Products from our table, which can kill the dog
Human food can be dangerous for dogs, even if it is edible for us.
Some foods from the list can lead to disease of the dog, and even death.
And if you love your dog and want it to remain your faithful friend for a long time, don't give her the products listed below.
And explain to your children that the dog shouldn't
So, do not feed the dogs next:
1. Chicken bone
Seventy three million four hundred eleven thousand three
Dogs love to chew bones, but don't give them chicken. Chicken bones can cause choking. When chewed, jagged pieces can become stuck in the throat and gastrointestinal tract, possible rupture of the intestine. Keep in mind that even if you give your dog these foods before, it doesn't necessarily mean that she will always be able to cope with them. Some foods produce a combined effect, this means that one day, another piece from the table can be the last straw.
2. Avocado
Seventy two million five hundred fifteen thousand four hundred thirty nine
High fat content is not good for dogs, but avocados are not the answer. Its fruit, leaves and seeds contain a substance called persin, which may cause some health problems for your dog, including diarrhea, vomiting and cardiac arrest.
3. Raw meat, fish
Forty eight million four hundred forty two thousand fifteen
It is a tradition to throw the meat to the dog. But raw meat contains an incredibly large number of harmful bacteria, including E. coli and Salmonella, more than cooked or prepared dog food. In addition, many parasites of fish, very harmful, raw. All meat should be cooked well and handled with special care.
4. Raw egg
Twenty two million seven hundred seventy five thousand forty
Raw eggs can cause food poisoning, because they can be infected with helminths. Of course, you can give her your protein drink, but remember that the same number of bacteria may be undetected and can cause poisoning in dogs. In addition, raw eggs contain the enzyme avidin, which blocks the vitamin B which will lead to problems with hair and skin of your dog.
5. Xylitol (artificial sweetener)
Eighty seven million ninety thousand nine hundred thirty seven
Xylitol can cause low blood sugar, which can lead to weakness, vomiting, collapse. These symptoms, in turn, can trigger insulin production, which will lead to liver failure. Just a few days will pass before you see signs of hepatic failure. This sugar substitute can be found in many foods, candies without sugar, chewing gum, toothpastes, and various baked goods.
6. Grapes (including raisins and currants)
Eighty two million three hundred fifty eight thousand one hundred thirty six
Raisins, grapes and currants contain an unknown compound that can cause kidney failure in dogs, which of course leads to death. Raisins are often found in cakes and biscuits, so please don't give the cakes to the dogs.
7. Macadamia nuts
Six million one hundred fifty six thousand four hundred twenty one
Six raw or roasted macadamia nuts and your dog got sick, a few more pieces and she will die. These types of nuts (whether it's roasted, raw or in oil) have an unknown toxin that causes numerous health problems in dogs, swollen limbs, weakness, tremors and heavy breathing. Macadamia nuts are often in cookies, keep this in mind when giving the dog the leftovers.
8. Corn on the cob
Forty six million two hundred thirty three thousand thirty three
Want to share your meal with a dog, but not the corn! This can lead to blockage of the intestine. When ingested, the corn may swell, and her undigested remnants, will fall into the lower digestive tract. If not removed surgically, the dog will die. (Same thing with the peach and plum)
9. Theobromine (an alkaloid contained in cocoa and chocolate and coffee)
Ninety one million six hundred thirty seven thousand eight hundred eighty one
Chocolate is great, isn't it? And many people just die without him. But it's not for your dog. And coffee and chocolate contain theobromine, which will lead to the suffering of dogs, including vomiting, diarrhoea, convulsions, excessive thirst, excessive urination, breathing problems, hyperactivity, disturbances of the heartbeat, and even death. Even true white chocolate is deadly to dogs.
10. Alcohol, even beer
Ninety one million eight hundred thirty six thousand three hundred twenty seven
Alcohol, even if this beer can be lethal to dogs. Some people think it's fun to watch the animals in a state of intoxication, but it is very cruel. After drinking alcohol in dogs can cause vomiting, impaired breathing, lack of coordination, abnormal blood acidity, loss of consciousness and death.
This is due to the fact that people can give the dog human dose, which is able to literally kill a dog in hours.
There are many other products that are harmful to your pet, which can cause health problems, but the above products are the most dangerous of them. Some of them can kill your dog quickly if not instantly.
Source: /users/104