The cynologist explained that you can not give the dog if you want to live.
Some people mistakenly believe that domestic dogs should eat like us. But this misconception leads to sad consequences, because their intestinal tract is not adapted to human food. What is harmless to us, and even useful, can be destructive to our younger brothers. Well, in this article, we'll tell you, what not to give to dogs and why.
Because of improper nutrition, the health of pets is greatly deteriorating. Human food in the diet can lead to unpleasant, even dangerous consequences. Stones on the teeth, bad breath, colitis, disorders, impaired kidney and liver function are only a small part of a large list. If you want your pet to live a long and happy life, Don't give him the following foods..
Sweets, especially chocolate, lead to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay. The most dangerous thing is chocolate. It causes serious poisoning of the animal. And if the dog eats a lot of chocolate, it can even be fatal. Therefore, you always need to make sure that the dog can not get to the treat on his own.
Fatty food is bad for the pancreas and liver of the animal. Moreover, the constant consumption of fatty foods obesityAgainst this background, other diseases will appear.
Any baking baking will cause a pet fermentation in the intestines, bloating, abdominal pain. And eating raw dough is fraught with a twist of the intestines, the outcome can be deplorable.
Salt food, seasonings Salt is not safe for dogs. They have a lot of salty food. water-salt balance is disturbed, the kidneys sit down, pressure increases. Also, do not give products with seasonings, because they worsen the sense of smell of the animal.
In sausages and smoked products (cheese, fish, fat) contain substances that adversely affect metabolism and pancreatic function in pets. Smoking irritates the mucosa. In addition, they contain a lot of salt, which, as we mentioned above, is not good for dogs.
All products that contain pepper, vinegar and other spices are strictly prohibited. This is ketchup, mustard, various sauces and canned food. They damage the mucous membrane of the animal.
Onions and garlic These products also lead to irritation of the stomach mucosa and cause acute poisoning. In addition, garlic can lead to heart disorders.
Adult dogs do not digest milk sugar, which can lead to strong digestive disorders. Some experts argue that low-fat boiled milk can sometimes pamper your pet, but do not do it often. By the way, goat milk is safer, because it has less lactose and is better absorbed.
Raw eggs Raw eggs are dangerous salmonella, and in large quantities suppress the production of vitamin B7 in the animal's body.
Raw river fish First, almost all the tissues of raw river fish contain parasites. And secondly, the sharp bones can get stuck in the throat and esophagus, damage the gastrointestinal tract of the dog.
Boiled and raw bones In the intestines of the animal, they are stratified into small sharp scales that get lost in a coma in the rectum. It can be serious. digestive problems. Especially dangerous are the tubular bones of birds, bones of rabbits and sheep. They are very hard, and when they are crushed, sharp fragments form. esophageal.
Mushrooms in any form This product is not digested by dogs at all and can cause a sharp digestive disorder.
Under the ban for dogs are such crops as barley, millet, corn, wheat and manca.
Raw white cabbage and broccoli Cabbage in raw form will cause the dog bloating and severe discomfort in the stomach. Broccoli contains isocyanate, which causes severe irritation of the stomach and intestines, this substance is dangerous for pets.
Some fruits and berries Fruits such as kiwi and pineapples cause allergies, rashes and swelling of the mucous membrane in the animal. Grapes and raisins are also dangerous for the dog.
Avocado contains the enzyme Persin, which is a fungicide. Due to the small amount for humans, this substance is not harmful, but for a dog highly toxic.
Potatoes contain hidden sugar in the form of starch and beef, which acts as a toxin. This is a complex growing poison that contains all nightshade crops (potatoes, eggplant, tomato, pepper). Salmon is not destroyed by heat treatment. It is safe for humans because of its low concentration, but it is forbidden for animals.
Legume cultures swell They increase sugar levels because of their starch content.
There are foods that can be given to dogs in small quantities. cautiously.
Now you know, what not to give to dogs. Remember that proper nutrition is the key to good health and long years of life of the pet. Pamper your four-legged friend wisely and in case of any doubt, seek advice from a veterinarian.

