Choose from those who are considered equal
Modern "success criteria" to which so much clings to the mind of the average person, I think, create the relationship a lot of interference.
"My boyfriend earns more money, but I could!", "my husband does not set himself great goals, although the potential is there", "I see that he does not seek to fully realize themselves, and I need a winner," "no apartment, no car, no ambitions, no private business" and not men, who must meet such claims.
Parting with illusions thing is generally not very pleasant, I tell you, and such are the discoveries about the man living close by, usually not even connected with a real person, with perceptions and expectations, living in the head of the woman. Many in fact think that now I "take the man and remake him in their own way, decided that I should be a millionaire, be a millionaire." I don't know. Against a person's will can make him a charismatic leader and successful professional? Is it possible to do for someone with his inner work?
The success in the conventional sense is not dumped on his head just so. I must say that beautiful words, "the coolest and mnogoobeshaushaia startup", attractive appearance, the machine (even on credit) and travel pictures have little to do with this success. You can have it all, but to a solid "standing on his feet" there is still a long way to go.
A fleeting increase in income at a young age does not mean eternal a comfortable and interesting life like many people want to see. Strong and successful men usually have a very serious approach to building its base there step by step we are working over nature and over the body, and the education is not a quick way, often.
Someone has a little faster start due to the fact that the parents help financially, and it's actually a good opportunity to get access to required development resources, but in fact, many of these young people remain infantile and not very willing to take responsibility for their own business, family, children, etc.
There are good exceptions, of course, but financially secure families, often the problem lies in the fact that nature is paid not so much attention as the external attributes held life, and then what is a man without character?
Family, children, money, housing, business, conscious way, and meaningful life for men is a reflection of the value system of heights, which he outlined for himself, goals that moves, the depth to which it is committed, and if the man has no sense of himself, his strength and weaknesses, if never thought about it, if in a relationship with a woman he sees only the pleasures of the body, if the family is a special sense did not see, because "children hinder career growth", if spinning mirrors more than the girl, twirling his mustache and eyebrows, picking up t-shirts to the color of the laces on new shoes, if the day begins with infinite niftalyev and uploading photos of food on instagram, what do you want from this man?
If from the very beginning work on self-development in the professional field and a long-term relationship is not a value, if the responsibility not willing to take, if you grew up a Mama's boy and continues to obey you, as mom, as he now suddenly get a superhero and a leader?
Yes, anyone can a lot of things to change in your life, if he will undertake, he will decide to move forward.
What can a woman do next? Yes, support, Yes, patience, Yes, to inspire and to be on the side of men, but if she could do something INSTEAD? How can you live life instead of another person? No, you can't. Near be able, to do instead.
Because if you honestly look at the relationship in which the woman is not satisfied with the purpose and scope of activities of men, there are also reasons why you have chosen such a man, right? Why build relationships with those who can't "pull" you through the desires, needs and interests?
Undoubtedly, it is nice to think that I am a woman, stunning, flawless and incredible, I deserve the best relationship I have now got the car and the apartment can be even, but he had nothing. Well, if you yourself have earned a car, an apartment, a dacha and all that, then fine, but why would a couple choose person, if that's important to you? Choose from those who are considered equal.
But if you inherited or some other happy occasion, so perhaps blame the young man that he had no such opportunity to buy their own homes and everything else? The time will come — will buy, unless, of course, the goal he is there.
Or maybe he himself conveniently in your area to live if in parent-to dig, you will most likely discover that this man grew up under a dominating mother, so what to take from women the material goods he is no stranger. And you just continue to play along with his childish scenarios. Well, the man himself, something you hardly pulled just so, similar to like.
If you look honestly, that women are "glued" to men, too-seeking to be leaders in the family and succeed in society because a number of them quite easy to play familiar scenario of a dominant woman who controls everything that indefinitely can shift responsibility for their own lack of implementation and frustration out on the husband and his financial ambitions.
And the most interesting, give a woman a successful and bright man, and she would not be very comfortable with it, because the more power in the male, the more there is in it that is male "myself, I'm in charge, I am", this means that the control will have to let go and to build relationships will have an absolutely different scenario.
The man next to you doesn't want to move forward and look at yourself closely, isn't you the woman who used to do everything myself, to keep everywhere the last word, "train" her man under its own standards, etc.? Conveniently near the not very accomplished man, aren't you? It is always possible to criticize him, sigh heavily to blame in unfortunate destiny and a lot more. And next will be successful will have to worry about how long he'll near me remain worthy I such a good attitude, and suddenly you see him who is, and who is the loser-my need? Securely attached to me, that's all.
