Russian exporters have offered to translate calculations in rubles
State Duma deputies have prepared the initiative involves giving Russian exporters from using the dollar in favor of the ruble calculations. Letter to the proposal of parliament plans to go to the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation.
"For the dollar, this green piece of paper I had a negative attitude for a long time. Now you can see that at last the expert community is set in the same direction, the head of VTB already talking about it, the Bank of Russia went further - he had stopped working with dollars ", - he told AiF.ru one of the authors of the initiative of deputies of the State Duma faction LDPR Mikhail Degtyarev.
According to the parliamentarian, a bill prohibiting trafficking and keeping the US currency on the territory of the Russian Federation, made a lot of noise in the spring of 2013, was only part of the package of measures.
"Other parts - a moratorium on the export of gold from Russia, it is the calculations in rubles for export and import operations, this liberalization of the market of precious metals. & lt; ... & gt; Using dollars, every day we lend the US economy, "- explains his position Degtyarev.
The fact that Russian exporters must sell their products exclusively in rubles, said yesterday the head of VTB Andrey Kostin.
"Long-overdue theme - a transition to settlements in rubles with our trading partners. We must start immediately. Not only with the calculations in the framework of the Customs Union and the CIS, but also in relations with our major trading partners such as China and Western Europe, "- said Kostin at the congress of the Association of Russian Banks.
The issue of transition from dollar settlements is long overdue, but now he rose especially sharply, the head of VTB, reminding about the appeals of Western politicians "to isolate Russia," to destroy the domestic banking sector by dollar calculations. Foreign partners are obliged to pay only for the export of the ruble, Russia will be able to "reduce dependence on the vagaries of the US government and the EU", convinced Kostin.
The largest Russian company "Gazprom", "Rosoboronexport" and "Rosneft" annually exports products to 230 billion dollars. "I spoke with the leaders of these companies. They do not mind to drive exports in rubles. They just need to give an appropriate mechanism, "- said Kostin.
On the need to escape from the dollar, including in settlements with foreign partners, said earlier presidential advisor Sergei Glazyev. The politician has insisted on the fight against dollar oligarchy.
"Unfortunately, the people who sell oil and gas, are used to trading in dollar currency. They are so comfortable. Has developed an entire system of maintenance of these calculations, many are interested in them. Do not forget about ofshorizatsii. Therefore, without additional incentives for this task is not solved. Who incentives were serious enough "- said Glazyev.
Russia is a major exporter of gas to Europe - there are countries in the 100ё% dependent on Russian gas (for example, Lithuania and Finland). The European Union will not be able to abandon the purchase of Russian fuel, convinced the presidential aide.
According Degtyaryova, the question of how and where the foreign partners will take rubles, not worth it. "They buy them from us, buy for, what we want. I believe that you need to sell rubles for gold, "- said the parliamentarian.
Glazyev believes that the failure of domestic exporters from using the dollar "would create a powerful incentive for the expansion of our financial capacity to monetize our economy, to expand the volume of loans».
Venues pricing calculations for oil and gas are located outside of Russia - the New York Stock Exchange NYMEX and the London International Stock Exchange IPE. But this problem is solved, assures Degtyarev.
"We will build in every European country and in America, its settlement center, as it is now China does. We will trade in rubles, it is our sacred right - set the currency to sell our products abroad. But while no one uses them because all are under the influence of the magic word "dollar". Now it becomes obvious that this dependence is dangerous for the country's national security, "- emphasizes the deputy.
For Russian exporters to establish a mechanism, involving ruble calculations, it would be a positive step, since most of the costs of companies takes place on the territory of Russia, that is in rubles.
In addition, non-dollar settlements could encourage the strengthening of the Russian currency. Pricing for export to the Russian currency will cause the tool to replenish the budget by the weakening of the ruble is simply cease to give tangible effect.
"China has long been taking steps to reduce dependence on the US currency, translating the calculations with their counterparts in the yuan. I think that the working mechanism of the running calculations without the participation of the US dollar will be tested just in trade relations with China. & lt; ... & gt; Generally, forward-looking initiative which could actually increase the independence of the Russian economy, but it is difficult implemented in the short term. A key risk of the decision - the high exchange rate fluctuations, which may in the long run lead to losses of exporters related to changes in foreign currency ", - said an analyst of their" Finam "Anton Soroko.
Source: www.aif.ru

