Don't buy expensive toilet blocks, shines like pearls, thanks to a home trick

Can we replace it? toilet With improvised means? Expensive removables are designed for a certain number of washes. In a large family, such blocks can be consumed at the speed of sound. So what is it? How to save and not lose? What can you put in the toilet, instead of the odorous component from the household chemistry department, so that the bathroom smells fragrant?

Peels Toilet Block Expensive funds of famous brands are too well advertised. Corporations that produce these funds spend a lot of money to promote their products. But are they as effective as the smiling actors on TVs promise? This can only be verified by personal experience.

Therefore, we advise you to pay attention to affordable funds. They may not be any worse than their covenants. The effect will be exactly the same. Only the savings will be decent. In addition, cheap toilet units do not always mean poor quality. Do not be afraid to compare expensive and cheap means to assess the situation as objectively as possible.

Peels Home Remedy It's Strange, But Quite Effective toilet cleaner There is in every kitchen. It costs little, although it has a large volume of vial. His name is vinegar. Moreover, vinegar copes not only with a bad smell, but also removes white traces of plaque on the toilet. What to do, numerous washes of water from old pipes lead to such pollution. It's not weird at all.

What to do if you have vinegar? It is best to pour it into a bottle with a convenient spray gun. Sprinkle vinegar on your toilet and leave it for 20 minutes, remembering to close the lid. The bad smell should go away, and traces of plaque can be easily cleaned with an ordinary brush. You can also pour them with warm water so that the mud removal process is more efficient.

To get rid of the bad smell from the toilet will help ordinary chlorine. It is much cheaper than popular blocks or detergents for the toilet. But can you doubt its effectiveness? Especially when a lot of money is made. chlorinated. Why pay more when you can use the source?

To get the most successful effect, you need to fall asleep or pour chlorine into the toilet at night. No one should use the bathroom after that. Put the toilet lid down and wait until morning. As soon as the necessary amount of time passes, the remnants of chlorine must be washed away, and the toilet itself brushed.

Peels Homemade Toilet Block Components for Home Freshers
  • 100g laundry detergent
  • 2 tbsp vinegar
  • 100g soda
  • 20g citric acid
  • 30 ml of water
  • 10 drops of aromatic oil

Add liquid ingredients gradually to make powder and soda in the process fizzy. They can simply be thrown into the water after washing off. Or throw in a drain tank so that the water for flushing smells pleasant. You can take any aromatic oil, but for greater authenticity choose analogues of purchased funds. For example, the smell of pine or fir.

By the way, there is another interesting way to deal with the unpleasant smell from the toilet. You need to put a tube of ordinary in the drain tank. toothpaste. Even the cheapest will do. Carefully make many small holes in this tube and put it in a tank. A pleasant smell should appear, which will help to fight the "ambre" from the toilet.

True, not everyone believes this life hack is effective. Some homeowners felt the pleasant aroma of toothpaste, but the smell from the toilet was still present. Although here, perhaps, it is more about pipes through which water is supplied to the house. Perhaps it is the old communications that contribute to the appearance of bad smell in the bathroom.


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