How to choose the mandarins: the hidden dangers of fragrant fruit.
Mandarins - the most popular fruits in the winter. Still, after all, even the flavor of the Cumulative citrus improves mood!
But how to make sure that the holiday is not over the hospital? Food poisoning fruits - not uncommon in our time. Therefore, «Website» says that we all need to know the rules of selection of quality tangerines.
How to choose a tangerine The dangers in the skin
Before use, mandarins should be washed! Many people think that once we clean mandarin, and then wash it is not necessary. But be careful: a lot of danger lies in the peel mandarins. Carriers coated green fruit ethylene, which refers to the toxic substance and accumulates in the liver. These mandarins sticky to the touch. When cleaning the fruit all the harmful substances get on your hands, and then the flesh. Do not clean your teeth tangerines.
Tangerines with green spots indicate the fruit disease. Unnatural waxy sheen on the skin means that the mandarins treated with fungicides. This is done to protect the fruit from a fungus. However, high doses of fungicides can cause renal failure. Especially their detrimental effect is enhanced by the use of hard liquor. The surface should be rough tangerine from nature.
Peremorozhennye fruits
When you click on the fruit, are dents from fingers. Mandarins seem wet. This means that they are much frozen. Eat these fruits are not advised.
fruit fly larvae
Mediterranean flies - dangerous pests. They eat the peel of fruits and vegetables. Traces of the larvae can be seen on the skin of a tangerine in areas of decay and bloom. When used in food such tangerines, there is a risk of contracting parasites larvae and get poisoned.
Pronounced citrus aroma - One of the main features of the fruit quality. Each variety has a unique taste of tangerines. If you are a lover of sweets, choose the Spanish mandarins. They are seedless and have a bright orange color. Turkish mandarins yellowish, and sour.
Mandarins from Morocco appearance reminiscent of oranges. They are incredibly sweet. Mandarins from Abkhazia have bones, easy to clean, with juicy sweet-sour taste.
These tips are especially important today, so sharing your pictures with your friends!
But how to make sure that the holiday is not over the hospital? Food poisoning fruits - not uncommon in our time. Therefore, «Website» says that we all need to know the rules of selection of quality tangerines.

How to choose a tangerine The dangers in the skin
Before use, mandarins should be washed! Many people think that once we clean mandarin, and then wash it is not necessary. But be careful: a lot of danger lies in the peel mandarins. Carriers coated green fruit ethylene, which refers to the toxic substance and accumulates in the liver. These mandarins sticky to the touch. When cleaning the fruit all the harmful substances get on your hands, and then the flesh. Do not clean your teeth tangerines.

Tangerines with green spots indicate the fruit disease. Unnatural waxy sheen on the skin means that the mandarins treated with fungicides. This is done to protect the fruit from a fungus. However, high doses of fungicides can cause renal failure. Especially their detrimental effect is enhanced by the use of hard liquor. The surface should be rough tangerine from nature.

Peremorozhennye fruits
When you click on the fruit, are dents from fingers. Mandarins seem wet. This means that they are much frozen. Eat these fruits are not advised.

fruit fly larvae
Mediterranean flies - dangerous pests. They eat the peel of fruits and vegetables. Traces of the larvae can be seen on the skin of a tangerine in areas of decay and bloom. When used in food such tangerines, there is a risk of contracting parasites larvae and get poisoned.

Pronounced citrus aroma - One of the main features of the fruit quality. Each variety has a unique taste of tangerines. If you are a lover of sweets, choose the Spanish mandarins. They are seedless and have a bright orange color. Turkish mandarins yellowish, and sour.
Mandarins from Morocco appearance reminiscent of oranges. They are incredibly sweet. Mandarins from Abkhazia have bones, easy to clean, with juicy sweet-sour taste.
These tips are especially important today, so sharing your pictures with your friends!
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