Doctors warn: “All these bathing ducks are a safe haven for harmful bacteria.” It's extremely dangerous!
In almost every house, or rather, in every bathroom there is a yellow rubber duck. Maybe not a duck, but some other animal. Children just love them, because they do not drown, and you can chew them. But is it as safe as it seems?
Editorial "Site" I learned that swimming toys can be dangerous, and here’s why!
Rubber toys are in great demand, because they are bright, beautiful and children like. Except that's enough. plaything. They can contain toxins such as phenol, lead, formaldehyde and various resins that cause severe poisoning when ingested.
The high concentration of phenol in toys poses a real threat. The substance is rapidly absorbed through the skin, upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. Phenol accumulates and destroys the immune system of the child. In addition, it irritates the mucous membranes. All this can lead to a runny nose, dizziness, headache, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms. The situation can be exacerbated by an allergic reaction to phenol.
Recently, toys containing mercury have been increasingly discovered. This substance is generally dangerous to life. The danger is carried by cheap fakes, in which the level of harmful substances exceeds the norm several times.
To avoid this, you need to either abandon the purchase of rubber toys, or carefully approach their choice. It is important to pay attention to the color of the toy: the brighter the color, the higher the content of dyes. It is better to abandon red, blue and purple toys, yellow will be safer.
You should also be alerted by the smell of the toy. If there are any perfumes, you should not buy the product. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the availability of a hygienic certificate and a certificate of conformity. Careful choice of toys can protect your child, so it will not be superfluous to show scrupulousness.
In addition, it turned out that these lovely inhabitants of the bathroom very rich “inner world”. Parents increasingly began to notice mold inside children's bathing toys. Through small holes, water enters the toy, and heat and moisture create an excellent environment for the reproduction of mold spores. Toys often settle and develop fungus, which is fraught with danger to the baby.
Inside the toy can develop a whole civilization of mold, which during the next bath with water can leak out and get on the mucous membrane of the child. And this entails mycosis of the nasal, oral or ear cavity. In addition, mold often causes an allergic reaction.
Check the presence of fungus in the toy is very simple: collect water in it and pour into clean dishes. If you see black cereal, it's time to throw it away. Of course, we can try. fungusBut we recommend not taking risks. You need to periodically check all rubber toys, and they just need to be carefully taken care of. They will last longer and they will not be in danger.
After each use, the toys should be washed with boiling water and a dishwasher. And in general, you can seal the hole with silicone glue before use, so that water does not get there at all. It is important to dry the toys thoroughly after each bath, it is better to store them in special nets or in an open space. If possible, change these toys every 2-3 months.
Swimming with toys is very useful for young children, because they help the child develop. Water treatments turn into fun together with such a toy. And when a child’s teeth are cut, he just needs to chew something, and rubber toys are a great option. So do not completely abandon rubber friends, just carefully monitor their quality and condition, because the safety of the child is most important!
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Editorial "Site" I learned that swimming toys can be dangerous, and here’s why!
Rubber toys are in great demand, because they are bright, beautiful and children like. Except that's enough. plaything. They can contain toxins such as phenol, lead, formaldehyde and various resins that cause severe poisoning when ingested.
The high concentration of phenol in toys poses a real threat. The substance is rapidly absorbed through the skin, upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. Phenol accumulates and destroys the immune system of the child. In addition, it irritates the mucous membranes. All this can lead to a runny nose, dizziness, headache, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms. The situation can be exacerbated by an allergic reaction to phenol.

Recently, toys containing mercury have been increasingly discovered. This substance is generally dangerous to life. The danger is carried by cheap fakes, in which the level of harmful substances exceeds the norm several times.
To avoid this, you need to either abandon the purchase of rubber toys, or carefully approach their choice. It is important to pay attention to the color of the toy: the brighter the color, the higher the content of dyes. It is better to abandon red, blue and purple toys, yellow will be safer.
You should also be alerted by the smell of the toy. If there are any perfumes, you should not buy the product. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the availability of a hygienic certificate and a certificate of conformity. Careful choice of toys can protect your child, so it will not be superfluous to show scrupulousness.

In addition, it turned out that these lovely inhabitants of the bathroom very rich “inner world”. Parents increasingly began to notice mold inside children's bathing toys. Through small holes, water enters the toy, and heat and moisture create an excellent environment for the reproduction of mold spores. Toys often settle and develop fungus, which is fraught with danger to the baby.
Inside the toy can develop a whole civilization of mold, which during the next bath with water can leak out and get on the mucous membrane of the child. And this entails mycosis of the nasal, oral or ear cavity. In addition, mold often causes an allergic reaction.

Check the presence of fungus in the toy is very simple: collect water in it and pour into clean dishes. If you see black cereal, it's time to throw it away. Of course, we can try. fungusBut we recommend not taking risks. You need to periodically check all rubber toys, and they just need to be carefully taken care of. They will last longer and they will not be in danger.
After each use, the toys should be washed with boiling water and a dishwasher. And in general, you can seal the hole with silicone glue before use, so that water does not get there at all. It is important to dry the toys thoroughly after each bath, it is better to store them in special nets or in an open space. If possible, change these toys every 2-3 months.

Swimming with toys is very useful for young children, because they help the child develop. Water treatments turn into fun together with such a toy. And when a child’s teeth are cut, he just needs to chew something, and rubber toys are a great option. So do not completely abandon rubber friends, just carefully monitor their quality and condition, because the safety of the child is most important!
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