And the most interesting that if a man begins earning enough money, how to dream and how I wanted out a huge number of other problems — I don't take the time! where are you going? with whom you were? what were you doing? who have you added as a friend? don't you remember that I'm with you all the misery is gone, now you're conceited! you're ungrateful, so much my parents have done for us! etc.
If the relationship has no solid financial basis, it is very difficult people then go through life — you have money, no money, not save it all crumbling relationship.
If people have feelings, there is respect, there is trust, support, warmth and care, then, of course, the man never comes to lie on the couch while the family had nothing to eat. Will go and try to make money, and then if possible and prosper.
And if it's not doing anything, and just sawing and sawing them, then where is there inspiration to undertake.
It is clear that praise and support the lazy and nowhere seeking man is not so easy, and is it necessary? Oh, well, that's why I say that you need to Bank all these questions to decide to look carefully at the person with whom you want to build a relationship and a family, to try each other to learn, to adapt, to discuss everything, otherwise, like in the middle of family life to a millionaire, if this is not reflected in the value system of men?
Well, I want to tell you a few words from the point of view of someone who worked with hundreds of talented and promising people. Here's from a thread of 200-300 people is quite adequate and interesting students, very bright and very determined to find a man 5-10. In specialized courses on leadership and some other trend areas will be a little more. After a few years, among all these the brightest and most potential you will find that continue to go deep and really even less. Some of people achieve success in their careers, the other part is like a "life dream" for a few years (travel, working for yourself, beautiful girl nearby).
Among all these megaportals young and not so young men and women, there are not so many of those who will go to the end. To the family and children and good relations with relatives, and it is interesting, and finances, and focus on depth and development. Some of these guys to infinity will delay the creation of a family, the other part will go into spirituality, the third will deal with philosophy and something else.
Also interesting: Why women love losers
Classification of losers: quiet and violent losers
I just want to say thatit's not so beautiful as it seems, in these stories about successful people. Unit of people, and must be a certain level of thinking, a certain set of qualities of character, a strong inner core, a healthy Outlook and more, to make it all on a "higher level". In addition to the bonuses which involved many women, there is a flip side to the stories of talented and successful men need to match their level, you know? And here, perhaps, we should start every woman, before you accuse the man that he is not too wealthy.published
Author: Dean Richards
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.facebook.com/dina.v.richards/posts/10153165282689452:0
"My boyfriend earns more money, but I could!", "my husband does not set himself great goals, although the potential is there", "I see that he does not seek to fully realize themselves, and I need a winner," "no apartment, no car, no ambitions, no private business" and not men, who must meet such claims.

Parting with illusions thing is generally not very pleasant, I tell you, and such are the discoveries about the man living close by, usually not even connected with a real person, with perceptions and expectations, living in the head of the woman. Many in fact think that now I "take the man and remake him in their own way, decided that I should be a millionaire, be a millionaire." I don't know. Against a person's will can make him a charismatic leader and successful professional? Is it possible to do for someone with his inner work?
The success in the conventional sense is not dumped on his head just so. I must say that beautiful words, "the coolest and mnogoobeshaushaia startup", attractive appearance, the machine (even on credit) and travel pictures have little to do with this success. You can have it all, but to a solid "standing on his feet" there is still a long way to go.
A fleeting increase in income at a young age does not mean eternal a comfortable and interesting life like many people want to see. Strong and successful men usually have a very serious approach to building its base there step by step we are working over nature and over the body, and the education is not a quick way, often.
Someone has a little faster start due to the fact that the parents help financially, and it's actually a good opportunity to get access to required development resources, but in fact, many of these young people remain infantile and not very willing to take responsibility for their own business, family, children, etc.
There are good exceptions, of course, but financially secure families, often the problem lies in the fact that nature is paid not so much attention as the external attributes held life, and then what is a man without character?
Family, children, money, housing, business, conscious way, and meaningful life for men is a reflection of the value system of heights, which he outlined for himself, goals that moves, the depth to which it is committed, and if the man has no sense of himself, his strength and weaknesses, if never thought about it, if in a relationship with a woman he sees only the pleasures of the body, if the family is a special sense did not see, because "children hinder career growth", if spinning mirrors more than the girl, twirling his mustache and eyebrows, picking up t-shirts to the color of the laces on new shoes, if the day begins with infinite niftalyev and uploading photos of food on instagram, what do you want from this man?
If from the very beginning work on self-development in the professional field and a long-term relationship is not a value, if the responsibility not willing to take, if you grew up a Mama's boy and continues to obey you, as mom, as he now suddenly get a superhero and a leader?
