9 things in your home that are much dirtier than the toilet bowl
Toilet - not the dirtiest mesto
While the toilet seat is a real breeding ground for bacteria in your home there are many far more polluted places, what you probably do not even suspect. The list below shows the usual home appliances that are far dirtier than the toilet seat.
1. Dining and written stoly
On any of the tables used for employment creation, school activities or important business meetings, contained on average 400 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. These bacteria can lead to many severe diseases, such as smallpox, measles or influenza. And still on the table more germs than in the toilets, because most of the time lying on the table hands. It is reported that in places where your hands and elbows rest on the countertop of your written or desktop, constantly contains about 10,000 growing microorganisms.
In addition, many offices so often remain unwashed for long periods of time, thereby creating conditions that allow bacteria and harmful germs to grow, develop, and then begin to spread.
2. Keyboards kompyuterov
Since people tend to use a computer keyboard all the time, you should not be surprised that she got into this list. Devices with keys are the source of a large number of bacteria, because they are rarely wiped, and regular sanitation is also not carried out. In a study of the company «Master Cleaners Ltd» states that the keyboard device contains 70% more bacteria than a toilet seat. " In addition, one can use a keyboard, many people, if, for example, set to work. As a result, viruses and bacteria can easily spread from one person to another, and it occurs over a very short period of time. According to the CDC, the first appearance of norovirus has been fixed it on a computer keyboard. It also reported that an outbreak of norovirus, might have been prevented if people just regularly clean your keyboard and tried to avoid the spread of germs from one computer to another.
3. Cell telefony
Cell phone today every person, no matter where they are - at home or outside the home country. For this reason, cell phones are inextricably linked to germs and bacteria. The report of the British newspaper «Which?» Reported that during the inspection of 90 cell phones were found more than 600 different species of micro-organisms on the surface of the phone was found even aureus. Staphylococcus aureus - a bacterium family aureus (lat. Gold), which can cause a variety of diseases, from upper respiratory tract infection to extensive staph infections. Since cell phones rarely cleaned, they carry 10 times more bacteria than a toilet seat you.
4. Kitchen cutting doski
It's should not be a surprise that in the kitchen cutting boards contain a certain amount of bacteria that come back from the raw meat, which is cut into these boards. The surprise here is another. According to the reports of the Office of sanitary inspection on cutting board contains 200 times more fecal bacteria than a toilet seat.
These bacteria can cause very serious harm to health, because they can cause a lot of diseases related to poor quality food. On the board there is even Salmonella and Campylobacter. And as cutting boards often do not wash for many hours, it gives a great opportunity to grow the bacteria and spread easily in a warm environment. On this basis we can say that much safer to cut meat on the toilet seat than the unwashed cutting board.
5. Dental schёtki
For toothbrushes usual bad habit to be too close to the toilet. Even if the toothbrush is at the farthest point of the bathroom with toilet, it will still be at a distance of about half a meter from the seat. Every time the toilet flushes, the smallest particles of excrement fly in a radius of up to two meters, so says Chuck Djerba, Ph.D., professor of environmental microbiology at the University of Arizona.
In addition, the toothbrush is an average of 10 million bacteria, including influenza virus, herpes virus, and bacteria, which can lead to inflammation of the gums. Another reason that the toothbrush is much dirtier than the toilet, is that food bacteria can live for many days, and all this time they create a breeding ground for other microbes. To such bacteria have not received shelter in your toothbrush is recommended to fully rinse and disinfect toothbrushes, as well as to buy a new brush every month.
6. Remote upravleniya
If you're staying in a hotel room, it's probably now hold in your hands the TV remote, like hundreds of other people that stayed here before you. Katie Kirsch from the University of Houston and her team found that the TV remote control in the hotels contains on average 67 colony forming units 6 bacteria per 1 cm square. These results also proved the assumption that the maids at hotels, spending about half an hour cleaning in one room, often cleaned objects of common use, such as the TV remote. But even if they do so, they use too little disinfectant to destroy really on the surface of the console all the bacteria without a trace. As a result, in hotel rooms there is a high risk of microbial contamination, and subsequent transfer of pathogenic bacteria in the home or office.
7. Matrasy
After ten years of use of the mattress, it was observed that its weight is more than twice the weight of the mattress at the time of purchase. The reason? Dust mites and dead skin cells, which are attached as an addendum to bacteria and germs, buried deep in the mattress.
A new study conducted by the NGO «Check Safety First», it was found that the hotel beds are used by thousands of travelers and never cleaned or disinfected, even after long periods of use. The study reported that the hotel is often only a change of sheets and pillowcases, and everything else remains intact. In addition, it was found that the hotels often buy refurbished mattresses to save on money. However, these mattresses are often filled with a huge amount of dust particles and the skin.
8. Dengi
Dr. Ron Cutler of the University of London conducted a study in which found that 26 of the 200 bank notes there are significant concentrations of bacteria. Among other bacteria on banknotes were detected E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Approximately 80% of the banknotes taken for the study, had traces of dangerous bacteria, significantly increasing the potential of various diseases. If this is not enough, in a study conducted by the Public Defender's office in Melbourne, it was found that on the banknotes contained an average of 6, 4 times more bacteria than the newspapers read in the toilets. So much money is dirtier than toilets.
9. Kitchen gubki
A complete list of the kitchen sponges. A study conducted by Roxanne Sukol, director of the Cleveland Clinic «Wellness Enterprise», showed that the kitchen sponge may contain as many as 10 million individual bacteria and micro-organisms per 1 cm square. In other words, the kitchen sponge can be as many as 200,000 times dirtier than the surface of the toilet seat majority. The main reason why the sponge is so dirty, is that they are used to scrape leftovers with dirty dishes. But when food particles are removed from the plates, lots of food bacteria remains in the sponge. They're feeling fine, and very active breed. It should therefore be changed as often as possible kitchen sponge, in order to reduce the spread of germs and to prevent future disease.
via factroom.ru

