk Road.
This led to the name of the district, and in the future metro station.
Built in brown and cream-colored, in a classic style with two rows of marble columns, pilasters and bronze lamps.
As conceived by architects, it should reflect the atmosphere of Cloth settlement XVIII-XIX century.
Directly near the southern entrance to the station is the Corps of Engineers of the Kazan underground.
Station "Ametevo»
The station is a two-story glassed bridge, exchanged a highway through Ametevskuyu.
The lower tier of the bridge station is located on the top - covered pedestrian gallery linking dahurica street and w / e platform "Ametevo."
Station design trёhprolёtnaya, Colonia.
Columns cylindrical and longitudinal gray.
Since the intervals between trains are very large (8-10 min.), The middle station installed payphones!
Perhaps, just to pass the time! I've never seen such ...
Out in the direction w / station.
The station "Gorki».
Vaulted shallow station, with one island platform. The maximum height of the arch on the level of the platform - 6 m.
Architects: A.M.Mustafin, R.M.Hisamov, T.F.Muhametzyanov.
The travel and end walls are lined platform hall polished green marble "Indiana Green."
The station is located at the intersection of Sorge, Homeland and Mavlyutova. It serves residential area "Gorky-1»
The station has two underground entrance hall from which stairs lead to the platform
In addition, the slopes of both lobbies has a ramp and platform installed lifting appliance, suitable for the disabled and other passengers with limited functions.
The terminal station - "Prospect Victory»
It opened in 2008. The station columns, shallow.
The basis of the interior station is the theme of Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War.
Columns and walls of the station are lined with marble and granite slabs. The paired columns form a sort of Arc de Triomphe.
Each of the arches is dedicated to one of the cities-heroes, whose name is written on the glass, located between the paired columns.
The spans between columns placed chandelier symbolizing the victory salute.
Architect: A.M.Mustafin
Another feature of the Kazan subway - there is no dial on the usual exit to the tunnel with the current time and range of motion. During the interval machinists monitor via a computer installed in the cab and the current time at each station shows such analog clocks.
Entrance to the lobby is located at the intersection of Victory Avenue Sorge and near the Volga market.
Kazan envisaged transfer to light rail.
Electrodepot PM-1 "Ametevo" is located opposite the Kazan fairs, congresses lead to it from the station "Ametevo" - in the neighborhood streets Daurskaya.
Next to the existing building a reserve for expansion / completion sucks and repair housing.
The building of the depot is designed for 82 car.
Kazan metro uses modern domestic rolling stock. All metrovagony Kazan equipped with asynchronous traction drive, which allows to increase reliability and provide energy savings.
To launch the first stage of the Kazan subway cars were purchased Series 81-55x.3 «Kazan», made JSC "Vagonmash" in St. Petersburg in cooperation with the company Škoda Dopravní technika (Czech Republic). During 2005, 5 were delivered compositions of the cars of the "Kazan". Each train consists of four cars: two head motor, one intermediate and one intermediate motor motorless, the capacity of each of them - 250 people. In the future production cars such as 81-55x.3 it was discontinued.
To ensure the line, will increase due to the start station station "Prospect of Victory" and "Goat Sloboda" in late 2010, it was decided to buy part of "Rusich" 81-740.4 / 81-741.4 with an increased number of doors. In 2011, on the line, there were already three compositions.
Each part of "Rusich" consists of three two-section articulated motor cars: two head and one intermediate, the capacity of each of them - about 350 people.
For service work (driving of cars, commercial transport of goods, shunting) at the Kazan subway applied contact-battery electric 81-582. He was converted from an experienced elektrovagona 81-560 "rhetorician" and therefore the appearance of repeating the passenger car, but unlike him, is equipped with two cabins, and in its interior is a traction battery and other equipment to operate independent of the contact rail. < br />
81-553.3 "Kazan" to repair.
From gelio-nsk.livejournal.com/165789.html#cutid1
Metro in Kazan was opened in 2005 during the celebration of the millennium of the city. Kazan metro was the seventh in a row in Russia and among the first in the country built after the collapse of the USSR. Currently 7 subway stations on the line, 11 km. Range of motion is from 6 to 10 minutes. Metro runs from 6:00 to 23:00. The average daily ridership of more than 100 thousand. Man.
It should also be noted that because of the energy saving lighting in the subway stations running at less than 50%, so in everyday life, they look a bit different than in the pictures.

