What is useful tangerine peel
For many of us, the smell of tangerines is strongly associated with the anticipation of the New Year’s miracle. As it turned out, the phytoncides and essential oils contained in the peel of orange fruits not only give a great mood, but also help to fight a lot of diseases.
Next time you buy tangerines, don’t throw away their skin. "Site" It will tell you about seven common health problems with which these fragrant crusts cope no worse than some drugs.
Only 6 grams of mandarin peel in dried form by 14% satisfy the daily human need for vitamin C. Due to the content of beta-carotene, mandarin peel is useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The flavonoid hesperidin contained in it protects the body from viruses, inflammation, has antiallergic properties.
The aroma of essential oil obtained from the skin of ripe fruits, relieves fatigue, extinguishes irritability, stimulates the nervous system, soothes, reduces the feeling of fear.
Etheric tangerine It also improves skin color, tones, refreshes, smooths wrinkles, is suitable for oily and combined skin, helps with rashes. It also prevents the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite, especially in combination with neroli and lavender oil.
Before you prepare peel or eat a mandarin, wash the citrus well, scrape it with a sponge for washing dishes. Only well peeled, and then brewed citrus crusts will benefit.
Mandarin crusts from 7 diseases
Now you know, What is useful tangerine peel. However, citrus fruits, including tangerines, can be strong allergens, and their abuse can adversely affect diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, those who suffer from gastritis, ulcer or cholecystitis, it is better not to abuse tangerines.
Unfortunately, on the shelves very often get tangerines that were improperly stored or treated with harmful substances. Therefore "Site" He believes that we all just need to familiarize ourselves with the rules for choosing quality tangerines.
Millions of people around the world start their morning with orange or orange juice. But we, without hesitation, completely undeservedly send the peel of orange to the trash. We will tell you how to make many useful things from orange crusts and tangerines, ranging from cleaning products to body scrubs.

Next time you buy tangerines, don’t throw away their skin. "Site" It will tell you about seven common health problems with which these fragrant crusts cope no worse than some drugs.
Only 6 grams of mandarin peel in dried form by 14% satisfy the daily human need for vitamin C. Due to the content of beta-carotene, mandarin peel is useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The flavonoid hesperidin contained in it protects the body from viruses, inflammation, has antiallergic properties.

The aroma of essential oil obtained from the skin of ripe fruits, relieves fatigue, extinguishes irritability, stimulates the nervous system, soothes, reduces the feeling of fear.

Etheric tangerine It also improves skin color, tones, refreshes, smooths wrinkles, is suitable for oily and combined skin, helps with rashes. It also prevents the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite, especially in combination with neroli and lavender oil.
Before you prepare peel or eat a mandarin, wash the citrus well, scrape it with a sponge for washing dishes. Only well peeled, and then brewed citrus crusts will benefit.
Mandarin crusts from 7 diseases
- bronchitis
If you have bronchitis, take three tablespoons of tangerine crusts, pour two glasses of very hot water, let it brew for a couple of hours and then strain. Add some honey and drink this infusion throughout the day.
DepositPhotos - Dry cough
Tincture of mandarin peel is an excellent tool for liquefying and removing sputum with a dry cough. Pour the peel of one mandarin with a glass of vodka and insist in a dark place for a week. Take 20 drops 3 times a day before meals. - Sniffle
Mandarin skin will help you with a stuffy nose. Place the skin of 2-3 tangerines in a bowl of boiling water. Give a couple of minutes to stand, and then for 10 minutes inhale rising above the bowl of steam, alternately changing the nostrils.
DepositPhotos - Diabetes
A decoction of mandarin peels reduces blood sugar levels. To prepare the product, you need to remove the skin from three fruits of medium size and boil for 10 minutes in 1 liter of water. No need to strain the broth. Place it in the refrigerator and take it daily in the morning and evening after meals. - Cancer prevention
Citrus peels contain significantly more antioxidants than squeezed juice. This allows you to prevent the processes of cell mutation, protecting the body from neoplasms. It has been experimentally proven that people who consume black tea with dry tangerine and orange crusts reduce the risk of skin cancer by 50-70%. It's all about the content of salvestrols - substances produced by citrus fruits as a protective reaction to fungi, viruses, bacteria and have a detrimental effect on cancer cells.
DepositPhotos - Improving digestion
Mandarin crusts increase immunity, and also improve appetite and digestion. Rub the dry crusts into powder and add to salads, cereals, cottage cheese and other products. This will help get rid of flatulence and stomach pain. - Getting rid of the fungus
Just rub your toenails and fingers with fresh tangerine peel twice a day. The fungus will disappear quickly!
Now you know, What is useful tangerine peel. However, citrus fruits, including tangerines, can be strong allergens, and their abuse can adversely affect diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, those who suffer from gastritis, ulcer or cholecystitis, it is better not to abuse tangerines.
Unfortunately, on the shelves very often get tangerines that were improperly stored or treated with harmful substances. Therefore "Site" He believes that we all just need to familiarize ourselves with the rules for choosing quality tangerines.
Millions of people around the world start their morning with orange or orange juice. But we, without hesitation, completely undeservedly send the peel of orange to the trash. We will tell you how to make many useful things from orange crusts and tangerines, ranging from cleaning products to body scrubs.