While the toilet seat is a real breeding ground for bacteria in your home there are many far more polluted places, what you probably do not even suspect. The list below shows the usual home appliances that are far dirtier than the toilet seat.
1. Dining and written stoly

On any of the tables used for employment creation, school activities or important business meetings, contained on average 400 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. These bacteria can lead to many severe diseases, such as smallpox, measles or influenza. And still on the table more germs than in the toilets, because most of the time lying on the table hands. It is reported that in places where your hands and elbows rest on the countertop of your written or desktop, constantly contains about 10,000 growing microorganisms.
In addition, many offices so often remain unwashed for long periods of time, thereby creating conditions that allow bacteria and harmful germs to grow, develop, and then begin to spread.
2. Keyboards kompyuterov

Since people tend to use a computer keyboard all the time, you should not be surprised that she got into this list. Devices with keys are the source of a large number of bacteria, because they are rarely wiped, and regular sanitation is also not carried out. In a study of the company «Master Cleaners Ltd» states that the keyboard device contains 70% more bacteria than a toilet seat. " In addition, one can use a keyboard, many people, if, for example, set to work. As a result, viruses and bacteria can easily spread from one person to another, and it occurs over a very short period of time. According to the CDC, the first appearance of norovirus has been fixed it on a computer keyboard. It also reported that an outbreak of norovirus, might have been prevented if people just regularly clean your keyboard and tried to avoid the spread of germs from one computer to another.
3. Cell telefony

Cell phone today every person, no matter where they are - at home or outside the home country. For this reason, cell phones are inextricably linked to germs and bacteria. The report of the British newspaper «Which?» Reported that during the inspection of 90 cell phones were found more than 600 different species of micro-organisms on the surface of the phone was found even aureus. Staphylococcus aureus - a bacterium family aureus (lat. Gold), which can cause a variety of diseases, from upper respiratory tract infection to extensive staph infections. Since cell phones rarely cleaned, they carry 10 times more bacteria than a toilet seat you.
4. Kitchen cutting doski