Because of improper nutrition, the health of pets is greatly deteriorating. Human food in the diet can lead to unpleasant, even dangerous consequences. Stones on the teeth, bad breath, colitis, disorders, impaired kidney and liver function are only a small part of a large list. If you want your pet to live a long and happy life, Don't give him the following foods..
Sweets, especially chocolate, lead to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay. The most dangerous thing is chocolate. It causes serious poisoning of the animal. And if the dog eats a lot of chocolate, it can even be fatal. Therefore, you always need to make sure that the dog can not get to the treat on his own.
Fatty food is bad for the pancreas and liver of the animal. Moreover, the constant consumption of fatty foods obesityAgainst this background, other diseases will appear.

Any baking baking will cause a pet fermentation in the intestines, bloating, abdominal pain. And eating raw dough is fraught with a twist of the intestines, the outcome can be deplorable.
Salt food, seasonings Salt is not safe for dogs. They have a lot of salty food. water-salt balance is disturbed, the kidneys sit down, pressure increases. Also, do not give products with seasonings, because they worsen the sense of smell of the animal.
In sausages and smoked products (cheese, fish, fat) contain substances that adversely affect metabolism and pancreatic function in pets. Smoking irritates the mucosa. In addition, they contain a lot of salt, which, as we mentioned above, is not good for dogs.

All products that contain pepper, vinegar and other spices are strictly prohibited. This is ketchup, mustard, various sauces and canned food. They damage the mucous membrane of the animal.
Onions and garlic These products also lead to irritation of the stomach mucosa and cause acute poisoning. In addition, garlic can lead to heart disorders.
Adult dogs do not digest milk sugar, which can lead to strong digestive disorders. Some experts argue that low-fat boiled milk can sometimes pamper your pet, but do not do it often. By the way, goat milk is safer, because it has less lactose and is better absorbed.

Raw eggs Raw eggs are dangerous salmonella, and in large quantities suppress the production of vitamin B7 in the animal's body.
Raw river fish First, almost all the tissues of raw river fish contain parasites. And secondly, the sharp bones can get stuck in the throat and esophagus, damage the gastrointestinal tract of the dog.
Boiled and raw bones In the intestines of the animal, they are stratified into small sharp scales that get lost in a coma in the rectum. It can be serious. digestive problems. Especially dangerous are the tubular bones of birds, bones of rabbits and sheep. They are very hard, and when they are crushed, sharp fragments form. esophageal.

Mushrooms in any form This product is not digested by dogs at all and can cause a sharp digestive disorder.
Under the ban for dogs are such crops as barley, millet, corn, wheat and manca.
Raw white cabbage and broccoli Cabbage in raw form will cause the dog bloating and severe discomfort in the stomach. Broccoli contains isocyanate, which causes severe irritation of the stomach and intestines, this substance is dangerous for pets.
Some fruits and berries Fruits such as kiwi and pineapples cause allergies, rashes and swelling of the mucous membrane in the animal. Grapes and raisins are also dangerous for the dog.

Avocado contains the enzyme Persin, which is a fungicide. Due to the small amount for humans, this substance is not harmful, but for a dog highly toxic.
Potatoes contain hidden sugar in the form of starch and beef, which acts as a toxin. This is a complex growing poison that contains all nightshade crops (potatoes, eggplant, tomato, pepper). Salmon is not destroyed by heat treatment. It is safe for humans because of its low concentration, but it is forbidden for animals.
Legume cultures swell They increase sugar levels because of their starch content.

There are foods that can be given to dogs in small quantities. cautiously.
- Nuts. Some types of nuts are dangerous for dogs. These include macadamia and nutmeg. Walnuts are allowed to give one or two pieces a week. This type of fruit often leads to dog poisoningThe mould of the nucleus may contain toxins. It is also necessary to clean the nut so that the fragments of the shell eaten do not lead to intestinal obstruction. Almonds, for example, are also prone to mold formation, which is not noticeable in small quantities, but can have a negative effect on the pet's nervous system. In addition, nuts are hard to digest by the dog’s stomach. Is it worth pampering your pet with nuts? Maybe better. choose. . which carries no risks.
- Eggs. As we said, it is better not to give raw eggs. As for boiled, it is permissible to pamper the dog: 1-2 boiled eggs or omelets can be offered to the pet a couple of times a week.
- Bananas It is allowed to be given as a treat, but in very small quantities.
- Frozen. It has a positive effect on the joints of the animal, but it should be prepared according to a special recipe. The amount should be limited - about 30-50 grams per day.

Now you know, what not to give to dogs. Remember that proper nutrition is the key to good health and long years of life of the pet. Pamper your four-legged friend wisely and in case of any doubt, seek advice from a veterinarian.
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