Advertising fuflomitsinov
I do not watch TV much, except that the "culture" sometimes turn. But the other day and I decided to see something on the first channel (soul-saving memory, God forbid her health, already amnezirovala that it is), and wound up on advertising. It turns out now fuflomitsiny Croutes all other advertising as a bull sheep! I azhna wild, says my mother, from such activity BADodelov. And the only national not enjoy zombie!
The law prohibits any advertising of prescription drugs (such as almost all are nominally effective drugs, at least in our country, and their non-prescription, because the darkness of latter-day pharmacy is not controlled by anyone). So, under the guise of medicines advertising presents all sorts of dietary supplements and personal hygiene products. BADodely traditionally packaged in the form of all sorts of tops of tablets and capsules, they are coated with silver and placed inside the blister packs design absolutely indistinguishable from the drug package. Well, spikes in completing the cognitive brain cheat buyers the sale of dietary supplements that are certified as food, respectively, along with medicines under one roof - in the pharmacy. However, these traditions are old and not invented by us.
So I'm not too lazy to take a piece of paper and a pen and wrote down the name "miracle" means of advertising. For you, my friends, made the list with brief comments. I wanted otreytingovat heard in order debilogennosti and special cynicism, but against the advertising of Gazprom, where a loud voice says, "We - modern and high-tech company" pales any bullshit (by the way, why bother to advertise the monopoly?). So, listed in order of the scanned:
It stated the following: "clean and repair liver cells." No, of course I understand that in Russia and ITES cave guano caramel roll, wrap it in a wrapper with the words "hepatoprotector." But how and what you can clean the liver cells ?! After all, these cells (hepatocytes) on the environment and come up with all sorts of toxins to absorb and neutralize. The reader, forgetting school anatomy course, remind you that everything we eat with you, is not absorbed into the circulating blood flow and portal vein for the first goes to the liver. That's me to the fact that in nature there is nothing that is able to cope with toxins better than most of these liver cells, and restores are very fast - very little in our body regenerates better hepatocytes. If you want to help postraschavshey liver from alcohol - just give her a break, or even better tie! If your liver cirrhosis has not yet been - she will recover in the best way. On the so-called hepatoprotectors I wrote earlier here.
With regard to the Hepa-Merz, its action is based on ornithine. This substance is capable of binding ammonium groups in the synthesis of urea (ornithine cycle) and thereby lower the concentration of ammonia in the blood. And because it is possible to provide the drug as an adjunct in the treatment of third-row renal or hepatic failure. However, more than Hepa-Merz, no matter what will not do. If ammonia levels in your normal (and if you can read this text, as it most likely is), Hepa-Merz, you do not need to take. Because of mass advertising funds under the guise of cleaning the liver from mysterious pollutants - unscrupulous divorce client.
STANUS COMPLEX (toothpaste)
This toothpaste famously advertise my dear Leonid Parfyonov, interviewing for the story of a physician. Advertising broadcasts: "We succeeded in stabilizing element stanus!" (See. Here)
It is just because of the discharge debilogennoy reklamki. What is an element of "stanus" ?! Judging by the fact that while advertising on the screen are turned chemical symbols Sn, we are talking about the tin, but pronounce it as "stanum" (from the Latin. Stannum = tin). And no -anusom here does not smell even. Of course, I understand that now in Russia chemistry, as well as all the basic sciences, is in the same place, but not as much as our brains have opravoslavleny to forget even the periodic table! Yilong is already so? ..
In fact, if you remove the advertisement from the illiterate translation for tracing, it becomes clear that it is a combination of tin, which is written in English with the adjective stannous (eg, stannous fluoride = tin fluoride). That's just up to the customer is heard is not what you need. Your teeth, dear friends need not tin and fluorine, which is silent in advertising, but that is the only truly effective component of the paste. If you looked advertising, you decide what to tin teeth "stanusom", you will save them from tooth decay as well as a thin layer of tin saves from rusting tin can - I think that you have fallen prey to advertising.
By the way, "succeeded in stabilizing element" back in 1955 the company Procter & Gamble, and then this toothpaste called «Fluoristan». However, in the 1,981th wise managers tied to the squandering of precious metal and tin fluoride was replaced by equally effective sodium fluoride and paste renamed in «Fluoristat» (in our case it is known as the «Blend-a-med»). Recently, the manufacturer has decided to "go horse" and return to his tin paste. The new product is called «Blend-a-med Pro-Expert». The source of the fluoride and it is all the same sodium fluoride, but added in the form of tin chloride SnCl2, allegedly having antibacterial effect. In general, the treatment is often added to the paste antibacterial agents (such as chlorhexidine), but for routine use, they are not suitable, for violating the microflora of the mouth.