It's should not be a surprise that in the kitchen cutting boards contain a certain amount of bacteria that come back from the raw meat, which is cut into these boards. The surprise here is another. According to the reports of the Office of sanitary inspection on cutting board contains 200 times more fecal bacteria than a toilet seat.
These bacteria can cause very serious harm to health, because they can cause a lot of diseases related to poor quality food. On the board there is even Salmonella and Campylobacter. And as cutting boards often do not wash for many hours, it gives a great opportunity to grow the bacteria and spread easily in a warm environment. On this basis we can say that much safer to cut meat on the toilet seat than the unwashed cutting board.
5. Dental schёtki

For toothbrushes usual bad habit to be too close to the toilet. Even if the toothbrush is at the farthest point of the bathroom with toilet, it will still be at a distance of about half a meter from the seat. Every time the toilet flushes, the smallest particles of excrement fly in a radius of up to two meters, so says Chuck Djerba, Ph.D., professor of environmental microbiology at the University of Arizona.

In addition, the toothbrush is an average of 10 million bacteria, including influenza virus, herpes virus, and bacteria, which can lead to inflammation of the gums. Another reason that the toothbrush is much dirtier than the toilet, is that food bacteria can live for many days, and all this time they create a breeding ground for other microbes. To such bacteria have not received shelter in your toothbrush is recommended to fully rinse and disinfect toothbrushes, as well as to buy a new brush every month.
6. Remote upravleniya

If you're staying in a hotel room, it's probably now hold in your hands the TV remote, like hundreds of other people that stayed here before you. Katie Kirsch from the University of Houston and her team found that the TV remote control in the hotels contains on average 67 colony forming units 6 bacteria per 1 cm square. These results also proved the assumption that the maids at hotels, spending about half an hour cleaning in one room, often cleaned objects of common use, such as the TV remote. But even if they do so, they use too little disinfectant to destroy really on the surface of the console all the bacteria without a trace. As a result, in hotel rooms there is a high risk of microbial contamination, and subsequent transfer of pathogenic bacteria in the home or office.
7. Matrasy

After ten years of use of the mattress, it was observed that its weight is more than twice the weight of the mattress at the time of purchase. The reason? Dust mites and dead skin cells, which are attached as an addendum to bacteria and germs, buried deep in the mattress.
A new study conducted by the NGO «Check Safety First», it was found that the hotel beds are used by thousands of travelers and never cleaned or disinfected, even after long periods of use. The study reported that the hotel is often only a change of sheets and pillowcases, and everything else remains intact. In addition, it was found that the hotels often buy refurbished mattresses to save on money. However, these mattresses are often filled with a huge amount of dust particles and the skin.
8. Dengi

Dr. Ron Cutler of the University of London conducted a study in which found that 26 of the 200 bank notes there are significant concentrations of bacteria. Among other bacteria on banknotes were detected E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Approximately 80% of the banknotes taken for the study, had traces of dangerous bacteria, significantly increasing the potential of various diseases. If this is not enough, in a study conducted by the Public Defender's office in Melbourne, it was found that on the banknotes contained an average of 6, 4 times more bacteria than the newspapers read in the toilets. So much money is dirtier than toilets.
9. Kitchen gubki

A complete list of the kitchen sponges. A study conducted by Roxanne Sukol, director of the Cleveland Clinic «Wellness Enterprise», showed that the kitchen sponge may contain as many as 10 million individual bacteria and micro-organisms per 1 cm square. In other words, the kitchen sponge can be as many as 200,000 times dirtier than the surface of the toilet seat majority. The main reason why the sponge is so dirty, is that they are used to scrape leftovers with dirty dishes. But when food particles are removed from the plates, lots of food bacteria remains in the sponge. They're feeling fine, and very active breed. It should therefore be changed as often as possible kitchen sponge, in order to reduce the spread of germs and to prevent future disease.
via factroom.ru
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