Why moderation is important in eating tangerines

Among all the citrus fruits known to us, the most popular is mandarin. This fragrant and juicy fruit is available all year round, is associated with the New Year holidays, so it is so loved by children and adults.

Citrus fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, which is necessary in the fight against viruses and colds. The use of these fruits lifts the mood, reduces irritability, relieves seasonal spices and prevents the appearance of cancer.


But not everyone can always eat tangerines. The composition and properties of mandarin can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

Despite its delicious taste and indisputable useful qualities, these citrus fruits can harm the body. In particular, tangerines greatly increase acidity and irritate the mucous membrane of the intestine and stomach. Sometimes even a few tangerines eaten can cause serious damage to health.

  1. Experts do not recommend using tangerines for people prone to allergies to citrus fruits. Even a small piece can cause a rash, headache, itching, laryngeal swelling with suffocation, and all this with possible negative consequences for internal organs.

  2. Mandarins in diabetes increase blood sugar levels. Therefore, people suffering from this disease are allowed to eat no more than 2-3 tangerines per day.
  3. Those who suffer from duodenal ulcers and stomach, experts advise to completely abandon tangerines, as this can only aggravate the condition of the disease. 959275

  4. To limit the use of tangerines need people with kidney disease. In the composition of these fruits there is an acid that provokes the release of stones from the kidneys. If the stones are large, surgery will be required.
  5. The use of tangerines should be excluded in hepatitis, cholecystitis and jade. Like other citrus fruits, tangerines can have a harmful irritating effect on the mucous surface of the esophagus and stomach.

  6. During pregnancy, when the baby has already formed all the organs and it continues to grow, tangerines can not be abused. More. pregnancyThe greater the danger.
  7. Pediatricians do not recommend giving tangerine under 1 year of age. You can start after 1 year with one lobe, gradually increasing the portion, bringing to a whole mandarin. But if the child’s skin reacts with redness and rashes, wait until 2-3 years.

  8. Mandarin is quite a high-calorie product. It is high in sugar, which can harm those who are prone to fullness.

Except for gastrointestinal diseases, any citrus fruits can not be used if you have some features.

Restriction on citrus fruits
  1. There is a tendency to allergies, eczema and other skin diseases.
  2. I recently had a nervous breakdown. In this case, citrus fruits will provoke an allergic reaction.
  3. Taking drugs to treat hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
  4. You are going to brush your teeth after eating citrus fruits. This weakens the tooth enamel and destroys it.


Can I eat tangerines?If you really want to, but there are contraindications? Doctors believe that it is permissible to eat 2-3 slices of mandarin. But not with exacerbations of diseases.

Don't try your luck. Even if you have no contraindications, this does not mean that you can eat citrus fruits in large quantities. Of course, they have a lot of vitamins, but you need to follow the measure.


Remember: any fruit is dangerous to eat without first washing under running water. Store products are treated with a special solution for rotting, and unwashed fruit can cause poisoning.

Do you love sweets so much that you are not afraid to risk your health for the sake of pleasure? Tell me how you use citrus fruits so that they do good, not harm. Share this article on your page by clicking on “Share on Facebook”.


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