Station "Goat Sloboda»
This is the new metro station in Kazan. It is located in the city beyond the river (after the tunnel crossing the river Kazanka) in Goat's settlement at the intersection of the Decembrists, Ibragimov Chistopolskaya, Vakhitova.

The station was opened in 2010.
With her appearance in the subway ridership increased by 2, 5 times: from 45 th. To 105 thous. Passengers a day.

The interior of the station in the style of hi-tech. Non-linear elements of columns and the ceiling and the walls of the station are lined with composite, metal-ceramic and other modern materials.

At a distance of 60 cm from the edge of the platform in the dividing strip recessed luminaires, which are included in the approach of the train to the station and warn passengers about the arrival of the composition.

The station opened two vestibule with four outputs.

The wall of the lobby of the escalators running as a screen, which can be broadcast advertising information.

At the station installed escalators «Thyssenkrupp» function start / stop, which stops the movement of passengers and in the absence of triggers when they occur, which saves energy and prevents wear.

The cost of one trip in 15 rubles.
For fare-day use smart chips or smart cards.
Smart badges valid for the day - or rather, from the purchase date before closing the subway. If you do not have time to use during the day token, it can be exchanged for real, but only on Saturdays and Sundays (so I was told at the ticket office)

Cash Hall

Station "The Kremlin»
Located near the Kazan Kremlin, at the beginning of streets Bauman and union.

Location stations largely led and interior design.
The walls are lined with beige marble with protruding towers symbolizing the towers of the Kremlin.

The track walls are decorated with mosaics with folk images.

On the platform are located towers symbolizing the minarets of mosques in Kazan.
On the vault, you can see the image of the dragon of legend guarding the city.



Detail of the ceiling

Generally, all the navigation elements in the Kazan subway bilingual (Russian and Tatar languages).
A voice messages in cars even trilingual - Russian, Tatar, English.

There are two lobby - north and south.
North vestibule opened simultaneously with the opening of the station and has access to the town in the direction of the Kremlin and the side ducts Bulak, on an area of 1000 anniversary.

North entrance hall has natural light - in a hemispherical glass atrium at the surface.
South hall was opened in spring 2006, but due to low passenger traffic in 2008, is temporarily closed. It opened only on the Day of the Republic and the City (30 August)

The station "Square of Tukai»
Located at the central square of Kazan - Ploshchad Tukaya along the streets of St. Petersburg and Bauman.

The architectural solution of the station associated with the national colors - dominated by white and green marble. A single row of columns (12 columns), rotated by 45 degrees.

On the platform walls 22 are placed mosaic panels in the technique of a Roman mosaic depicting the heroes of fairy tales and themes of G. Tukai and his iconic image.

Detail panel "Goat and Sheep»

Panel "Water»


The underground gallery from the northern station hall leads into the underpass under Tukai area, from it also have the entrances to the underground floor of the shopping and entertainment complex "The Ring."

Small, symbolizing the street Bauman with the exposition of children's drawings and a bust G.Tukaya.

At each station of the Kazan Metro has a full range designed for the screening of passengers and baggage, including X-ray introscopes like installed at airports and the absolute novelty of Kazan transport - Scanner «Homo Scan», allowing five seconds to conduct a full inspection of the passenger.

Station "Sukonnaya Sloboda»
Located in the historic district of Kazan - Cloth settlement, under the streets of St. Petersburg, at its intersection with the street Esperanto.