"For the dollar, this green piece of paper I had a negative attitude for a long time. Now you can see that at last the expert community is set in the same direction, the head of VTB already talking about it, the Bank of Russia went further - he had stopped working with dollars ", - he told AiF.ru one of the authors of the initiative of deputies of the State Duma faction LDPR Mikhail Degtyarev.
According to the parliamentarian, a bill prohibiting trafficking and keeping the US currency on the territory of the Russian Federation, made a lot of noise in the spring of 2013, was only part of the package of measures.
"Other parts - a moratorium on the export of gold from Russia, it is the calculations in rubles for export and import operations, this liberalization of the market of precious metals. & lt; ... & gt; Using dollars, every day we lend the US economy, "- explains his position Degtyarev.

The fact that Russian exporters must sell their products exclusively in rubles, said yesterday the head of VTB Andrey Kostin.
"Long-overdue theme - a transition to settlements in rubles with our trading partners. We must start immediately. Not only with the calculations in the framework of the Customs Union and the CIS, but also in relations with our major trading partners such as China and Western Europe, "- said Kostin at the congress of the Association of Russian Banks.
The issue of transition from dollar settlements is long overdue, but now he rose especially sharply, the head of VTB, reminding about the appeals of Western politicians "to isolate Russia," to destroy the domestic banking sector by dollar calculations. Foreign partners are obliged to pay only for the export of the ruble, Russia will be able to "reduce dependence on the vagaries of the US government and the EU", convinced Kostin.
The largest Russian company "Gazprom", "Rosoboronexport" and "Rosneft" annually exports products to 230 billion dollars. "I spoke with the leaders of these companies. They do not mind to drive exports in rubles. They just need to give an appropriate mechanism, "- said Kostin.

On the need to escape from the dollar, including in settlements with foreign partners, said earlier presidential advisor Sergei Glazyev. The politician has insisted on the fight against dollar oligarchy.
"Unfortunately, the people who sell oil and gas, are used to trading in dollar currency. They are so comfortable. Has developed an entire system of maintenance of these calculations, many are interested in them. Do not forget about ofshorizatsii. Therefore, without additional incentives for this task is not solved. Who incentives were serious enough "- said Glazyev.
Russia is a major exporter of gas to Europe - there are countries in the 100ё% dependent on Russian gas (for example, Lithuania and Finland). The European Union will not be able to abandon the purchase of Russian fuel, convinced the presidential aide.
According Degtyaryova, the question of how and where the foreign partners will take rubles, not worth it. "They buy them from us, buy for, what we want. I believe that you need to sell rubles for gold, "- said the parliamentarian.
Glazyev believes that the failure of domestic exporters from using the dollar "would create a powerful incentive for the expansion of our financial capacity to monetize our economy, to expand the volume of loans».

Venues pricing calculations for oil and gas are located outside of Russia - the New York Stock Exchange NYMEX and the London International Stock Exchange IPE. But this problem is solved, assures Degtyarev.
"We will build in every European country and in America, its settlement center, as it is now China does. We will trade in rubles, it is our sacred right - set the currency to sell our products abroad. But while no one uses them because all are under the influence of the magic word "dollar". Now it becomes obvious that this dependence is dangerous for the country's national security, "- emphasizes the deputy.

For Russian exporters to establish a mechanism, involving ruble calculations, it would be a positive step, since most of the costs of companies takes place on the territory of Russia, that is in rubles.
In addition, non-dollar settlements could encourage the strengthening of the Russian currency. Pricing for export to the Russian currency will cause the tool to replenish the budget by the weakening of the ruble is simply cease to give tangible effect.
"China has long been taking steps to reduce dependence on the US currency, translating the calculations with their counterparts in the yuan. I think that the working mechanism of the running calculations without the participation of the US dollar will be tested just in trade relations with China. & lt; ... & gt; Generally, forward-looking initiative which could actually increase the independence of the Russian economy, but it is difficult implemented in the short term. A key risk of the decision - the high exchange rate fluctuations, which may in the long run lead to losses of exporters related to changes in foreign currency ", - said an analyst of their" Finam "Anton Soroko.

Source: www.aif.ru