Grandma taught me to always close the toilet lid, and it's not even about hygiene.
A closed toilet lid is the law in our home. We are so used to it that even when we come to friends, we follow this rule. A friend once asked me, “Why are you closing the toilet lid even in our house?” I told her about my grandmother’s wisdom.
Today's edition. "Site" He wants to share it with you.
My grandmother was always very sensitive. I also loved the rules. We lived in her apartment, so we always respected them. She was the one who taught me to always close the toilet lid. It was a must. As I grew older, I decided to ask why it was so important. She replied, “If you don’t close the lid, money will leave the family.”
At the time, I thought it was a common superstition. But when I had my own family, I became convinced of the truth of my grandmother’s words. I began to notice that if someone does not close the toilet lid, then something materially costly happens. The equipment will break, the money will be lost. And this happened regularly. Until I taught everyone to follow my rule.
When I told my friends about it, they also started to close the lid. They also noted that all sorts of minor troubles have become less, and money is lingering in the family. I recommend that you teach yourself this habit. This is such a small thing, and how much money can be saved. There are also rational reasons for this.
Hygiene and etiquette There are two reasons why you should close the toilet lid. The first reason is hygiene. There are microbes on the surface of the toilet. When you flush the water, they rise into the air with the splashes of water. The microbes remain on the walls, floor and sink. Agree, this is not pleasant enough. Therefore, it is important to close the lid before pressing the button.
If the bathroom is joint, then you need to keep all personal hygiene items away from the toilet. For example, toothbrushes, combs and towels. After all, their neighborhood with an open toilet is extremely undesirable.
There is also an ethical side to the issue. In many countries, a closed toilet lid is the rule of good manners. This is a rule that children have been taught since childhood. There is nothing surprising or supernatural about it. What are the unusual rules in your family?
Today's edition. "Site" He wants to share it with you.
My grandmother was always very sensitive. I also loved the rules. We lived in her apartment, so we always respected them. She was the one who taught me to always close the toilet lid. It was a must. As I grew older, I decided to ask why it was so important. She replied, “If you don’t close the lid, money will leave the family.”
At the time, I thought it was a common superstition. But when I had my own family, I became convinced of the truth of my grandmother’s words. I began to notice that if someone does not close the toilet lid, then something materially costly happens. The equipment will break, the money will be lost. And this happened regularly. Until I taught everyone to follow my rule.
When I told my friends about it, they also started to close the lid. They also noted that all sorts of minor troubles have become less, and money is lingering in the family. I recommend that you teach yourself this habit. This is such a small thing, and how much money can be saved. There are also rational reasons for this.
Hygiene and etiquette There are two reasons why you should close the toilet lid. The first reason is hygiene. There are microbes on the surface of the toilet. When you flush the water, they rise into the air with the splashes of water. The microbes remain on the walls, floor and sink. Agree, this is not pleasant enough. Therefore, it is important to close the lid before pressing the button.
If the bathroom is joint, then you need to keep all personal hygiene items away from the toilet. For example, toothbrushes, combs and towels. After all, their neighborhood with an open toilet is extremely undesirable.
There is also an ethical side to the issue. In many countries, a closed toilet lid is the rule of good manners. This is a rule that children have been taught since childhood. There is nothing surprising or supernatural about it. What are the unusual rules in your family?
Moisten the cotton disc and wipe the window frames, the unpleasant problem will evaporate in an instant.
The mother-in-law looked at her grandson and shouted that it was definitely not her son’s own child.