Historically, on the site of the station is the center of production and trade of fabrics, because Kazan was on the Silk Road.
This led to the name of the district, and in the future metro station.

Built in brown and cream-colored, in a classic style with two rows of marble columns, pilasters and bronze lamps.
As conceived by architects, it should reflect the atmosphere of Cloth settlement XVIII-XIX century.

Directly near the southern entrance to the station is the Corps of Engineers of the Kazan underground.

Station "Ametevo»

The station is a two-story glassed bridge, exchanged a highway through Ametevskuyu.

The lower tier of the bridge station is located on the top - covered pedestrian gallery linking dahurica street and w / e platform "Ametevo."

Station design trёhprolёtnaya, Colonia.
Columns cylindrical and longitudinal gray.

Since the intervals between trains are very large (8-10 min.), The middle station installed payphones!
Perhaps, just to pass the time! I've never seen such ...

Out in the direction w / station.


The station "Gorki».
Vaulted shallow station, with one island platform. The maximum height of the arch on the level of the platform - 6 m.

Architects: A.M.Mustafin, R.M.Hisamov, T.F.Muhametzyanov.

The travel and end walls are lined platform hall polished green marble "Indiana Green."

The station is located at the intersection of Sorge, Homeland and Mavlyutova. It serves residential area "Gorky-1»

The station has two underground entrance hall from which stairs lead to the platform

In addition, the slopes of both lobbies has a ramp and platform installed lifting appliance, suitable for the disabled and other passengers with limited functions.

The terminal station - "Prospect Victory»
It opened in 2008. The station columns, shallow.
The basis of the interior station is the theme of Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Columns and walls of the station are lined with marble and granite slabs. The paired columns form a sort of Arc de Triomphe.
Each of the arches is dedicated to one of the cities-heroes, whose name is written on the glass, located between the paired columns.

The spans between columns placed chandelier symbolizing the victory salute.

Architect: A.M.Mustafin

Another feature of the Kazan subway - there is no dial on the usual exit to the tunnel with the current time and range of motion. During the interval machinists monitor via a computer installed in the cab and the current time at each station shows such analog clocks.

Entrance to the lobby is located at the intersection of Victory Avenue Sorge and near the Volga market.

Kazan envisaged transfer to light rail.

Electrodepot PM-1 "Ametevo" is located opposite the Kazan fairs, congresses lead to it from the station "Ametevo" - in the neighborhood streets Daurskaya.
Next to the existing building a reserve for expansion / completion sucks and repair housing.

The building of the depot is designed for 82 car.
Kazan metro uses modern domestic rolling stock. All metrovagony Kazan equipped with asynchronous traction drive, which allows to increase reliability and provide energy savings.

To launch the first stage of the Kazan subway cars were purchased Series 81-55x.3 «Kazan», made JSC "Vagonmash" in St. Petersburg in cooperation with the company Škoda Dopravní technika (Czech Republic). During 2005, 5 were delivered compositions of the cars of the "Kazan". Each train consists of four cars: two head motor, one intermediate and one intermediate motor motorless, the capacity of each of them - 250 people. In the future production cars such as 81-55x.3 it was discontinued.

To ensure the line, will increase due to the start station station "Prospect of Victory" and "Goat Sloboda" in late 2010, it was decided to buy part of "Rusich" 81-740.4 / 81-741.4 with an increased number of doors. In 2011, on the line, there were already three compositions.
Each part of "Rusich" consists of three two-section articulated motor cars: two head and one intermediate, the capacity of each of them - about 350 people.

For service work (driving of cars, commercial transport of goods, shunting) at the Kazan subway applied contact-battery electric 81-582. He was converted from an experienced elektrovagona 81-560 "rhetorician" and therefore the appearance of repeating the passenger car, but unlike him, is equipped with two cabins, and in its interior is a traction battery and other equipment to operate independent of the contact rail. < br />

81-553.3 "Kazan" to repair.
From gelio-nsk.livejournal.com/165789.html#cutid1