Fluoride does help profilaktirovat caries, as evidenced by significant clinical studies. Note however, that it is important to use fluorinated paste from childhood throughout tooth formation. The use in adulthood is no longer as effective. It is important to note that under unfavorable genetics, no paste is not particularly help you in any way. In addition, I note that the outdated method of coating the teeth ftorlakom, still popular in the Russian province and even in some metropolitan dentistry, completely ineffective. In general, it is important to understand that by using the paste, fluoride in the teeth you supply does not by rubbing it with a toothbrush in the enamel, and swallowing small amounts of sodium fluoride. Because just as effective and fluorine-containing mouthwashes.
Suspicious-looking little man mentally zayasnyaet "Hemorrhoids nobody wants!". It's hard not to agree with this statement! The same must be said, however, about the advertised drug.
Produces this fuflomitsin LLC "RIA" Panda. " The composition is as follows: buckthorn bark brittle, powder cassia leaves of holly (= senna), shark cartilage powder, grass, yarrow, vitamin E and A.
What exactly is a component able to deal with hemorrhoids, is not explained. To you, dear friends, do not bother looking for much, I will explain - NOTHING. Retseptik a series of alchemists grandmother's potions - not poison, but good enough. Not enough except that zhabih feet and unicorn tears.
Buckthorn and senna - traditional laxative herbs. Softening stool consistency, they certainly can facilitate defecation hemorrhoids, which is especially painful for constipation, hemorrhoids but the grass is not any profilaktiruet and certainly not treated. In general, if tortured hemorrhoids - are going to give the proctologist.
All products company Horns and Hoofs "RIA" Panda "is an exceptional dietary supplement, no relation to medicine, it does not have, so mention it in relation to the prevention and treatment of any disease - a direct introduction of customer confusion.
Chant: "We will deliver lubrication to your joints!».
Manufacturer - JSC "DIODE". The company also specializes in dietary supplements, by definition, is not a drug, and on the same definition no healing.
Nevertheless, on the website "Diode" You can learn a lot of information about the zombie effects bullshit-products, which, like any other food, does not require evidence of clinical trials. By encouraging brand "Artro-Aktiv" hiding some drugs with a completely different composition.
CAPSULE ARTHRO ACTIVE - FIRST AID contain: an extract of Boswellia tree (Frankincense), polyphenols and phytosterols turmeric root of cedar.
There's also attributed to: "Scientific research in Russia and the United States have shown that the unique combination of efficacy and safety is achieved through the implementation of innovative ways to relieve inflammation." What manufacturer would like to tell this statement is unclear. Even if glut oneself these capsules and to begin to exude the smell of incense, the joints it does not help. And as a postscript, "first aid" on the pack - pure homeopathic water shameless sell.
Next mazyukalki advertised completely useless. I quote: "It is important not to tolerate the pain in the joints, and at first an alarm as soon as possible to reduce and eliminate inflammation. To relieve inflammation recommended ARTHRO CAPSULES ACTIVE oil and balm ARTHRO ACTIVE WARMING. Only then may a full treatment of joint and restore its normal functioning. "In both of the product added to the frankincense, I suppose, to expel demons from the joints of patients opravoslavlennyh old ladies.
There is also TABLETS ARTHRO assets, but nothing in them "fundamentally new" is not implemented. The composition, in addition to the incense, all the same traditional glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates. These substances are used as food additives throughout the world, and in some places even registered as medicines.
Indeed, many years, doctors believed that long-term use of these substances is able to slow down the destruction of cartilage in arthritis. Alas, published in 2006th conclusive studies Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT), conducted on 1583 patients with knee osteoarthritis showed that chondroitin sulfate, no, no glucosamine sulfate, or a combination thereof do not help with pain in the knee (link). And then publish and serious meta-analysis of 2007, which demonstrated the ineffectiveness of drugs based on these substances (link). Despite this, many BADodely continue to present these products as effective in all kinds of pain in the joints. However, many doctors, even in enlightened Europe, not yet rebuilt ...
