Grandma with grandson bought a car

Comes to them 18-year-old grandmother shket - a normal teenager with a completely ordinary classical grandmother. The guy starts looking cars - a long time sitting in them, asks the manager of all the details, to delve into the essence. Finally, the "client" opted for a car worth about 60 million euros (for those who do not suffer from the disease to blame advertising - BMW330si very hot coupe).
While grandson fingered leather interior, managers, concerned that came to them clearly non-standard customer, came to granny and asked what was going on. It turns out the next guy ... parents have long been thrown off his foster grandmother, and he was involved in the company secured the boys - was involved in order, of course, to amuse your self-esteem, to go before the king ordinary cattle, but the status of the "king" must disburse. And then there was problem: all the boys have already been purchased "rodoki" expensive machines, while the boy is not there! And then he starts every day, week after week, month after month ride his grandmother on the brain, "Buy me, grandma, machine!" First grandmother funny, then she tried to object, then - do not care, but in the end it is scary - and she agrees to sell his one-bedroom apartment to buy grandson car for 60 thousand euros.
* Managers of Ueli from such a scenario - children 35-40 years to achieve goals in life such methods are not used to. Granny calmed, and the guy explained that we should not take this kupeshku - it there "something does not work", and the next will come in six months. In general, preserved grandmother living space - until the next auto show, of course.
What happens further with obsessive grandson - is clear: he will find a car at another store, grandmother to sell the apartment, he sits behind the wheel and in a week or two will break a strong wheelbarrow fuck (God willing, no casualties). Wiser in doing so he is unlikely.
Managers told me this story with genuine horror in her eyes - they say, "That is because some bastard up!" "Own grandmother denied the right to live peacefully his years in peace!" - Outraged guys. And I share their emotions - somehow does not fit in the head of a passion for expensive and undeserved toy with full naplevatelstvo for a loved one.
The current youth, born on the decline of the Soviet empire and caught a meaningful market mess, absorbed it all now clearly demonstrates a complete lack of morals in his - in any form. Sometimes this results in absurd, frostbitten criminal cases - like the recently described me the episode, when a 19-year-old bastard obchitavshis magazines about tuned cars, stabbed a woman to ride her car. But these extremes are only the tip of the iceberg, and what nightmares are buried in a whirlpool shower this generation, remains anyone's guess. Some are already talking about the fact that this generation - fruitlessly, that it should simply be replaced, leaving no trace.
Very sad to think about it - after all people, young people who are not to blame for the fact that their parents beat them hefty bolt, put them on their instruments and ran quite oherevshie, earn money. They, incidentally, can also be understood: having given birth to children in the late '80s, they were not prepared for the fact that life is so cool change - instead of working in the Institute according to the received education will have to go to the cooperators, to become IChPistami, managers, brokers ... Yes, this generation cheated, betrayed, and these young parents did not find the strength to not throw in turn, their own children.
Probably, this is such a place - a generation: the grandmother of today's young scum not laid something important in the souls of their children and grandchildren they clearly show what the outcome - in fact, as nashkodivshego cat muzzle brutally dipped in fresh shit.
You need to stop this chain. You need to stop doing weed from their children - those that grow and survive on their own in any situation. It is necessary that there was a connection between generations - love, respect, responsibility, and when these things are settled in families, they appear in the society. "A child from a good family" - that should be every child, because "good family" - is not rich, and one where a father, mother and love.
via stillavinsergei