Cleaning the house to maintain cleanliness
The well-known proverb “purely not where they clean, but where they do not cook” does not eliminate the need for regular cleaning in each apartment. Most often, people pay attention to wet cleaning (wash the floor, wipe the dust), but more serious tasks are left for later.
Thus, some corners of the house can avoid cleaning for years. Some we neglect, others we just forget all the time. Remember the last time you looked behind a heating battery or under a washing machine?
Cleaning plan "Site" propose house-cleaning Divide into daily, weekly and monthly tasks. This will reduce the time required for cleaning and will not allow dust and dirt in your home to hide even in the most inaccessible places.
Of course, everyone is free to add or remove something depending on the size of the apartment or house, the number of children and pets. More often to restore order is also not forbidden, because cleanliness is not much.
Daily tasks
Every two weeks.
Once a month
Once a quarter
DepositPhotos every six months
Once a year.
Before the guests arrive, you need to have time to wash the floors, wipe the dust, spread the most beautiful tablecloth, but there are small, at first glance, trifling things that can very much spoil the impression of you as a hostess. Editorial "Site" He'll tell you about these traitors.
General cleaning is not a pleasant thing, but definitely one of the most important. So you want to wash dirt even from the most difficult places. Experienced housewives with many years of experience know exactly how to wash old batteries to shine with minimal effort.
Quick cleaning.

Thus, some corners of the house can avoid cleaning for years. Some we neglect, others we just forget all the time. Remember the last time you looked behind a heating battery or under a washing machine?
Cleaning plan "Site" propose house-cleaning Divide into daily, weekly and monthly tasks. This will reduce the time required for cleaning and will not allow dust and dirt in your home to hide even in the most inaccessible places.

Of course, everyone is free to add or remove something depending on the size of the apartment or house, the number of children and pets. More often to restore order is also not forbidden, because cleanliness is not much.
Daily tasks
- Rub the kitchen table with disinfectant.
- Wipe the bathroom and sink.
- Clean the toilet.
- Wash all the accumulated dishes or simply put them in the dishwasher.
- Rub the surface of the stove with a special cleaning agent or soda with lemon juice.
- Replace kitchen towels with clean ones. Hygiene specialists recommend washing kitchen towels and hand towels daily, without waiting for the smell to appear.
- Wash your pet bowls.
- Wipe the dust on the window sills.
- At the end of each day, wipe the kitchen floor.
- The whole apartment was vacuumed.
- Wash the floor in the whole apartment.
- Change and wash your bed linen and towels.
- Curtains absorb smells and collect dust, so clean them with a vacuum cleaner at least once a week, and wash at least once every two weeks.
- Wipe the lights, switches and door handles.
- Vacuum and wash your pet’s sleeping place separately from your clothes. If you just want to get rid of the unpleasant smell, sprinkle the couch with baking soda and leave it for 15 minutes. Then collect the soda with a vacuum cleaner.
- Take out garbage daily, and my trash can with soap or disinfectant at least once a week.

Every two weeks.
- Wipe the kitchen cabinets with cleaners. Pay special attention to the places where food particles can fall.
- Vacuumed upholstered furniture, pillows and do not forget to walk the vacuum cleaner under the chairs and sofas. In these places, dust and wool of domestic animals especially quickly accumulate.
- Pour into the toilet 100 ml of white vinegar or 50 ml of chlorine-containing bleach and leave for a few minutes. Clean the inside with a brush and then drain the water. If there is lime plaque and rust on the toilet, leave vinegar or bleach for an hour. Use a special disinfectant outside.
- After each use, the bath is simply rinsed with water, and once every two weeks wash it more thoroughly.
- Wash by hand or in the washing machine curtain and mat from the bathroom.
- And microwavePut a glass of water with pieces of lemon in it and heat it for 3-4 minutes. Then wipe the softened dirt with a wet sponge.

Once a month
- Clean the vacuum cleaner from the inside. Replace the bag and clean the filters.
- Wash the dishwasher thoroughly from the inside. Pay special attention to the walls, bottom and door. Remove all shelves and compartments from the chamber: they must be washed separately in the sink with detergent. To make the dirt go away faster, soak them in warm water along with soda or vinegar.
- Once a month, wash soft toys in the typewriter in delicate washing mode.
- To remove the scale in the coffee maker, pour a mixture of water and white vinegar into its water tank (1: 1). After that, drain a few cups, turn off the device and leave for an hour. Then turn on and run a few cycles with just water.
- To get rid of the unpleasant smell in the plums of the sink and bath, fall asleep in the drain 1/2 cup of baking soda and immediately pour the same amount of table vinegar. Cover the hole with a rubber glove, let the mixture work for 10-15 minutes, and then turn on hot water.
- Wipe and vacuum the floor behind and under the washing machine.
- Treat each fan blade with white vinegar and then wipe with a cloth.
- Blinds accumulate a lot of dust, which is especially harmful for allergies. Vacuum them, and if they are completely dirty, remove and wash in a closed position with warm water with a soft brush.

Once a quarter
- Remove filters from the hood and rinse them in hot soapy water.
- Soak the drawers and shelves of the refrigerator in warm soapy water, and wipe the inside with a sponge. To remove stains, use simple soda, not disinfectants.
- Take the books off the shelves, wipe the dust thoroughly and scroll quickly to dust off the pages.
- Remove all the handles from the stove and wash them in hot soapy water, the panel behind (under) them is also thoroughly washed and wipe with a dry cloth.
- Burned spots on the oven treat with soda, and then sprinkle vinegar so that the reaction begins. Wash the grille with soap and water. To wash the glass door, use a glass cleaner or a 1:1 mixture of water and vinegar.

DepositPhotos every six months
- Wash with your hands or in the washing machine in the mode of delicate washing of pillows and blankets.
- Unplug the refrigerator from the mains, remove the protective grille from the back, clean it and wipe it gently. The wall behind the fridge was vacuumed. Rub the side walls of the device and the floor under it.
- Remove the watering water from the shower and soak it in white vinegar, then thoroughly rinse.
- Stir 2 teaspoons of vinegar in 3 liters of water, pour into a sprinkler bottle and wash the windows with this mixture, thoroughly wiping them with a microfiber cloth.

Once a year.
- Wash thoroughly and dry the carpets. Do not forget to turn the carpets over so that they burn out evenly.
- Hire a specialist to clear the chimney. It'll keep you out of the fire.
- Pour 100 ml of chlorine bleach into the washing machine drum or fill 100 g of citric acid and start washing without laundry at maximum temperature.
- Turn off the water heater and drain all the water. Wash it with clean water. This will help to extend the service life and save on electricity.
Before the guests arrive, you need to have time to wash the floors, wipe the dust, spread the most beautiful tablecloth, but there are small, at first glance, trifling things that can very much spoil the impression of you as a hostess. Editorial "Site" He'll tell you about these traitors.
General cleaning is not a pleasant thing, but definitely one of the most important. So you want to wash dirt even from the most difficult places. Experienced housewives with many years of experience know exactly how to wash old batteries to shine with minimal effort.
Quick cleaning.