Other products with chondroitin sulfate include ARTRA®, ARTRADOL®, Struktum®, Terafleks®, Hondrogard®, Hondroksid® and many others.
Manufacturer - the same noble fuflodel of "Diode».
This drug even dedicated a separate site. Facing goods was a young man with an egg-shaped and completely bald head, in the subconscious of man in the street is translated into a particularly active sexual activity.
Ingredients: wheat germ oil, vitamin E, polyunsaturated fatty acids, selenium and zinc. All this Zavar is positioned as an effective tool to restore the level of testosterone in the blood.
Indeed, with age testosterone levels in men decreases, which is unpleasant. But how the claimed composition should raise this same testosterone - it is unclear!
Read online: "Phytosterols wheat germ help to normalize the hormonal functions of the body, as are precursors of steroid hormones: male - testosterone and female - progesterone and estradiol».
With a fright, I ask, phytosterols will turn it into testosterone in my body? According to the manufacturer it is that our hormones are synthesized from plant phytosterols, and not from cholesterol, we are taught in the course of the biochemistry!
I explain that the problem of the age of testosterone deficiency is not a lack of material for its synthesis (cholesterol we consume more redundant, and in general - all the necessary cholesterol perfectly synthesized by the liver), because no dietary supplements will not help you. Help develop the drugs of testosterone, but everything here is strictly on prescription.
In any case, an unscrupulous advertiser, confusing the customer, trying to instill in him initially false idea that all forms of impotence associated with testosterone deficiency, and it is not so.
Manufacturer: Aziende Chimiche Riunite Angelini Francesco ACRAF (Italy)
The active substance of this tool - benzydamine chloride belongs to a special group of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which block the production of inflammatory prostaglandins not by inhibiting the enzyme COX as do acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen and other NSAIDs, and therefore Tantum Verde supposedly does not have ulcerogenic side effects of other NSAIDs.
The drug itself is quite effective, and is used as an auxiliary (non-core!) Of local funds to reduce inflammation, and thus pain in diseases of the oral cavity: aphthous stomatitis, firingitah, tonsillitis, etc. Use a spray, lozenges, rinses.
Nothing bad to say about this tool, so I can not. The main thing is to understand the client - it does not treat the cause of disease, but simply removes local inflammation and thus reduces pain. These drugs are called symptomatic.
ALL !!!
© botalex
The law prohibits any advertising of prescription drugs (such as almost all are nominally effective drugs, at least in our country, and their non-prescription, because the darkness of latter-day pharmacy is not controlled by anyone). So, under the guise of medicines advertising presents all sorts of dietary supplements and personal hygiene products. BADodely traditionally packaged in the form of all sorts of tops of tablets and capsules, they are coated with silver and placed inside the blister packs design absolutely indistinguishable from the drug package. Well, spikes in completing the cognitive brain cheat buyers the sale of dietary supplements that are certified as food, respectively, along with medicines under one roof - in the pharmacy. However, these traditions are old and not invented by us.
So I'm not too lazy to take a piece of paper and a pen and wrote down the name "miracle" means of advertising. For you, my friends, made the list with brief comments. I wanted otreytingovat heard in order debilogennosti and special cynicism, but against the advertising of Gazprom, where a loud voice says, "We - modern and high-tech company" pales any bullshit (by the way, why bother to advertise the monopoly?). So, listed in order of the scanned:

It stated the following: "clean and repair liver cells." No, of course I understand that in Russia and ITES cave guano caramel roll, wrap it in a wrapper with the words "hepatoprotector." But how and what you can clean the liver cells ?! After all, these cells (hepatocytes) on the environment and come up with all sorts of toxins to absorb and neutralize. The reader, forgetting school anatomy course, remind you that everything we eat with you, is not absorbed into the circulating blood flow and portal vein for the first goes to the liver. That's me to the fact that in nature there is nothing that is able to cope with toxins better than most of these liver cells, and restores are very fast - very little in our body regenerates better hepatocytes. If you want to help postraschavshey liver from alcohol - just give her a break, or even better tie! If your liver cirrhosis has not yet been - she will recover in the best way. On the so-called hepatoprotectors I wrote earlier here.