Yes, anyone can a lot of things to change in your life, if he will undertake, he will decide to move forward.

What can a woman do next? Yes, support, Yes, patience, Yes, to inspire and to be on the side of men, but if she could do something INSTEAD? How can you live life instead of another person? No, you can't. Near be able, to do instead.
Because if you honestly look at the relationship in which the woman is not satisfied with the purpose and scope of activities of men, there are also reasons why you have chosen such a man, right? Why build relationships with those who can't "pull" you through the desires, needs and interests?
Undoubtedly, it is nice to think that I am a woman, stunning, flawless and incredible, I deserve the best relationship I have now got the car and the apartment can be even, but he had nothing. Well, if you yourself have earned a car, an apartment, a dacha and all that, then fine, but why would a couple choose person, if that's important to you? Choose from those who are considered equal.
But if you inherited or some other happy occasion, so perhaps blame the young man that he had no such opportunity to buy their own homes and everything else? The time will come — will buy, unless, of course, the goal he is there.
Or maybe he himself conveniently in your area to live if in parent-to dig, you will most likely discover that this man grew up under a dominating mother, so what to take from women the material goods he is no stranger. And you just continue to play along with his childish scenarios. Well, the man himself, something you hardly pulled just so, similar to like.
If you look honestly, that women are "glued" to men, too-seeking to be leaders in the family and succeed in society because a number of them quite easy to play familiar scenario of a dominant woman who controls everything that indefinitely can shift responsibility for their own lack of implementation and frustration out on the husband and his financial ambitions.
And the most interesting, give a woman a successful and bright man, and she would not be very comfortable with it, because the more power in the male, the more there is in it that is male "myself, I'm in charge, I am", this means that the control will have to let go and to build relationships will have an absolutely different scenario.
The man next to you doesn't want to move forward and look at yourself closely, isn't you the woman who used to do everything myself, to keep everywhere the last word, "train" her man under its own standards, etc.? Conveniently near the not very accomplished man, aren't you? It is always possible to criticize him, sigh heavily to blame in unfortunate destiny and a lot more. And next will be successful will have to worry about how long he'll near me remain worthy I such a good attitude, and suddenly you see him who is, and who is the loser-my need? Securely attached to me, that's all.
And the most interesting that if a man begins earning enough money, how to dream and how I wanted out a huge number of other problems — I don't take the time! where are you going? with whom you were? what were you doing? who have you added as a friend? don't you remember that I'm with you all the misery is gone, now you're conceited! you're ungrateful, so much my parents have done for us! etc.
If the relationship has no solid financial basis, it is very difficult people then go through life — you have money, no money, not save it all crumbling relationship.
If people have feelings, there is respect, there is trust, support, warmth and care, then, of course, the man never comes to lie on the couch while the family had nothing to eat. Will go and try to make money, and then if possible and prosper.
And if it's not doing anything, and just sawing and sawing them, then where is there inspiration to undertake.
It is clear that praise and support the lazy and nowhere seeking man is not so easy, and is it necessary? Oh, well, that's why I say that you need to Bank all these questions to decide to look carefully at the person with whom you want to build a relationship and a family, to try each other to learn, to adapt, to discuss everything, otherwise, like in the middle of family life to a millionaire, if this is not reflected in the value system of men?

Well, I want to tell you a few words from the point of view of someone who worked with hundreds of talented and promising people. Here's from a thread of 200-300 people is quite adequate and interesting students, very bright and very determined to find a man 5-10. In specialized courses on leadership and some other trend areas will be a little more. After a few years, among all these the brightest and most potential you will find that continue to go deep and really even less. Some of people achieve success in their careers, the other part is like a "life dream" for a few years (travel, working for yourself, beautiful girl nearby).
Among all these megaportals young and not so young men and women, there are not so many of those who will go to the end. To the family and children and good relations with relatives, and it is interesting, and finances, and focus on depth and development. Some of these guys to infinity will delay the creation of a family, the other part will go into spirituality, the third will deal with philosophy and something else.
Also interesting: Why women love losers
Classification of losers: quiet and violent losers
I just want to say thatit's not so beautiful as it seems, in these stories about successful people. Unit of people, and must be a certain level of thinking, a certain set of qualities of character, a strong inner core, a healthy Outlook and more, to make it all on a "higher level". In addition to the bonuses which involved many women, there is a flip side to the stories of talented and successful men need to match their level, you know? And here, perhaps, we should start every woman, before you accuse the man that he is not too wealthy.published
Author: Dean Richards
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.facebook.com/dina.v.richards/posts/10153165282689452:0
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