Moisten the cotton disc and wipe the window frames, the unpleasant problem will evaporate in an instant.

I went to a friend and she was cleaning. I noticed that she was cleaning the window frames with a cotton disc. I wondered, I asked why she was doing it. That's how I found out about this wonderful home cleaner. It helps to get rid of one unpleasant problem.

Today's edition. "Site" I will share this wonderful tool with you.

Often in the apartments are insects that interfere with the quiet life. For example, mosquitoes and flies that are active in the warm season. But there is a way to get rid of them once and for all. And also to return the window frames white and clean.

All you need is vinegar. It is with its help that you can scare off insects, because they cannot tolerate its smell. It is also a great way to clean window shutters from yellow. Snow white is guaranteed.

A mixture of vinegar and water will help wash windows without divorce. It will also bleach window frames well and leave no traces. You can say that any store medium would do that. But will it be as natural? I guess not. Vinegar does not harm children and animals, does not leave divorces, and is many times cheaper than store funds. But there is one important point: you need to use regular table vinegar. After all, apples do not have such properties.

But do we need to treat insects now? However, in the cold season, the problem with insects is not so acute. However, they probably found some shelter for the winter in the apartment. When the apartment becomes warm, they can wake up again from hibernation. Therefore, it is better to act beforehand and drive them away immediately.

So let's move on to the cleaning method itself. All you have to do is mix the vinegar with water in a 50-50 ratio. Then pour the mixture into the spray. Spray all the windows and shutter with this solution, then come out with paper towels so that there are no divorces. It is also necessary to wipe the window frames with this solution. Just moisten the cotton disc in it and walk through the plastic part of the window.

After that, the windows will shine clean! This home cleaning product solves two problems at once. With him, you will definitely forget about all the store products once and for all. Hopefully, this simple cleaning trick will help you make your home routine much easier!


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