With regard to the Hepa-Merz, its action is based on ornithine. This substance is capable of binding ammonium groups in the synthesis of urea (ornithine cycle) and thereby lower the concentration of ammonia in the blood. And because it is possible to provide the drug as an adjunct in the treatment of third-row renal or hepatic failure. However, more than Hepa-Merz, no matter what will not do. If ammonia levels in your normal (and if you can read this text, as it most likely is), Hepa-Merz, you do not need to take. Because of mass advertising funds under the guise of cleaning the liver from mysterious pollutants - unscrupulous divorce client.

STANUS COMPLEX (toothpaste)
This toothpaste famously advertise my dear Leonid Parfyonov, interviewing for the story of a physician. Advertising broadcasts: "We succeeded in stabilizing element stanus!" (See. Here)
It is just because of the discharge debilogennoy reklamki. What is an element of "stanus" ?! Judging by the fact that while advertising on the screen are turned chemical symbols Sn, we are talking about the tin, but pronounce it as "stanum" (from the Latin. Stannum = tin). And no -anusom here does not smell even. Of course, I understand that now in Russia chemistry, as well as all the basic sciences, is in the same place, but not as much as our brains have opravoslavleny to forget even the periodic table! Yilong is already so? ..
In fact, if you remove the advertisement from the illiterate translation for tracing, it becomes clear that it is a combination of tin, which is written in English with the adjective stannous (eg, stannous fluoride = tin fluoride). That's just up to the customer is heard is not what you need. Your teeth, dear friends need not tin and fluorine, which is silent in advertising, but that is the only truly effective component of the paste. If you looked advertising, you decide what to tin teeth "stanusom", you will save them from tooth decay as well as a thin layer of tin saves from rusting tin can - I think that you have fallen prey to advertising.
By the way, "succeeded in stabilizing element" back in 1955 the company Procter & Gamble, and then this toothpaste called «Fluoristan». However, in the 1,981th wise managers tied to the squandering of precious metal and tin fluoride was replaced by equally effective sodium fluoride and paste renamed in «Fluoristat» (in our case it is known as the «Blend-a-med»). Recently, the manufacturer has decided to "go horse" and return to his tin paste. The new product is called «Blend-a-med Pro-Expert». The source of the fluoride and it is all the same sodium fluoride, but added in the form of tin chloride SnCl2, allegedly having antibacterial effect. In general, the treatment is often added to the paste antibacterial agents (such as chlorhexidine), but for routine use, they are not suitable, for violating the microflora of the mouth.
Fluoride does help profilaktirovat caries, as evidenced by significant clinical studies. Note however, that it is important to use fluorinated paste from childhood throughout tooth formation. The use in adulthood is no longer as effective. It is important to note that under unfavorable genetics, no paste is not particularly help you in any way. In addition, I note that the outdated method of coating the teeth ftorlakom, still popular in the Russian province and even in some metropolitan dentistry, completely ineffective. In general, it is important to understand that by using the paste, fluoride in the teeth you supply does not by rubbing it with a toothbrush in the enamel, and swallowing small amounts of sodium fluoride. Because just as effective and fluorine-containing mouthwashes.

Suspicious-looking little man mentally zayasnyaet "Hemorrhoids nobody wants!". It's hard not to agree with this statement! The same must be said, however, about the advertised drug.
Produces this fuflomitsin LLC "RIA" Panda. " The composition is as follows: buckthorn bark brittle, powder cassia leaves of holly (= senna), shark cartilage powder, grass, yarrow, vitamin E and A.
What exactly is a component able to deal with hemorrhoids, is not explained. To you, dear friends, do not bother looking for much, I will explain - NOTHING. Retseptik a series of alchemists grandmother's potions - not poison, but good enough. Not enough except that zhabih feet and unicorn tears.
Buckthorn and senna - traditional laxative herbs. Softening stool consistency, they certainly can facilitate defecation hemorrhoids, which is especially painful for constipation, hemorrhoids but the grass is not any profilaktiruet and certainly not treated. In general, if tortured hemorrhoids - are going to give the proctologist.
All products company Horns and Hoofs "RIA" Panda "is an exceptional dietary supplement, no relation to medicine, it does not have, so mention it in relation to the prevention and treatment of any disease - a direct introduction of customer confusion.

Chant: "We will deliver lubrication to your joints!».
Manufacturer - JSC "DIODE". The company also specializes in dietary supplements, by definition, is not a drug, and on the same definition no healing.
