Each toy is the true shocking story! And it is known only to its creators ...
China can be named, not only the world's factory, but also the main factory in the world in the production of toys. Daily enterprising Chinese delight children with new models of cars and dolls. Statistically 8 of 10 toys in the world are produced in China. There is nothing strange, because now in the Chinese market has registered about 6,000 plants and factories for the production of toys. One of the major advantages of Chinese toys - their availability. Prices are quite acceptable.
But there is another side to the coin. For low prices hidden poverty of workers of these factories. China's economy is growing at an incredible pace, but the standard of living of hundreds of millions of Chinese people tell a different story. Today, about 500 million Chinese people live on less than $ 2 a day. The average salary in China in 2010 was 240 US dollars, which is not enough to support a family. Every year about a million Chinese factories workers receive work-related injuries, more than 20 thousand are suffering from occupational diseases.
These pictures were taken by German photographer Michael Wolf. A series of photos called "Real Toy Story." After reviewing these images, you begin to see the meaning of each toy. Each doll has a soul of its creator.
Toys are created to bring joy, but the reality behind them heavy and poorly paid Chinese workers. These people work for pennies, so you bought a radio-controlled car for $ 25 a week and broke it. We, the consumer society is constantly forget about humanity, and that for any product are real people. By purchasing a new Chinese toy, think of the workers who built it, and maybe then you will Berezhnaya treat her.
Show your friends the true story of toys!
But there is another side to the coin. For low prices hidden poverty of workers of these factories. China's economy is growing at an incredible pace, but the standard of living of hundreds of millions of Chinese people tell a different story. Today, about 500 million Chinese people live on less than $ 2 a day. The average salary in China in 2010 was 240 US dollars, which is not enough to support a family. Every year about a million Chinese factories workers receive work-related injuries, more than 20 thousand are suffering from occupational diseases.
These pictures were taken by German photographer Michael Wolf. A series of photos called "Real Toy Story." After reviewing these images, you begin to see the meaning of each toy. Each doll has a soul of its creator.

Toys are created to bring joy, but the reality behind them heavy and poorly paid Chinese workers. These people work for pennies, so you bought a radio-controlled car for $ 25 a week and broke it. We, the consumer society is constantly forget about humanity, and that for any product are real people. By purchasing a new Chinese toy, think of the workers who built it, and maybe then you will Berezhnaya treat her.
Show your friends the true story of toys!
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