What to do if your dog is sick
It is very important that people could provide first medical aid to his four-legged friend while swiftly, decisively, and competently. To do this, you must learn to carry out simple manipulation:
The measurement of body temperature of zhivotnovod this purpose use ordinary medical thermometer. Before the definition of body temperature is necessary to reduce the scale of the thermometer and lubricate it mercury the end with vaseline or soap and scrolling to enter into the anus so that it was in the rectum. Keep the thermometer in the rectum about 5-7 min. Normal temperature in a dog 38,0—39,5 °C.
The definition of the color of the mucous blocksome fingers pull the lower eyelid down and carefully inspect the mucosa. Then lift the upper lip and define the color of the oral mucosa. In a healthy animal, the color of the mucous membranes pale pink. In various diseases can be dark red, white, bluish, yellow.
The introduction of drugs worlds this you need to have a medicine glass with warm water and a tablespoon. Left hand hug the neck of the dog, get a hand under jaw, thumb on one side index and middle on the other much pressure on the cheeks between the upper and lower jaws. Right hand, put in a spoon a pill and pour a little water from a glass. Sharply lifting her head up to the dog, pour the contents on the tongue and quickly shut her mouth, but the head does not lower, bale dog not grab.
Setting cosmids it is necessary to prepare a warm solution consisting of soap, starch mucus, rice-water, weak solution of potassium permanganate, a strong decoction of herbs, etc., to collect it into a syringe or special bottle, mug. The end is lubricated with vaseline or soap. Fix the animal in the supine position (on left side) or standing and slow rotational movements of the end of the syringe or a rubber hose to enter as deeply as possible into the rectum, gradually squeeze out the contents. If enema and injected nutrient solution in a small amount, immediately after removing the syringe tip from the rectum to the tail of the dog should be pressed against the anus and hold for 15-20 min.
Calling to rotatational the dog, how the introduction of drugs inside, to open the jaws and on the tongue to pour one teaspoon or tablespoon of dry table salt, with your head raised up high should not be. Strong stimulation of taste buds of the tongue causes vomiting.
Subcutaneous to injectiondate on dog muzzle. Dial the medication into the syringe and to prepare a cotton swab moistened with alcohol or iodine solution. Lock the dog in any position or to press it against the wall. Wipe the skin with cotton wool in the neck in front of or behind the scapula, to pull a fold of skin and into the formed pocket to stick the needle and then inject the medicine.
Intramuscularly to injectiondate on dog muzzle. Dial the medication into the syringe. To fix the dog. The skin at the back of the thigh (hind limb) treated with a cotton swab to stick a needle at all or half the length in the thickness of muscle and gradually enter the drug.
Thus, a good host should know what to do if his dog got sick. But there are cases when it is better not to try to help the animal, but should seek professional veterinary care in a veterinary clinic.
Source: vetsait.com