Why and how to prepare treats for Pets?

More recently, we were sitting at a Banquet table, full of delicious food and treats. Yes, good food is an essential attribute of the holiday, one of the pleasures of life and if we the people so love to eat, our younger brothers completely in this are no different from us and also like to eat something tasty.
Treats can be used for different purposes.
Perhaps the most predictable is the reward for executing commands of the host. However this question requires a wise approach, it is not necessary for the pet to be a coveted piece, but only to reward a perfect performance of a team. The animal must learn to respond to Your command, and not for food.
The second group consists of treats, enriched with minerals and vitamins. This food is designed to strengthen teeth, to maintain healthy joints or to improve the health of pet overall. Most often these Goodies give puppies or kittens, because their growing bodies are especially in need of vitamins and minerals for proper development.
And finally the third group of treats is a distracting feature. For example, to keep the furniture in the house, the puppy, who is actively teething, give a special treat that he can chew quite a long time. This "sugar bone" will save your shoes and furniture legs from the sample on the tooth.

To the delight of the owners of our smaller brethren, treats for dogs and cats on the market of pet products in a wide range. However, you can prepare the treats yourself. The main condition of cooking is based on personal taste preferences of the pet, as well as the frequency of receipt of this delicacy. It is obvious that the more the animal gets a treat, the lower the interest. A treat should be safe for health, the ideal benefit, at least not to harm the animal. For example, sweet and smoked products are very harmful and should not be used to promote pet. And remember that no single treat will not replace a complete dog or cat food.
As a delicacy for dogs can come cooked and finely chopped meat, pieces of boiled chicken gizzards or hearts, croutons of black bread without spices and salt. There are dogs who love fruits and vegetables, for example, a slice of Apple is ready to perform the most difficult tasks.
For cat treats is also prepared with pieces of selected meat and fish.
If You have limited time, you can buy ready-made Goodies, the main thing to pay attention to their composition and the manufacturer's name, giving preference to producers superpipelined feed.
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