Nevertheless, on the website "Diode" You can learn a lot of information about the zombie effects bullshit-products, which, like any other food, does not require evidence of clinical trials. By encouraging brand "Artro-Aktiv" hiding some drugs with a completely different composition.
CAPSULE ARTHRO ACTIVE - FIRST AID contain: an extract of Boswellia tree (Frankincense), polyphenols and phytosterols turmeric root of cedar.
There's also attributed to: "Scientific research in Russia and the United States have shown that the unique combination of efficacy and safety is achieved through the implementation of innovative ways to relieve inflammation." What manufacturer would like to tell this statement is unclear. Even if glut oneself these capsules and to begin to exude the smell of incense, the joints it does not help. And as a postscript, "first aid" on the pack - pure homeopathic water shameless sell.
Next mazyukalki advertised completely useless. I quote: "It is important not to tolerate the pain in the joints, and at first an alarm as soon as possible to reduce and eliminate inflammation. To relieve inflammation recommended ARTHRO CAPSULES ACTIVE oil and balm ARTHRO ACTIVE WARMING. Only then may a full treatment of joint and restore its normal functioning. "In both of the product added to the frankincense, I suppose, to expel demons from the joints of patients opravoslavlennyh old ladies.

There is also TABLETS ARTHRO assets, but nothing in them "fundamentally new" is not implemented. The composition, in addition to the incense, all the same traditional glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates. These substances are used as food additives throughout the world, and in some places even registered as medicines.
Indeed, many years, doctors believed that long-term use of these substances is able to slow down the destruction of cartilage in arthritis. Alas, published in 2006th conclusive studies Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT), conducted on 1583 patients with knee osteoarthritis showed that chondroitin sulfate, no, no glucosamine sulfate, or a combination thereof do not help with pain in the knee (link). And then publish and serious meta-analysis of 2007, which demonstrated the ineffectiveness of drugs based on these substances (link). Despite this, many BADodely continue to present these products as effective in all kinds of pain in the joints. However, many doctors, even in enlightened Europe, not yet rebuilt ...
Other products with chondroitin sulfate include ARTRA®, ARTRADOL®, Struktum®, Terafleks®, Hondrogard®, Hondroksid® and many others.

Manufacturer - the same noble fuflodel of "Diode».
This drug even dedicated a separate site. Facing goods was a young man with an egg-shaped and completely bald head, in the subconscious of man in the street is translated into a particularly active sexual activity.
Ingredients: wheat germ oil, vitamin E, polyunsaturated fatty acids, selenium and zinc. All this Zavar is positioned as an effective tool to restore the level of testosterone in the blood.
Indeed, with age testosterone levels in men decreases, which is unpleasant. But how the claimed composition should raise this same testosterone - it is unclear!
Read online: "Phytosterols wheat germ help to normalize the hormonal functions of the body, as are precursors of steroid hormones: male - testosterone and female - progesterone and estradiol».
With a fright, I ask, phytosterols will turn it into testosterone in my body? According to the manufacturer it is that our hormones are synthesized from plant phytosterols, and not from cholesterol, we are taught in the course of the biochemistry!
I explain that the problem of the age of testosterone deficiency is not a lack of material for its synthesis (cholesterol we consume more redundant, and in general - all the necessary cholesterol perfectly synthesized by the liver), because no dietary supplements will not help you. Help develop the drugs of testosterone, but everything here is strictly on prescription.
In any case, an unscrupulous advertiser, confusing the customer, trying to instill in him initially false idea that all forms of impotence associated with testosterone deficiency, and it is not so.

Manufacturer: Aziende Chimiche Riunite Angelini Francesco ACRAF (Italy)
The active substance of this tool - benzydamine chloride belongs to a special group of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which block the production of inflammatory prostaglandins not by inhibiting the enzyme COX as do acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen and other NSAIDs, and therefore Tantum Verde supposedly does not have ulcerogenic side effects of other NSAIDs.
The drug itself is quite effective, and is used as an auxiliary (non-core!) Of local funds to reduce inflammation, and thus pain in diseases of the oral cavity: aphthous stomatitis, firingitah, tonsillitis, etc. Use a spray, lozenges, rinses.
Nothing bad to say about this tool, so I can not. The main thing is to understand the client - it does not treat the cause of disease, but simply removes local inflammation and thus reduces pain. These drugs are called symptomatic.
ALL !!!
© botalex
